Volume 3 Chapter 1 Part 4

But even if she learned all about them it does not mean that she could execute all of the etiquette very well.

「The reason why I invited you to come here with me today was so that you could get used to these kind of places, Lord Theo. You might be a simple Knight now, but not that long ago you held the rank of a Viscount, so there is no reason for you to not behave proudly and hold your head high during this Lord’s Conference. 」

「If by that you mean that I should behave more like I usually do, then I think I will manage just fine. 」

「That is all right. You are already plenty proud already after all. 」

Siluca nodded while staring at Theo.

Even in the presence of the Vampire King Dimitri, he was completely unfazed. He did not show any signs of fear or bravado, and behaved calmly and like he always did.

. From the moment they met, Siluca thought he would make a good Lord, but Theo continued to grow beyond Siluca’s expectations with each passing day.

「Anyway, during meetings like these, it is all about the elegance. Now tell me, are you good at dancing by any chance, Lord Theo? 」

「Me, good at dancing? No way. This is the first time I have ever seen people dancing from up close. 」

Theo shrugged his shoulders and looked back to the center of the ballroom, where Vilar, the host of today’s feats had just began the first dance together with Margaret, the main character of this day.

Siluca also turned her gaze to the two of them.

Rumor has it that Vilar was actually a master when it comes to dancing, and true to the rumors, his dance with Margaret was nothing short of splendid.

.Judging from his usual atmosphere, she thought that Vilar would be more of a slow dancer, but his lead was surprisingly powerful and violent. Each step and every movement was big and powerful, making the onlookers feel as if they were the ones who were being led, and he was doing all of that while drawing perfect arcs on the dancefloor and not letting his sight off his partner for even a single second.

Margaret, on the other hand, responded just as passionately as she looked. Her body was close to Villar at all times, and her limbs moved as if they were entwined with his. The way her red hair and crimson dress flashed was just like the personification of fire. It looked like she was about to swallow her partner with her flames and burn him until there was nothing left of him… However, Vilar freely manipulated the flames that were enveloping him as if he was wearing them like a cloak.

The orchestra was playing an intense song, as if it was inspired by their dance.

Vilar and Margaret continued to dance as if they were challenging one another. Soon they were both sweating, and there were even signs of faint steam coming from both of their bodies. At first it looked like they were going to be at it all night long, but once the fifth song came to an end, Vilar separated himself from Margaret and knelt in front of her as if he was to receive a Crest from her, and then he took her hand and placed a respectful kiss on it.

It seemed that he would continue like this all through the night, but after the fifth song, as if by arrangement, Villar separated from either of them. , respectfully kissed.

When that happened, the ballroom was filled with thunderous applause that lasted for a good long while before it finally faded.

「No matter how you look at it, you have to admit that the two of them look good together… 」

Siluca muttered, continuing her applause.

「They certainly do. 」

Theo nodded his head affirmatively.

「Do you not want to be the same in front al all these people? 」

「Huh? 」
Siluca glanced at Theo.

(To be the same? There is no way I could ever do that.)

But then, Theo suddenly grabbed Siluca’s hand.

「Y-Yes? W-What is it, Lord Theo? 」
At that moment, Siluca could hear her own heart beating considerably louder.

「Let us dance! 」

As soon as Theo said so, he walked to the center of the ballroom where Villar and Margret had been performing a splendid dance until just now.

「Eh! You want to dance? Like, right now?! 」

Siluca hurriedly said as Theo already took hold of her hand.

「If you want to practice dancing, then why we do not do a little dancing in the corner secretly after everyone else starts dancing? 」

「No, now is our only chance. After Lord Vilar and Lady Margaret danced like that, there is no way that anyone who is going to be dancing after them is not going to look inferior in comparison, so if we dance now, we will not be judged as harshly as we would have been judged otherwise… 」

「I do not think that this is how this is supposed to work! 」

However, Siluca was also able to sense what Theo’s intentions were here. Essentially, since the first dance of the evening was as amazing as it was, then there is no way that anyone could possibly hope to come even remotely close to catching up to it, and that is what led Theo to believe that they, objectively the two of the worst dancers in this ballroom, should dance now, but with everyone’s attention focused on them, there is no way that they are not going to be laughed at.

However, it would seem that Theo has already made up his mind about this, so Siluca had no other way but to prepare herself for what was about to come. Ignoring the reactions of those around her, she told herself that all she should be focusing on right now is to enjoy dancing with Theo.

Then Theo and Siluca began to dance in an awkward manner while stuttering every other step. The laughter erupted all around them almost immediately and only grew louder as the song progressed.

Siluca was so embarrassed that she wanted to disappear then and there, but Theo was serious about this the entire time. It was definitely the first time he has seen an intricate dance like that, but he nevertheless managed to recreate Vilar’s intricate and precise steps to a passable degree.

「There are easier steps you could go with, you know? 」

Siluca put her face close to Theo’s ear and whispered into it. And then, with her hand around Theo’s waist, she started teaching him about the proper rhythm of the song that was currently playing in the background.

「Please move your feet according to the music, just the way I am doing now. 」

「I see! So that is why our legs were getting tangled together so much? 」

Besides their legs getting tangled tangled, Siluca had her feet stepped on by Theo and was also kicked on her shins many times, but It was not long before Theo found a proper rhythm and his steps stabilized.

「Just a little longer, please bring your body closer to me. 」

Siluca whispered into his ear yet again

「Is it alright? 」

「Yes, exactly. Just like that. 」

Siluca replied with her face blushing, since Theo has been asking some rather embarrassing questions without even realizing it. And to make matters worse, he came so close to Siluca that the two of them were practically embracing each other right now.

(H-He is way too close!)

Siluca thought, but if she said that right now, Theo would definitely separate himself from her right now, and she did not want that.

Just then, the orchestra began playing a quiet tune. It can be said that it was very thoughtful of them, but it can also be said that it was incredibly mean of them.

Reluctantly, Siluca told Theo to dance to the song in a slow rhythm.

「Do not just look at your feet. 」
Even though Siluca was stunned, she looked at Theo with a smile. The song that was being played right now was the one that lovers dance to, so if Theo is not going to meet her gaze, he sis only going to embarrass her even more.

「O-Okay, I get it. 」

Theo hurriedly brought his face closer to hers as per her instructions.

(T-Too close. That is way too close!)

They were so close to each other right now that their foreheads and noses were about to literally bump into one another.

After repeating such exchanges several times, they were finally able to perform what could be said to be a decent dance.

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