Return of the Fallen Volume 10 Chapter 22

Shin leaped forward with arms open wide. Instead of hugging Asuna and Nunully though, he went straight for Danny and wrapped him up in a hug.

“Danny, you have a body! I got to admit though I think I liked your metal body better, you reminded me of a robot, but now you’re nothing but lumpy flesh.”

Asuna and Nunully shared the same look when they saw that they were being ignored.

“Hey you asshat, can’t you see that Nunully and Asuna are actually alive now! Pay some attention to your surroundings!”

Kimi began shouting at Shin, but Shin just ignored her. Slapping Danny on the back, he laughed.

“Hehe, how does it feel to have a dick again? Is it weird to shit after so long? A load after who knows how long, I’m worried for the lady you shoot that into. You might just blow out her back, hehe.”

Danny just had a body, it wasn’t like he had returned from the dead like Asuna and Nunully, but Shin acted as if he hadn’t seen him in years. Danny caught Shin’s arm and stopped the backslaps.

“Weren’t we not talking? Acting so friendly when you cut me off and ran away.”

Shin chuckled.

“You’re still thinking about that? I couldn’t help it. You should have told me Asuna and Nunully were going to be fine earlier, hehe.”

Shin looked at Asuna and Nunully, he could see they had a few changes in certain areas. Bumping Kazuki a few times with his elbow, he asked.

“How the hell did they turn out like that, and where can I get that upgrade for Triska.”

Triska was already standing behind him, and she swung down with incredible speed, but Shin already avoided it and jumped on Asuna and Nunully hugging them as well.

“Help Triska is trying to kill me again.”

Before Shin hugged them all the way, both Asuna and Nunully caught him and with demonic smiles, they tossed him back directly into Triska’s grasp. Shin didn’t expect this and so he was caught off guard. Triska holding him tightly chopped down on his head with a good amount of strength.


Shin was struck down and landed face-first into the ground. Triska then stepped over his twitching body and smiled at the two ladies.

“I’m glad you two are alive. Not only that, I can sense it; both of you have become stronger, much stronger.”

Triska wasn’t one for too many words or emotional things in general, but Asuna and Nunully didn’t care and hugged her anyway. Triska was a little taken aback by this, but she didn’t hate it, nor did she push them away.

After a moment, they separated, and Triska continued.

“But seriously, how are you guys alive? How did you become stronger all of a sudden?”

“I too would like to know the details if you don’t mind.”

A tall yet slender man with long green hair down to his waist and snake-like eyes walked into this large casino from an upper floor. It was Degra. Kazuki took note of his power. The last time he had met him was well over a year ago when they had allied against Triska. At that time, he was still at the 3rd stage trying to break into the 4th stage. Now though he had already entered the Core stage and became a 5th stage Mage. This speed would be considered extremely fast on the Feya continent, but because of Kazuki and his friends existed, Degra was outpaced this entire time.

“Degra, it looks like your business is still, thriving.”

Degra’s eyes flashed as he inspected Kazuki. He knew Kazuki had grown in strength and had entered the fabled Convergence stage, yet he had never seen a legendary figure before. Seeing Kazuki now, he was both shocked and satisfied for he could not see through Kazuki at all, even with his special eyes.

“Yes, even when the world is faced with its impending doom, some would choose to spend their final moments with family, friends, their loved ones, but for those who have no such thing, drinking, eating, gambling, and fucking, this is the place for them. Of course, in those times, the price goes way up.”

Degra smiled at the fat sheep around his casino. Even if money were useless at the end of the world, Degra didn’t care for he was greedy. He still wanted as much money as possible.

Giving a small wave he invited Kazuki and the rest to a V.I.P room.

“You’ll join me and a few other guests, won’t you.”

Kazuki didn’t really have a reason to decline and so he shrugged and followed up the stairs.

As everyone followed Kazuki, Triska grabbed Shin by the ankle and dragged him along up the stairs, bumping his head on every step.

“Kazuki, I knew you were destined for great things, but even I did not imagine you would ascend to such a level where you could look down at the entire world. I guess this means we should all start calling you king or maybe even god from now on?”

Degra was testing the waters with Kazuki. After all, Kazuki was now the top power of the world and Degra wanted to know how this would affect him and his endeavors going forth. Kazuki though quickly put a stop to all of that noise.

“I have no intention of being anyone’s king and God, that sounds even more pretentious and disgusting. Don’t worry, I’m not going to start spouting about authority and take your shit away. What would I do with your city or your casino anyway?”

Triska quickly caught up and interrupted.

“Half! Degra only owns half of Gentis while I own the other half, remember?”

Kazuki nodded.

“I’m not going to take anything from either of you. There would be no point in owning a city anyway?”

Degra found this hard to believe. After all, the more power you accumulate, naturally one would desire wealth to match.

“So you’re saying you have zero interest in coin? Now I find that hard to believe. Every man…and every woman has a greedy heart; that’s just human nature.”

Kazuki lifted a hand, and his eyes glowed with emerald light. The very next moment, a chunk of gold the size of a large melon formed above his palm. The very next moment, the piece of gold transformed into a large chunk of mana crystal before finally turning into a diamond bigger than one’s head and then finally transforming into a piece of God metal.

Degra and Triska both stared at this huge piece of Orichalcum in absolute shock. This piece of god metal could easily buy a small kingdom; that’s how precious it was, yet Kazuki did not bring this lump of metal out from a storage device; rather, he materialized it right there and then.

Triska and Degra were stunned. The two had constantly fought not only each other before the war but the previous city lord as well. All of it was to attain wealth, territory, and power. The main equation in all of that though was not being the strongest or fastest or having the biggest army or the most land, but instead, it mainly came down to how much money the other could dish out. You wanted power; you could buy officials. You wanted territory; you could hire powerful experts. As long as you had enough money, there was very little you could not do or get away with.

The two understood this long ago. Kazuki, though, was overturning all of this established logic. If he wanted something, he could simply take it with his own power. If he needed something, he could make it himself. Gold, money, none of it matters to Kazuki because he could materialize all of it himself and make a near-infinite amount. As long as he had magic, he could create all the gold or god metal he wished.

“Degra I think you’re mostly right when it comes to coin. Everyone has their own greed, but some greed is bigger and some greed is much smaller. For example, the way your eyes are coveting this piece of god metal is completely different from mine.”

A bright flame out of nowhere erupted from Kazuki’s palm, and the chunk of god metal was vaporized instantly before both Degra and Triska’s eyes.

With the god metal reduced to nothing, Kazuki smiled.

“I could do that basically forever. You, on the other hand, could only ever lust over such a tiny piece as if it were the most precious thing in the universe.”

Degra’s footsteps froze right there, and he couldn’t move for a moment. Kazuki found this kind of funny as he continued walking. He already knew where Degra was leading him, as he could sense a few familiar presences in a secluded private room near the back.

Kazuki walked toward the room. Hiding his presence completely, he kicked in the door and shouted with a booming voice.


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