Return of the Fallen Vol1 Ch27




Author: Blue_Rat


“Young man, are you interested in that mask?”

Kazuki held the mask in his hand and examined it. Made from plain wood and painted entirely white, this mask was nothing special. and thought for a moment.

(This will do.)

“How much?”

Settling on a price of two silver, Kazuki bought the mask.

“Thank you for your purchase. Will there be anything else?”

“Hmm, well, I’m new in the city, do you know where a guy can get a drink?”

“Oh, well, welcome to Tresta city. If it’s a place to drink you’re after, there’s plenty. You got the Boar Foot Inn, they got a nice atmosphere there, or the Golden Fen has pretty decent prices, as well as Old Saint Pete’s place, the drinks are cheap but he’s also got deliciously cheap meals there.”

The stall owner began to rattle off name after name, but Kazuki needed something a little more shady if he’s to carry out his plan.

“Those sound well and good, but I’m looking to procure some odd items as well. Do you know of any places like that?”

“I thought you wanted a drink.”

“Well, sometimes just drinking can get boring, no?”

The stall owner smiled mischievously.

“Hehehe, right you are. If you’re looking for things that don’t usually show up in the markets, I know of a certain spot.”

Asuna and Kimi returned after a while and caught up with Shin and the others. They spotted Kazuki talking to a stall owner and were just about to head over when they saw Kazuki nod to the stall owner before placing a plain white mask over his face and walking away.

Asuna waved over at him while calling out to him.

“Ryuta, hey Ryuta, where are you going?”

Kazuki ignored her and began walking further away. Asuna pouted and Kimi chimed in with.

“What’s his problem, ignoring you like that.”

Shin teased.

“He’s probably going to a secret meeting with a lover. Hey, Asuna, should we follow him?”

Asuna pouted further but without responding to Shin she did indeed start to follow after Kazuki.

Shin and the others went as well. Sam remained where he was, his hands and face full of delicious food he had just bought. Blissfully unaware of his friend’s absence. Danny as well stayed or more like he was left behind. He picked up a skewer himself and began stuffing his face angrily.

The hidden agents, on the other hand, were scrambling all over, as some stuck with Sam while others chased after Asuna and the rest, and a few more followed on rooftops after Kazuki.

Kimi walked side by side with Asuna.

“So you’re following him.”

Asuna grunted.

“Hmph, I’m just making sure he doesn’t cause trouble, that’s all.”

Shin again teased.

“More like making sure he doesn’t cheat on you, hahaha.”

Asuna gave a quick backhand to the air behind her, just missing Shin’s head as he ducked out of the way.

“Hehe, If you keep trying to hit me you’ll miss where Ryuta’s going. Look, he’s already almost out of sight.”

Asuna was distracted for only a moment and her target really had almost disappeared.

“Dammit Shin, if I lose him it’ll be all your fault.”

Asuna increased her pass and gave chase. She was gaining on Kazuki but as though he could sense her presence, his speed increased as well and he ran ahead. A zig-zag here, an alley there. Left-right left-right. Asuna felt like he was doing it on purpose. One moment he would cut through the crowd, the next he would take some obscure path. Even the hidden agents were starting to get a headache trying to keep up while staying perfectly hidden from the enemy agents and the citizens below.

Thankfully, after about 20 minutes their chase stopped. Kazuki appeared before a 6 story building. Reading one of the signs in front it said. [The Dancing Gazelle] Kazuki observed a very large and burly man who stood in front of the building with his arms crossed.

Approaching the door the burly man blocked his path.

“Wait just a moment, sir.”

“What is it? Why have you stopped me?”

The man seemed to scan Kazuki up and down for a moment before saying.

“Entrance fee is one silver. If you read this sign here, the rules clearly state no fighting, no harassment of any kind, no touching unless given permission and anything beyond that is to be negotiated between you and those inside. If you agree with these rules, you may enter.”

Kazuki agreed and paid the entrance fee. The burly man nodded and stepped out of the way. As Kazuki passed through the entranceway to The Dancing Gazelle, he could feel something scanning his body and smiled.

(I knew it. The bars here share a similar magical item with the drinking establishments in other cities.)

Just as Kazuki was stepping in, Asuna, Shin, and Kimi had all caught up and they could see the white mask Kazuki wore as he entered the building. Running up to the building the three were just about to head in when the burly man once more stood in front of them.

“Wait just a moment.”

Again the man eyed the people before him but this time he said.

“You three need to leave, no children allowed.”

Asuna and the others stared blankly for a moment. Then she retorted.

“What are you talking about?”

The man keeping his arms crossed looked the three up and down.

“Can’t you read the sign?”

The threes eyes darted around for a moment annoying the burly man. There were dozens of signs and they didn’t know which one he meant. Plus the fact that the language on the sign was written in something they clearly couldn’t read. It’s a good thing the signs were made with magic. The three filled their eyes with magic power and the signs in turn responded.

The words on the sign seemed to rearrange themselves or transform automatically into a language they could all understand. Asuna and the rest had learned earlier that making these signs like this was so cheap and affordable that it would only be a negative not to enhance them with this magical effect.

The city of Tresta wasn’t the only place that did this. Basically, every country did this in a way to increase business opportunities, that way even if you didn’t speak the language as long as you could read you could make transactions there.

Asuna and the others read all of the signs until they came upon which said. [ No admittance to anyone under the age of 18 ]

The three were confused and Shin asked.

“This sign doesn’t make any sense.”

The burly man pointed at each word on the sign one by one with a smirk.

“Which part is confusing? This part here where it says no admittance or maybe its this part here where it says under the age of 18. I can clearly tell you three are not yet 18 and this establishment doesn’t serve minors so buzz off.”

This time it was Kimi who spoke.

“That’s why my friend says your sign doesn’t make any sense. That guy wearing the white mask who entered just a few seconds ago is a friend of ours and he’s only just 17, so how come he was allowed to enter and not us.”

The burly man shook his head.

“That’s where you’re wrong, kiddies. you must be confused; either your friend lied about his age or that wasn’t your friend because like I said no one under 18 enters here.”

“How can we mistake our friend. You’re just being hot and loose with the rules, probably waiting until we get so mad that finally, you pretend to agree to let us in as long as we pay extra or something classic con artist type move but we ain’t gonna fall for it, bro, do you think we’re stupid or something.”

Shin had made complete sense and Asuna and Kimi both agreed, that this must have been some type of tactic or scheme to get more money from them, just so they could get in.

The three began attacking the burly man verbally, pissing him off to no end. Finally, he had had enough as he shouted.

“Fine, you don’t believe me then pay the regular entrance fee and enter, see if I care.”

The three settled down and nodded in satisfaction at one another glad that they outed this cheater and got him to treat them fairly. The three each paid the entrance fee and walked forward. Just as the three stepped into the entrance, they all felt something scan their bodies.

Before any of them could tell what was what a barrier of light blocked their path before with a bit of force it knocked them away from the entrance. Both Kimi and Asuna crash-landed hard on their asses while Shin gracefully landed like a swaying leaf.

Both Asuna and Kimi groaned in pain while the burly man threw his head back and laughed wildly.

“Hahaha, see, I told you but you three didn’t listen. This door may look like a plain jane but there’s more to her than that. This door is a magical item, anyone under the age of 18 and she’ll knock your ass back. Anyone above the age of 18 and she’ll open herself to you like a paid whore, hahaha.”

Asuna stared daggers at the burly man while rubbing her butt in pain. Shin just stood around the door and examined it closely; sure enough, he could feel magical power emanating from the door.

The soldiers who were guarding them had watched this whole scene in silence. They had wanted to interfere but Garn had contacted them and told them to let the young heroes suffer a bit. He told them they have to experience little setbacks every now and again if they were to grow. When asked if this would interfere with their mission to find the spies hidden within their midst, Garn simply said, let them come.

The soldier that had been in charge of guarding Kazuki was told the exact same thing so he had let Kazuki walk in thinking he would be bounced back, to his surprise the exact opposite happened and Kazuki was allowed in. The soldier immediately contacted Garn and Garn just assumed the mask had some magical properties and told the soldier to follow after him and not to worry.

So the soldier did just that.

Inside, the first thing to greet Kazuki was a sweet fragrance of fruits and flowers. The smell tickled his senses giving him a refreshed feeling as he sauntered in. From the ceiling down, there were many long soft fabrics that stretched all the way down to the floor. A few women wearing an almost transparent thin piece of cloth over their mouth and nose danced and swung from the hanging fabric.

There were dozens of couches covered in fluffy pillows of both pink and baby blue. Several men and women flirted and lounged around on these couches. The women wore barely what one would call clothing. Their breasts bulged from their tops and nearly fell out with the slightest of movement, while their thighs revealed themselves every time they crossed their legs.

A few of the women would whisper a few words softly into a man’s ear and his face would flush red or his eyes would light with a flame of burning lust.

An assortment of fruit would be served by the women as they pressed their breasts against the men’s bodies, causing the men to become greedy as they took in the women’s seductive figures with their eyes.

The women drank fruit juice with little no alcohol in it while the men drank hard ale and many other liquors that burned the throat and cleared the nose.

Kazuki only observed for a moment or two but looking at a few of the women he could feel a desire ignite within his chest.

Their skin seemed both supple and soft, Kazuki couldn’t help but imagine just how smooth and perfect they would feel. With their lascivious curves and luscious mounds, Kazuki could feel the blood rushing to a certain place. Feeling his soldier beginning to rise, he quickly used his Ki and was able to lower the flag without incident.

Kazuki continued to look around like a kid in a candy store when a flirtatious angelic-like voice snuck into his ear.

“Are you looking for something?”




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