Return of the Fallen Vol1 Ch22




Author: Blue_Rat


Kazuki remained seated, he had to pretend to use magic the normal way with the ring, whilst just under the table his other hand was unseen and started making hand signs exceptionally fast.

Kazuki could feel the ancient symbols he wrote start to gather power. Using a high amount of focus he pushed this power to his opposite hand and made the ring glow before a small golf-sized fireball materialized and floated above his palm.

Everyone looked at him though and smirked. Asuna pointed at the small golf ball and laughed.

“That’s it, I knew you were full of shit, Ryuta, just like always.”

Kazuki didn’t say anything and let his abilities speak for themselves. One second went by, then two. The orangeish red fireball began to shrink before everyone’s eyes.

Shin teasingly said.

“You can’t even keep its shape how are you supposed to prove anything with such weak abilities?”

Kazuki though continued to maintain his silence. As the golf ball side flame kept getting smaller, its color began to change. From an orangish-red to a shade of blue and a moment after that the flame shrunk once more until it was the size of a seed and was lit with a bright blue.

The heat was so intense that everyone was just now starting to feel a sensation on the surface of their skin, before they could even comprehend whether that feeling was hot or cold, Kazuki flicked the small flame across the cafeteria. The blue flame soared in an arc before striking a metal cooking pot. As though the metal pot was a sheet of paper, the flame tore through it with relative ease. The flame landed in the pot and whatever liquid contained within instantly vaporized into steam and caused a small yet loud explosion.


A cafeteria worker who was closest to the pot screamed and dove to the ground in fright, while a group of soldiers who were enjoying their meal at a nearby table popped up and drew their swords, yelling “enemy attack!”

Kazuki ran over and had to explain the situation to everyone. Bowing repeatedly he apologized profusely telling them he had just learned a new spell and was testing it out when it went out of control.

With that, he got a good yelling at by the soldiers but eventually, they settled down. The cafeteria worker, on the other hand, demanded a new pot. Kazuki, of course, had no money and the two settled on him washing all of the dishes after the meal rush was over.

Kazuki bowed once again and headed back over to the table, where everyone still stood silently in both admiration and awe.

Kazuki was annoyed with everyone’s self-deprecating attitudes so he thought to improve their confidence by at first mocking their abilities. After that he would show them how he improved his own, making them realize what a little out of the box thinking could do for them.

Kazuki smiled at them and said.

“When we first got here and realized this was a world filled with magic it seems we all forgot where we come from. I don’t know whether this is our universe or not but it seems the same scientific principles still hold true in this world and back on earth. I don’t know how magic and science coexist in this world but one thing is for sure. When I apply my scientific knowledge with my magic, the results are increased by several-fold and the opposite is true when the two are separate.”

Dumbfounded was the overall mood currently. Kazuki once more sat down and hid one hand under the table while pretending to send his own power to his ring. The golfball-sized flame once again floated above his palm as he explained.

“What do we know about fire? Fuel plus oxygen plus energy equals an increase in energy, meaning the temperature goes up hence the color of the flame changing. The fuel I use is magic energy, the oxygen is of course from the air around us.”

The flam in Kazuki’s hand shrunk down to the size of a seed and became a bright blue.

“If you’re wondering about the size, it’s nothing too dramatic. Like I said a few seconds ago, the fuel I’m using is my energy itself. In order to increase the temperature, I’m required to use a vast amount of energy. If normally I can summon 10 fireballs before I’m near my limit, then with this small seed of fire I can only summon around three. If I were to increase its size to the regular golf ball size, the consumption of energy goes up exponentially and I would run out before it fully reaches that size. I might even immediately be hit with Mana Fever and collapse. So, in the end, I keep this flame small, just enough to increase its power but not enough to fully deplete me of energy.”

Asuna and everyone else had no reaction, or rather, they didn’t quite know how to react. Some of them simply assumed the basics of science didn’t apply in the same way in this world, while others didn’t even think about science at all. Their thoughts were just completely occupied with other things and it was only now did something seemed to click within their minds, like an [oh yea, science is a thing.].

Had Kazuki never ended up on earth and met his Master Maya, he would have never even heard of science. Maya, though, didn’t want a dumb disciple and filled Kazuki’s head with at least the basics. His knowledge between magic and science still leaned heavily toward magic but because of what his Master had taught him, he could now see a crack in the door of opportunity.

By applying his base of knowledge of science to magic, the creative way he could use magic had shot up dramatically. He was actually very curious as to why Asuna and the others hadn’t thought of this before him.

“Now do you all see why I said you have no imagination. Hehehe, my young padawans, you all have much to learn.”

Shin was the first to snap back to reality and he grinned.

“Hmph, so you’re a Jedi now? You do know that Jedi’s aren’t allowed to bone, right?”

Kazuki was sure he knew the rules in Star Wars and tilted his head in confusion. For some reason, all eyes drifted toward Danny. Danny pushed his glasses up in slight annoyance. Bothered by the fact that everyone just assumed the guy with glasses knew Star Wars lore. With a frustrated sigh, Danny said.


“Actually, in an interview with the creator of Star Wars, Mister George Lucas, he said and I quote [“Jedi were permitted to have sex. Jedi Knights aren’t celibate – the thing that is forbidden is attachments – and possessive relationships.” ] So, yea, Jedi’s can, as you say, bone, but they aren’t supposed to get in relationships nor have attachments. Still, with the way Ryuta acts, as long as girls see his personality, I’m sure he’ll have no problems with keeping girls away, hehe.”

Shin and the rest stared blankly at Danny before they all burst out laughing. Giving a thumbs up Shin said.

“Hehe, I didn’t think it was possible, but Danny, my boy, just small-time roasted Ryuta. Nice one, Daniel San, Mister Miyagi would be so proud.”

Danny slightly blushed from embarrassment but still, he felt good receiving props.

Everyone sat around for the next hour or so in a good mood as they discussed amongst each other and came up with interesting ideas for their powers.

Afterward, everyone went back to either the training field or back to their rooms to test their theories out.

As Kazuki was about to leave the cafeteria though, a group of lunch ladies blocked his path, one staring menacingly at him while pointing a ladle toward the back of the kitchen. Kazuki had forgotten his agreement to clean all of the dishes but there was no way the cafeteria workers would forget and they escorted him to the back post-haste.

The next day, out on the training field, 6 soldiers surrounded Asuna and Kimi. Although everyone wielded wooden weapons the attacks carried out by each soldier was one of precession and skill.

A soldier thrust out a spear toward Kimi’s shoulder and Kimi managed to bring her wooden sword up and with a deflecting blow, she managed to reasonably parry the attack away from her body. Asuna as well was no slouch. Two swords came raining down upon her. With strength in her legs, she squared herself up and put power into her lower back and upper body.


The two blades were stopped and blocked just above her head. As the sensation of their blades caused a small vibration to run through her arms, back, and stomach, Asuna felt a flash of memory ignite within her mind. Something told her to contract her abs and force power through her legs. She lowered herself a few inches and then used the explosive energy in her body to forcefully knock the two blades away. Just as the two soldiers stumbled a step back, again a flash of insight pulsed within her mind and her body moved.

Giving a quick leg sweep, Asuna robbed her two assailants of their balance and they simultaneously fell on their asses. Picking up one of the fallen soldiers’ wooden swords, Asuna stood over the two and pointed the tips of the swords at their throats. With a confident smirk, she proclaimed.

“Looks like this is my win.”

The soldiers on the ground could only shake their heads in pity but the pity was not for themselves. Asuna felt a sharp pain in her side and looked down. Another soldier had come from her blind spot and pushed a wooden blade into her side. The soldier smirked at her confidently and said,

“No, the win is mine. Young hero, please keep in mind that your enemies will surely attack your blindspot.”

Asuna was a little embarrassed and looked over toward Kimi.

“Kimi, you were supposed to have my back, what happened?”

Kimi, though, was already on her back with a sword hanging above her chest. She pouted a bit at Asuna.

“I was supposed to have your back but then who’s supposed to have mine?”

The two began to argue a bit but a sudden howl of pain pierced their ears.


The Karada Cauldron had just been activated.




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