Return of the Fallen Volume 10 Chapter 18

Zephris waved the remaining drops of dragon blood about. Nunully and Danny both denied it but Asuna hesitated.


Kazuki called out to Asuna when she didn’t answer but right after her hesitation, she said.

(Please…give it to me.)

Both Kazuki and Nunully were confused.

(Asuna, you actually want to have it, why?)

Kazuki was genuinely curious.

(Kazuki, I realized once again how stupid this world is and how danger lurks around every corner. Because of my weakness, because I wasn’t strong enough, Fera used both me and Nunully as hostages. That feeling of uselessness, the feeling of dragging you down and putting everyone in danger because I could do nothing back, I never want to feel this way again. If I become part dragon, my natural strength will climb regardless of what I do and my talent for magic will skyrocket. It means I can grow stronger faster and one day I will be able to be the one who protects those I care about and I will not be I who am afraid of the danger but it will be the danger that fears me.)

(But Asuna, things are different now. With my strength, nothing in this Lower Realm is my match. I can

(No, even if you are the strongest, even if you can protect me, there is still that thought in the back of my mind, that I’m too weak. I’ve been pushed around ever since I came to this world and I hate it. Even if you are still here, I still wish to protect myself, I still wish to have the power to protect my friends and…family. Can’t you understand that Kazuki?)

Kazuki stared blankly. He thought that as long as he was the strongest others would have nothing to fear and they would always be protected but people’s minds don’t just all of the sudden change. Ever since Asuna arrived in this world, it’s been one fucked up situation after the other.

(Life…Death, they tend to go hand in hand in this world. Even if I can move the world itself, Asuna will always have that fear in the back of her head that it could all come crumbling down at any given moment. After all, there are always strange scenarios like another god beaming up on some stupid fucking whim. If I were gone, what would they do? Just for peace of mind, I think it would be better to have others who can take care of themselves.)

“Zephris, give one of those drops of blood to Asuna as for

(Wait Kazuki! I want the last drop!)

This time it was Nunully who spoke up.

(Nunully, even you?)

(Asuna’s words persuaded me. She is right. I don’t want to be a burden, not anymore. I’ll become part dragon and train and train until I can stand at your side properly. I don’t wish to become a pawn and be used against you. It worked out this time but who knows what the future holds. I don’t want to become your weakness. I don’t want you to be dragged down because I couldn’t at least defend myself and those around me. I…I want this Kazuki.)

Kazuki could sense that the two were not joking and were absolutely serious.

(You would give up your humanity and Nunully you would no longer be a part elf. Are you two really sure?)

(I won’t lose all of my humanity. I can be part human and part dragon. Zephris has many samples and can combine them in almost any way imaginable. Just as he is now half dragon and half human I will be the same. Nunully as well right, can’t you simply get a sample of blood from an elf.)

Kazuki shook his head.

(I could sense something that was part elf earlier but this creature is evading me. It can somehow hide from even my senses. Besides that part elf, I can’t find any other in this world.)

Nunully was saddened by this but she was still determined.

(It…It doesn’t matter. I will become part human and dragon. As long as I can be useful, I don’t care.)


Zephris couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Are you sure little girl? After all, I just so happen to have samples of elf.”

All eyes landed upon Zephris. He actually had a sample of a species that was nearly extinct.

“Many people, monsters, and even powerful beasts wiped out most elves as they were jealous. Elves have a high compatibility with magic, they are second only to dragons in that regard. Not only that their lifespans are incredibly long. Because of that, they could reach a level of power equal to the pinnacle of the land much quicker than nearly all. Again, they were second to dragons in this regard. Everyone could see their potential, well everyone except the elves themselves. Elves are beyond passive and only wish to live peacefully in nature. It only came naturally that they were almost all eliminated.”

Zephris pointed at the table and the Azirian still strapped down began to squirm as its chest suddenly split open. A red drop of blood was separated from the purplish-black blood and floated above Zephris’s palm.

“Kazuki as you know, I myself, before I was turned into that Miasma-like being, I was already part elf and part dragon as well. Little ladies, back then I used part of my own body to experiment on. When I made this gem lying before you, of course, I had to include some of myself. What artist doesn’t?”

Danny felt something was off with that statement.

“If what you say is true, then why would you need Bozek’s blood. If the Azirian already has dragon blood within, couldn’t you have simply used that?”

“Good question. That is impossible. Dragon’s are mysterious beings. Their bodies are full of rarities and things that to this day boggle my mind. One of these oddities is their bodies for some reason are incompatible with my Azirian species. Whenever I tried to fuse any of their parts with the Azirian, those parts would completely take over, destroying all of the other samples. Even if I started with a dragon as the basis and tried to add things to it, again, the dragon material would destroy the other samples and take over. This happened every single time, except for when you combine dragon with elf or dragon with human material. Why this is, I can’t even begin to theories but this is the way it is. So therefore my Azirians have no dragon materials within them. Elfish blood on the other hand, yes.”

Danny couldn’t help but rub his chin in thought but in the end, even he couldn’t even begin to guess why this was.

“How odd.”

“Indeed. This has puzzled me since the beginning but I still have no explanation or theories as to why this occurs. Because of that, I have no samples of a dragon, well now that I’ve made this new body of mine I actually have plenty, hehehe.”

Zephris turned back to Kazuki.

“So to the little ladies, what will it be. Dragon/human or dragon/elf. Oh and the Golem, Danny what kind of body are you interested in?”

Asuna and Nunully both came to an agreement and chose while Danny already knew since the beginning what he wanted.

With it decided, Zephris didn’t ait around. He no longer needed to use the Sozo glove since he had recovered his magic and then some but the advantages with the glove were too numerous to pass up and besides he was still getting used to his new body, better to be cautious.

Once again the golden table beneath the Azirian lit up and so to did the Sozo glove. Several cut opened up the Azirian all over its body and what was once purplish-black blood, instantly transformed into organic body parts. Brain, lungs, bone marrow, etc. Soon everything was divided into three and a few more things were extracted from the third sample before everything was tossed into three separate vats.

Ingredients and other raw materials flew out from the storage drawers and landed in containers connected to the three vats. Very quickly the inscriptions lit up with a magical glow and a dark fire ignited beneath these reinforced glass containers.

The power of the glove was activated and so to were the vats. In seconds, tiny cells divide and the growth accelerated again and again and babies became toddlers and then teenagers and then young adults. Each of the bodies reached approximately 21 years of age before they were complete.

“Kazuki, send the souls into the bodies. Danny separate your soul from your core and enter your new body.”

Kazuki and Danny followed Zephris and all three souls were sent into each of the bodies. Everything went exactly the same as last time except this time none of them woke up immediately. Zephris held the Sozo glove up toward the three vats and sent out a wave of power. The moment this power hit the lifeless bodies.


Three strong resounding heartbeats echoed out and all at once, the three opened their eyes.


This time the vat glass didn’t shatter. With a wave of his hand, the glass retreated upward and the massive amount of water, along with Asuna, Nunully, and Danny all spilled out.

Kazuki tossed out three long robes that covered them and all three excitedly stood up or rather tried to. The moment they did this, Asuna fell over on her ass, having no control over her balance while Nunully accidentally leaped upward and crashed into the ceiling, getting stuck for a brief moment. Only Danny was able to slowly stand up on the first try. No doubt because he had gotten used to moving a body that wasn’t his long ago. Now this one was a piece of cake.

Mei saw this and couldn’t help but crack up at the hilarious scene.


“Big bro, big sis, and big sis are like a bunch of babies. Hehehe.”

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