Return of the Fallen Vol1 Ch16




Author: Blue_Rat


Alice stood up and pointed her staff at everyone and shouted.

“Everyone line up at once, I’m going to unlock your power.”

As Alice made her way through everyone unlocking their power one by one, she would use the same method as her Master. Placing a hand on their chest she extended a tendril of her own power and forcibly rotated the energy within the summoned ones, causing their power to be activated. Once it moved within them, only then could they truly perceive it and begin to control it.

Afterward, she would place a ring over one of their fingers and show them how to will their power. This ring she used was a simple magic tool. Its only purpose was to glow if the user of said ring willed their power forth, that was all.

The first person in line was the nerdy young man with glasses. Before Alice touched him though, he quietly whispered.


Alice was already impatient and wanted to hurry along but before she even started someone had already slowed her down. With a cold glare she barked.

“What is it?”

The nerdy young man flinched but still spoke anyway.

“Um…I’ve already had my power unlocked by Master Garn, so this isn’t necessary for me.”

Alice hadn’t expected this and her mood lifted slightly. One less person she had to help and the quicker she could leave, these baby pups to their own devices.

“Oh, good then. Step over to the side and get out of my way. Hmm, is there anyone else who’s power has been unlocked if so then get out of the line and stand over there next to the limp noodle.”

The thin framed nerd took a bit of offense to that but there was no way he was gonna refute anything Alice said.

Besides the nerd, three others stepped out one by one. The first was Kazuki. He had unlocked his powers when he was a child. Although he needed to keep somewhat of a low profile…when it came to someone forcibly extending their energy inside his body and having a look around, well that was something he absolutely couldn’t have. He was going to come up with an excuse when Alice came round to him but the current situation was a nice little gift.

What was a little surprising though were the other two people who stepped out. One was Shin. In Kazuki’s eyes, he could only see Shin as a jokester but it seems there was a little more depth to him. After Shin though, the next person who stepped out was someone Kazuki was all too familiar with, Asuna.

(This fiery redhead, when did she?)

“Hahaha, Ryuta, looks like you and I are tied for now. Oh, your little girlfriend also unlocked her power. Guess this means, me, you, her, and glasses over there are now officially the seniors while everyone else is our junior hahaha.”

Kazuki, Shin, and Asuna stepped out of line and stood next to the glasses kid who shyly introduced himself.

“Hi, I’m Dan, Dan Xiao, I guess we’re gonna be heroes huh?”

Kazuki and Asuna looked at Dan in pity but Shin burst out laughing.

“HAHAHA! Your parents actually named you [timid] talk about picking the perfect name. Tell me, could your parents see the future when they chose that name or did you just decide to live up to it, hahaha.”

Dan’s shoulders sunk slightly with dejection. This is how it always was. Ever since he was small he was already about shy but when people found out that his name meant timid they would make fun of him and cause him to shrink away from people more and more. The number of friends he’s had in life, well, that number after 17 years of life was still zero.

Asuna tried to slap Shin upside the back of the head but he easily avoided it and started laughing even harder.

“Damit Shin I thought you were a nice person but you’re laughing at Dan’s name even though that’s not something he can control. You ass.”

Shin though grinned at Asuna.

“Asuna don’t get so upset, I just couldn’t help myself. I mean we’ve all come to this brand new world full of magic and mystery, as long as the two people you came here with don’t reveal your name you could have said it was anything. Timid over here decided to use his real one though, so of course, I’m laughing.”

This realization hit Dan like a ton of bricks, sinking his mood even further.

Asuna grabbed Dan’s hand in support.

“Dan was it, it’s ok just ignore Shin he thinks he’s funny but he’s just immature. So don’t mind him ok.”

Dan’s cheeks began to turn pink as this was the first time a girl had ever held his hand. All he could do was nod repeatedly with pink cheeks and wide eyes.

Shin squeezed himself in between Asuna and Dan appearing only a few inches away from Dan’s face. Giving both his cheeks a slap he laughed.

“Hahaha, ok ok let’s start over. I’m Miya Shinichi aka Shin and you forget Dan Xiao, you are timid no more I hereby declare from now on you shall be called…mmm… Danny, yea how’s that sound.”

Dan, stood there with his cheeks still stinging in stunned silence. He didn’t know why but Shin smile seemed genuine. Dan couldn’t help but be sucked in with Shin’s pace and nod in agreement.

Shin smiled again.

“Good, Danny it is then. If you ask me between you and Asuna you got the better of the nicknames.”

Asuna was confused.

“Nickname, what nickname?”

“Well seeing as how you have red hair up top then below of course…The choice was simple. It came down between fire bush and fire crotch hahaha.”

Asuna’s face dyed red in an instant. Her emotions kept flipping between embarrassment and pure rage but after a moment her heart settled on rage. With a swing of her fist, she aimed to punch Shin right in the back of the head. The problem with this though was Shin was quite agile and he once again easily avoided Asuna’s blow. Unfortunately though with his dodge, the fist appeared right in front of Danny.


The first thing that went flying was Danny’s glasses, followed by his thin body.


With a bit of dirt kicked up, Danny fell on his back and his head buzzed and spun for a moment. Those in the crowd gasped. They didn’t expect the Danny to actually go flying with a punch, it seems Asuna accidentally used a bit of her power and knocked Danny in the air. Asuna then began to chase Shin around trying to hit him, while he laughed and ran about easily avoiding Asuna’s blows.

Danny’s head cleared and someone stood over him and outstretched a hand. Grabbing it, Kazuki pulled Danny up and introduced himself.

“Hey, I’m Ryuta, sorry about those two. Asuna tends to lose her cool rather easily and Shin, well… Shin is Shin. Danny right, nice to meet you, let’s get along, ok.”

Danny wiped the small amount of blood from the side of his lip and the two shook hands. Although Danny was still a bit in pain, that didn’t stop his heart from fluttering as he thought about a girl holding his hand.

Asuna continued to give chase while all the others were hollering and shouting in excitement at the cat and mouse-like game but their fun was short-lived.


A large gust of wind slammed into both Asuna and Shin, causing them to be picked up and carried back toward Kazuki and Danny.


With a shout of power from Alice, her spell was canceled and Asuna and Shin both came plummeting down from the air. Asuna crashed and landed hard on her ass, while Shin unexpectedly did a somersault and landed almost graceful like on his feet. He smiled at Asuna and teased.

“Bet that felt good.”

The crowd was about to laugh at Shin’s teasing joke but Alice was tired of the two’s banter.

“Stone Shackles!”

Alice called out into the world and the crystal atop her staff shined with a green light. The ground beneath both Asuna and Shin started to transform and a rope made and molded from earth energy, snaked its way out of the ground and wrapped around the two troublemakers. First around the feet then their hands, all the way up until both of their mouths were covered. The two were now bound and could no longer speak which suited Alice just fine.

“You two will stay put and your mouths will remain shut until my work is through, got it? Blink if you understand me.”

Asuna and Shin blinked repeatedly. One was bathed in embarrassment while the other just seemed bored.

Alice rubbed her temples and the headache that was on the verge of forming, with the silence and stillness of the two, finally receded.

Almost thirty minutes later and Alice released a long sigh.


(Finally done.)

Releasing her power, the rope of earth energy dissolved into dust and returned to the ground below.

“You two are lucky you’re heroes otherwise…”

“Otherwise what, my dear apprentice?”

Garn had appeared in the sky and although he didn’t yell, those words were clear as day in everyone’s ears.

Alice looked up, stunned by her Master’s appearance before she retreated timidly a few steps, like a child that was caught red-handed with their hand in the cookie jar.

“No…Um, Master I…Um…I didn’t mean anything, forgive me.”

“Hmph, Alice, do not belittle these people, for they will all surpass you one day. When that time comes they may just come to see you to even the score. What will you do then?”

Alice, shook her head a bit in denial but seeing her Master who appeared upset, she didn’t have the will to refute him and simply whispered.

“Yes, I…I understand.”

Garn who was already in a foul mood from earlier ignored his apprentice and remembered what he came here to do. With his King’s orders, the Kingdom of Treia had to compensate both kingdoms, Jin and Maoudou and so 18 heroes had to be given away to Treia’s allies to keep the peace. Looking down at these treasures that would soon be added to other kingdom’s forces, Garn felt like he himself was losing something important. Shaking his head Garn remained floating in the air as he addressed the people below.

“Summoned ones, it seems for some of you, it is time for you to be on your way.”




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