Return of the Fallen Volume 10 Chapter 23

Kazuki kicked in the door to the private room and shouted at the occupants inside with a booming voice.


His voice shook the three figures to their very core, and they froze on the spot, that is until they saw who it was.

Shaila jumped up and shouted.

“Kazuki, you little devil, I thought I was about to die! Come drink with me and make up for it.”

Inside the room were Shaila, Tozu, and Sasai. The three had been chatting happily and eating and drinking their fill when Kazuki broke in unannounced.

Shaila immediately hung around Kazuki, trying to force a bottle to his lips, when Asuna grabbed it away and cleared her throat.


Nunully walked in right after her, and Shaila’s eyes lit up.

“You’re alive!”

Tozu and Sasai were also stunned.

“What magic is this? To bring Kazuki’s women back to life?”

Sasai kept looking between the two as he said this; he was beyond shocked. Tozu as well sniffed at the air.

“Those forms, they don’t smell like just humans and part elf, now they both smell like elf and dragon. Kazuki, what’s going on? Please explain.”

“Sure, but how about we have a meal first.”

The three Ancient beasts’ eyes lit up.

“Kazuki’s right, let’s fill ourselves. I listen better on a full stomach anyway.”

Shaila said this and tried to give Kazuki another drink, but again, Asuna snatched it away.

“I can do that. In the meantime, I think your husband is getting lonely over there.”

Asuna pointed Shaila back in Tozu’s direction, and Shaila laughed lightly.

“Hahaha, so fierce; men don’t like jealous women, firey one.”

Shaila then sat down on Tozu’s lap and picked up a cup filled with alcohol. Pouring it into her mouth, she then transferred it to Tozu with a deep kiss. She glanced sideways at Asuna during the entire kiss, and Asuna eventually broke eye contact.

Kazuki sat down opposite Sasai and Nunully quickly pulled Asuna over and the two sat on each side of Kazuki. Mei was a little upset by this, but she quickly recovered as Shaila pulled her over and began complimenting her on how much taller she’d gotten since she has last saw her. Following that Triska dragged a limp Shin inside, followed by Sam, Kimi, Danny, and Degra.

Degra snapped his fingers as he took a seat.

A waiter walked in not a second later.

“Yes my lord?”

The moment the waiter entered and saw Sam and Asuna and the rest, he began to tremble in excitement.

(The heroes, I’m going to serve the heroes of Feya!)

“With everything over, for now, I think this should be a celebration. Tell my personal chef to get off his ass and get cooking. My guests are of the utmost importance. Today I want food and drink to flow nonstop, like the great rivers and lakes. We are gonna eat and drink until we explode. Now go!”

The waiter almost stumbled as he rushed out in excitement and nervousness. At the same time, hearing about more drinks, Shin hopped up from his unconscious state, and a cup was sucked into his hand from across the table before he slammed it back in delight.

“AH! Now that’s what I’m talking about; keep it coming!”

Seeing him jump to life like that caused several people to laugh and smile. A good atmosphere was already starting to form.

“Before we start, Nunlly, how about we bring your mom and Tsura over?”

Nunully hadn’t seen her mother in well over a year and missed her greatly. She, of course, nodded.

“Mother, she’s been stuck in Glacious’s tiny world all this time. I’m just glad she’s had Tsura with her, otherwise, knowing my mom, she would have died of boredom. I just hope she hasn’t bugged Tsura too much.”

Mei quickly stood on the table and pointed at herself with a proud smile.

“My mom would never be bugged by auntie Lamia. Mama has the most patience in the whole whole world.”

Shaila pulled Mei off the table with a chuckle.

“Little bird is proud of her mama, huh?”

Mei nodded.

“Of course. Mama is the best. She’s the best at cooking, the best at being kind, and the best at…at um, being patient.”

“Didn’t you already mention that?”

Shaila teased Mei a little, but Mei missed it.

“I have to mention it again because it’s true.”

Shaila couldn’t help but find this small child adorable, and she looked at Tozu with telling eyes. Tozu, who would normally avoid such a look, after this terrible war, he didn’t find it to be too bad of an idea. He didn’t say anything, but he did take hold of her hand and squeezed it gently before he picked up a cup and downed it. Shaila grew excited by this reaction and began to plant kisses on Tozu’s bald head relentlessly.

At the same time, Kazuki opened a rift directly inside of the tiny world hidden in the Rin mountain range.

His aura flew through the tiny world and surrounded both Lamia and Tsura. The two were absolutely shocked and didn’t know what was happening. Before either had a chance to even react or scream, they were pulled through the rift and appeared in the private room with everyone.

Their surroundings completely changed in an instant and the very first thing they saw was something leaping at them.

“Mama, auntie Lamia!”

Mei jumped directly into them and knocked them over as she hugged them tightly.


Mei suddenly burst into tears the moment she hugged them, she couldn’t help it. Even if she had grown a bit, she was still a child who had been away from her mother for too long. Seeing her mother, feeling her in her arms, a flood of emotions came rushing out uncontrollably.

When Tsura heard her daughters shout, she recognized her baby bird right away and hugged her back with everything she had. Tears streamed down her face as well and there was no holding back.

Lamia on the other hand looked around. Her eyes widened in shock as she saw Kazuki and then at his side she saw her daughter. Lamia slowly stood up and so too did Nunully. Lamia saw the changes right away. Her daughter was taller and had a more mature figure. Her ears even had a finer point to them, and her eyes were even more stunning than before.

The two walked toward each other. Lamia gently caressed her daughter’s beautiful face.

“Nene, you grew up.”

Feeling her mother’s warm hand on her cheek, Nunully couldn’t help but cry.

“Mom, I missed you.”

That was it. No more words needed to be said as they embraced one another. The sight from long ago of mother reuniting with daughter in Glacious’s tiny world was now reflected back. This time though it was a little different. Instead of a small Nunully being buried in her mother’s chest, this time it was Lamia who was shorter and had her face buried in Nunully’s.

Lamia couldn’t help but laugh a little as she peeked up at her daughter.

“You really did grow. Mama’s jealous now.”

She then looked over at Kazuki and with a serious tone, she asked.

“Kazuki, do you play with these things every night? Too much fun isn’t good for your health. Let me take care of you when you grow tired of


Nunully chopped Lamia on the top of her head playfully. Lamia gripped the top of her head in pain.

“It was a joke Nene, just a joke.”

Nunully sat back down next to Kazuki and held his arm.

“Mama, stop with the jokes, Kazuki is mine; you got it?”

Asuna grabbed Kazuki’s other free arm.

“And mine as well. I’ll share with Nunully but no one else. Especially not some old man-eating lady.”

Lamia was stunned.

“Kazuki, help, they’re ganging up on me.”

Kazuki could only shake his head while others laughed at this playful drama.

At the same time, Danny waited patiently while Mei and Tsura came together and cried. He was breathing harder, and he became slightly pale. He knew he had a connection with Tsura and he knew he loved her but that was a while ago. He had died and he couldn’t help but wonder if she moved past him. His heart was beating like crazy, and he was more afraid now than when he faced destruction so many times before.

Kazuki could see through this a mile away and understood him. Without anyone’s notice, he sent a wave of ki into Danny to calm both his heart and mind before he spoke directly into Danny’s head.

(Danny, just breathe. You heard Mei earlier, Tsura is the kindest and most patient. You know her, you know who she is. There’s nothing to be worried about. Whatever you’ve thought of all this time, whatever you thought this moment would be, and how you’ve built it in your head, just let it go and be yourself. Look, Mei and Tsura are getting up. Just walk over to her and tell her everything you wished to tell her since you were gone. You’ve got this.)

Danny took Kazuki’s words to heart. Thanks to Kazuki’s ki flowing through him, he calmed down and after taking a deep breath he slowly walked over to Tsura. Mei poked Tsura’s arm and pointed at Danny. When Tsura looked up and saw Danny, she froze on the spot. Danny swallowed hard and tried to speak but the words would not come out.

As he was losing confidence and felt his nerves wracking, this time it was Tsura who jumped into someone’s arms—Danny’s arms. Danny and Tsura fell over onto the ground and the flood of tears had come back in full force. The nerves jumbled up inside of Danny suddenly relaxed when he felt how strong her emotions were. He then gently stroked the back of her head and simply spoke two words.

“I’m back.”

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