Return of the Fallen Vol1 Ch35




Author: Blue_Rat


It had been a few days since Kazuki’s drunken adventure and everything had seemingly gone back to normal. On the training field, Asuna was currently facing off against Sam.


Sam swung a two-handed sword nearly 5 feet in length at Asuna’s small frame. Asuna in-kind found the perfect opportunity. Sending her magic into her ring she willed her power forward and roared inwardly.


As Sam’s sword came upon Asuna’s body her ring flashed with light and her body teleported directly behind him. Taking a low stance, Asuna swung her short wooden sword and struck the back of Sam’s knee.


Sam didn’t even make a sound from the impact but still getting hit in the back of his knee caused him to kneel. Asuna smirked and went for the finisher. Bringing her short sword high up she swung down with power.


Before her blade fell upon Sam’s shoulder Sam had taken the hilt of his sword and slammed it into her gut.


Asuna retreated several steps and keeled over in pain. Taking deep breaths she tried her best to recover. Sam stood once more and dashed at Asuna intending to ram her. Asuna tried her best to concentrate and tried to send her power into her ring once more but her lack of breath caused her to panic.


Sam rammed Asuna in her chest with his shoulder and Asuna was thrown several feet before she crashed hard onto the ground.

Sam walked over casually and brought his sword up, ready to finish her.

Asuna roared within her mind repeatedly.

(Blink Blink Blink Come on Blink dammit!)

It was too late. Sam struck the dirt next to Asuna’s head indicating a death blow. It was over. Asuna felt heat bubble up in her head.

(Damn Damn why, why couldn’t I do it.)

Rust walked over and helped her up.

Rust looked between the two and smiled. Sam felt a sense of relief but Asuna was feeling defeat as well as bitterness.

“Do you two know what you did wrong?”

The two stared at one another for a brief moment before simultaneously shaking their heads no. Rust’s smile instantly turned from delight into fury.

*Thunk Thunk*

Rust punched the two on the top of their heads as he yelled at them.

“Idiots, the both of you. Asuna you should have finished him off instantly and stabbed him in the back when you teleported behind him. Instead, you took a big swing from overhead allowing your opponent to not only see your next move but give him enough time to counter it. And Sam, you should have finished her sooner as well. You’re bigger but also slower, your back is currently your biggest weakness. As soon as she disappeared, you should have known where she was aiming.”

Rust shook his head in disappointment. Looking at everyone on the field Rust put a little magic in his voice, causing his voice to project and boom across the entire field.

“You all will face life and death and this pathetic shit will only cause you to see a quick demise. You’re all forgetting basic hit and run tactics as well as showing no mercy and finishing your opponents off immediately. What will you do when this is for real, huh?”

Garn was observing from the sidelines and thought.

(These kids seem to be taking this training seriously but the fire under their asses is nothing but a smoldering, they need something more.)

Just as he thought this, Rust came over to him.

“Garn, we need to step their training up. At this rate, the miasma and the Azirian’s will be upon us in no time and we’ll simply be crushed.”

Garn nodded his head in agreement.

“What do you suggest, exactly? Their magic is getting there but they seem to lose focus rather easily. When it comes to close combat, no matter if it’s swords or fist, I’ve got the least knowledge on the subject so their training in that field is up to you.”

Rust thought for a moment before something came to mind.

“How about the Mirian swamps?”

“Hmm, why that place? The creatures there would outmatch them on basically every level.”

Rust smiled.

“Not if we take them to the outskirts. There the creatures would be just around their level and they can actually have a bit of a challenge but more importantly, they’ll get the feel of killing an opponent.”

Garn didn’t like the idea of putting the heroes through that but the sooner they killed, the sooner they could get used to it. Garn shuddered at himself.

(Haaa, to think I would become so merciless. To forcefully summon these younglings and then force them to learn to kill.)

Garn shook the darkening thoughts away.

(No, this is for Treia. This for the world, for both our worlds.)

“OK Rust, we’ll leave tomorrow at first light. Gather a small force you trust and spread word of this to no one, got it?”

Rust nodded and headed off, while Garn told the young heroes about tomorrow. Afterward, everyone split off and was allowed time to their selves.

Asuna and Kimi decided they would visit a few shops in the city and have some lunch, while Sam and Danny would look at some equipment and armor. Sam enjoyed holding a heavy weapon and wanted to find the heaviest while Danny was more into armor and what could best protect him on the battlefield. Shin wasn’t really fond of heavy swords or gaudy equipment and was more interested in chatting up the ladies and so he decided to join in with Asuna and Kimi. Patting Shin on the shoulder he asked.

“So Ryuta, are you coming with us or going with Sam and Danny?”

Kazuki shook his head.

“Nah I’m gonna relax here and take a break. The other day was a bit too much adventure for me. I don’t think I’m quite over it so Imma just stay in and chill.”

Shin eyed Kazuki suspiciously before laughing.

“Haha, OK guess I’ll see ya later. Asuna, Kimi lets go.”

Shin called out to Asuna and Kimi but the two were already almost a dot in his vision. He quickly chased after the two.

“Hey, wait up wait up.”

Kazuki watched as Shin and a few guards followed after everyone and waited for a moment. After they were all out of sight Kazuki headed for the city himself. A few soldiers ran after him.

“Young Ryuta, I thought you were gonna stay here for the day?”

Kazuki shook his head.

“I changed my mind. I think I’ll go grab a few drinks and then I’ll head back.”

The guards protecting Kazuki couldn’t help but roll their eyes in annoyance.

(Is this young man truly supposed to be a hero?)

Kazuki headed into the city, this time a dozen soldiers stuck close to him with another dozen following behind from hidden places.

Kazuki didn’t care either way. His business no longer required hidden tactics so he beelined straight for the Dancing Gazelle. Once there, Kazuki’s guards couldn’t believe he actually came back here. They hadn’t been told about the mask and just assumed Kazuki had something else on him that allowed him to enter and leave without being kicked out. Even if Kazuki was a hero though, how could they allow an underage person to enter this place under their nose a second time?

“Young Ryuta, you cannot go in there, It is against the law.”

Kazuki ignored his protector’s and approached the burly guard at the entrance. The guard eyed him for a moment before he recognized his face.

“To think the young hero would visit my master’s establishment. Are heroes allowed to come to places such as this? What would the public think, I wonder? Hahaha.”

Kazuki took out a piece of paper and handed it to the burly guard.

“What’s this for?”

“Its a message for your master. Please deliver it for me.”

The guard simply stood there unmoving but Kazuki caught his drift. Pulling out a gold Zeni, Kazuki flicked it over and the burly man caught it. He took out a Zeni of his own and tested it. After confirming it was real, the burly man smiled and said.

“Well, if it’s for a hero, I’ll gladly deliver it, hahaha.”

The soldiers rolled their eyes at the burly man. Only accepting the job as a messenger after getting a Zeni, how greedy can one person be.

After that Kazuki truly did go to a bar albeit different to the one he went to last time. Entering it, he took a seat at a corner and ordered two drinks. Only a few soldiers could come in, otherwise, it would be too suspicious. The ones that did come in wanted to sit next to Kazuki but he shooed them away. Not wanting to draw extra attention they didn’t argue and sat at nearby tables.

Around fifteen minutes later, a hooded figure entered the bar and headed toward Kazuki and the soldiers. Before the figure got to close a few swords were on the verge of being drawn and the figure stopped in place. Kazuki waved the soldiers down.

“There’s no need for that, this girl and I have business.”

A few brows were lifted but the soldiers felt no hostility from the figure and so they released their grips from their hilts but still they were on guard. The figure removed the hood over their head and a bronze mask was revealed.

“Nunully, I thought Lamia would be coming, did she not get my message?”

Nunully shook her head.

“Mother…I mean boss got your message but she had other business to attend to.”

“Other business?”

Nunully’s mask flashed for a moment and the bottom part retracted itself into itself revealing a small cute mouth and chin. Nunully picked up the second drink and took a small sip.


She then smirked at Kazuki.

“Yes, business. You didn’t really think you were special, did you? That’s just how mother…I mean boss is. Don’t be upset, that’s just the way it goes.”

Kazuki laughed.

“If I were to be upset over the fickleness of a woman’s heart, I would truly be a fool.”

Nunully couldn’t help but feel a bit of awe. Usually, after a night with her mother, the men she would sleep with would be begging for more or would be wallowing in self-pity once they learned that she had moved on. Kazuki was different though. How could he allow himself to have feelings for someone he had randomly slept with. To him, it just didn’t make sense the way people became wrapped around another person’s pinky after one fun encounter.

Nunully nodded in agreement with Kazuki’s words.

“Well, since there are no hard feelings, I assume you still wish to fulfill your end of the agreement. Your message said…”

Kazuki placed a finger over her lips.

“Shh, I don’t wish for my friends to hear the next part, shall we head upstairs?”

Nunully casually slapped Kazuki’s hand away.

“That won’t be necessary.

“I’ve read your message, as long as I don’t mention what you want then it doesn’t really matter what I say.”

Kazuki pretended to be in pain and rubbed his hand but could see little to no reaction from Nunully. Shrugging his shoulders in defeat he smiled.


Taking out a bag, Kazuki passed it over to Nunully. Once she received it, she opened it up and a reflection of gold was seen from her eyes. Counting it all out carefully, she nodded. Her mask flashed and the bag full of gold Zeni disappeared into her bronze mask.

“I have received your payment of 500 Zeni in full.”

The guards overhearing this gasped in astonishment.

(What the hell! How did this young brat earn such a fortune?)

“Your note said you would be leaving tomorrow and also that you didn’t know when you would return. Therefore, the items you have requested, once we have gotten hold of them, will be held for you until you come to get them. With that, our business is finished for today.”

Nunully got up and was about to leave when Kazuki said.

“Are you not going to stay? I was thinking of having a meal, do you wish to join me.?”

Nunully’s mask extended and covered her entire face once more. With a soft voice, she whispered.

“Maybe next time.”

Kazuki had a nice meal and bought a round of drinks for everyone at the bar. With cheers behind him, Kazuki returned back to the castle.

The next day the light had just peeked over the horizon and Kazuki’s group, Master Garn, Rust, and a few elite soldiers and Mages gathered around the training field. Master Garn eyed everyone and said.

“Prepare yourselves, for this is the real thing.”




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