Volume 3 Chapter 2 Part 4

Milza said calmly.

「That would be an ideal scenario, but you are definitely going to need soldiers to make it happen. If you would like, should I send a mercenary army together with you? 」

Lassic offered Milza his aid expressionlessly, but not bcause he was worried that Milza would die if he went alone. No, he was doing that becausehe was not in the mood for m=taking any sort of responsibility if something ever happened to Milza.

The mercenaries led by Captain Grak hired more reinforcements from the main army in Elam, and now numbered more than fifty people, and there are also 10 Artists among them now.

「I alone will be more than enough. 」

Milza shook his head sullenly.

「Okay, suit yourself. Just make sure that you are not going to overdo it, okay? 」

Lassic turned his gaze to Vilar, confirmed that the Earl expressed his approval for this idea, and then answered Milza.

「Well then, we will go first. 」

Lassic and the others bowed to Vilar and after nodding to Theo, and then they returned to the army that he was leading.
When the soldiers from Lassic’s army noticed that Theo came together with the Lord of Selvis, they gave such a loud cheer that was enough to cause the heavens above them to tremble. The military forces of other countries turned around all at once wondering what had happened.

「Look alive boys! We have received some encouraging support from the Earl of Artuk! 」

Lassic surveyed the forces of Selvis, then took Theo’s hand and raised it to the heavens as if to celebrate the return of the king. A loud cheer rose from among the soldiers again.

(Everyone has not forgotten about Lord Theo…)

Siluca’s chest grew hot.

In the recent Battle of Selvis, Theo fought bravely against the Heavy Knights of Waldrind, and was willing to sacrifice everything to protect the position of the independent Lords who sided with him in that conflict. Despite being a young Lord who rose from exile, the Lords of Selvis still recognized Theo as their leader.

「We have heard of your activities in Artuk! 」

「Did you really banish the Vampire King from his castle and become the lord of The Forest of Eternal Darkness? 」

The Lords and soldiers who had fought together at that time came one after another and shook hands with Theo and hugged each other. Even those who did not participate in the Battle of Selvis stared at Theo intently.
「I am happy to be able to fight with everyone again. You are an indomitable army. No matter what enemies stand in your way, you can definitely overcome them! 」

This time Theo was the one who took Lassic’s hand and pushed it up into the sky, causing everyone to chant Theo’s and Lassic’s names alternatively. The two then exchanged a firm handshake and embraced each other strongly.

「If we take control of Falvis, then you will have a way of crossing over to Sistina anytime you want. 」

Lassic said with a big grin on his face.

「Yes, someday I am going to need it for sure. 」

Theo nodded with a smile.

「That being said, I was really hoping that I could take not only Falvis but also Clovis for myself as well. 」

「It would have been the greatest achievement since the time of the Great King, and I am sure that no one else but you would have been capable of doing it. But whatever you do, just make sure to not go bout it slowly. Ideally, I would like to have these two countries on our side before the Lord’s Conference starts. 」
「I understand that we are on a tight schedule here. They say that it is not good to be too greedy with what you wish for, but on the other hand, we are living in a world where it is impossible to survive without at least some amount of greed. 」

Lasik tapped Theo on the shoulder.

「It has been quite a while, Lord Theo. 」

Petr, an independent Lord who managed to obtain the title of Baron for himself walked up to them and greeted Theo politely.

「You look fine, Petr. I have heard the rumors of your exploits as well, but please, make sure that you will not fight too recklessly out there. 」

Theo smiled and pat Petr on the shoulder with encouragement.

This independent Lord who still looks like a young boy managed to obtain and protect his independence as a Lord because of Theo and the time when he was subordinate directly to him. Lassic was the one who found him, took him as his soldier and trained him, but when Lassic became the new King of Selvis, he allowed Petr to go independent instead of making him his subordinate Lord because they both held Theo in equally high esteem.

「Petr~!!! 」

And then, Aishela appeared seemingly out of nowhere and kissed Petr in front of everyone.

「Y-Yes, it has indeed been quite a while since we have last seen each other. 」

Petr looked like he was vaguely dismayed by Aishela’s sudden appearance, but no matter what kind of battlefield he was on or how harsh it would be, he was still trying to carry out his duties diligently from beginning to the end.

「Yes, I was hungry for this softness of yours so much! You honestly have no idea! 」

Aishera says while she was patting Petr quite intensely, but after a while, she suddenly let go of him and went:

「And I was of course dying to meet you guys again as well, even though you are way harder than Petr! 」

… while heading towards a group of mercenaries.

(Aishela is as much of a free spirit as always… )

Siluca thought so to herself without voicing these thoughts out loud, but she was definitely envious of her because she could live while wearing her emotions on her sleeve without a care in the world like that.

Luca thinks from the bottom of his heart. I envy her for being able to live with her emotions.

「Long time no see, Lord Theo. 」

Then a female Lord called out to Theo.

「You are… 」

Theo took a deep breath when he saw her. It was Natalia, the wife of Neman Maudry, one of the Lords who were subordinate to Theo who was killed during the Battle of Selvis.

It is said that Natalia obtained the inheritance from Neman and also inherited the title of Baron Rayo, the Lord from her parents’ house. She was a subordinate Lord of Lassic, and Theo heard that she was now his right-hand man, helping him with the task of uniting the independent Lords of Selvis.

「Is your son doing well? 」

Theo asked Natalia.

「Yes. Thanks to you, I am doing quite well for myself as well. 」

「That’s the most important thing. Please forgive me for not being able to protect your husband when he was serving under me… 」

「No, there is no need for you to apologize, Lord Theo. He was simply fulfilling his duty as a subordinate Lord. 」

Natalia quietly shook her head.
「It is thanks to Lord Neman that the castle did not fall… 」

Because he stayed at one of the side gates to the castle where Theo and his forces have barricaded themselves during the Battle of Selvis and gave up his life to defend it to the bitter end it was possible for all the other soldiers in Theo’s army to unite and withstand the fierce assault of the Heavy Knights of Waldrind.

「Ever since he started serving you, he has been more lively than he has ever been, Lord Theo. I think it is because he has finally found a Lord whom he deemed truly worth serving. 」

「And you can be sure that I will never forget the loyalty that Lord Neman has shown me for the rest of my life. I also promise that I will continue doing my best to become a Lord that can live up to the expectations that he had of me. 」

Saying that, Theo exchanged a hug with Natalia. The people who watched it fell silent one by one and prayed for a moment for the brave soul of Lord Neman Maudy, hoping that he could hopefully find peace and eternal rest in death.

「It is a good army with unity and momentum behind their steps. Is this Theo’s army? 」

Milza asked while admiring the unusual scene that was playing out before his eyes right now.

「These people are all Lord Theo’s genuine companions who have experienced both ups and downs of the battlefield together with him. 」

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