Return of the Fallen Volume 10 Chapter 37

After Kimi excitedly proclaimed how delicious Kazuki’s improvised frappuccino was, Shaila immediately jumped up and asked for one. Kazuki noticed all of the curious eyes on him and laughed inwardly.

(Guess I’ll make enough for everyone, otherwise, they’ll hound me all day.)

Kazuki repeated the process, except this time he made a large batch before handing them out. Soon everyone was drinking their frap in delight. Even Mei liked it. Usually, kids weren’t a fan because of the coffee but seeing as how frappuccinos were in Kazuki’s opinion almost like milkshakes, it wasn’t odd that Mei liked the cold sweetened taste.

The only person who didn’t seem to be much of a fan was Tozu but that changed rather quickly when Kazuki reduced the sweetness and made his slightly more bitter. Tozu liked this version a lot more but Sasai and Shaila both scoffed at him and his unusual taste. For once the two agreed with one another.

“Hmm, what’s all this? Kazuki are you doing some interesting things again?”

Lamia sauntered out in a sexy manner. Her curves perfect in all the right places swayed almost heavenly as she came over. She immediately wrapped her arms around Kazuki.

“Kazuki, did you sleep well, or rather did my daughter, hehe.”

(This woman knows exactly what she’s doing.)

Kazuki was about to peel her slender arms off from around his neck when Nunully’s angered voice echoed out.

“Mother! How many times must I tell you, take your hands off of Kazuki or I’ll do it for you!”

All eyes focused in on Nunully and Asuna who had just arrived but immediately small chuckles spread amongst everyone. Lamia looked both her daughter and Asuna up and down. She along with everyone else, noticed the two’s unsteady and quivering legs. The reason the two were unbalanced was obvious to a woman like Lamia. She knew all too well what her daughter and Asuna had done.

Lamia covered her mouth playfully and teased.

“Oh my, it seems my daughter has finally become a woman. Not just her but Asuna, you as well. It seems Kazuki took care of you both last night, teehee.”

Both Nunully and Asuna became bright red but neither one refuted what Lamia said.

“Mother that’s none of your business, now take your hands off of him or else!”

“Oh ho ho, you speak so harshly to your poor mother. Fine…I’ll gladly let go of your precious man but only if you come over and take me off of him, otherwise, I might just stick around for a while. After all, I think Kazuki may have a bit more fun with a woman who can actually handle him, no?”

Both Asuna and Nunully glared at Lamia before they both took a step forward but the moment they did, nearly everyone broke out in laughter as the two walked like newborn baby calves.

Shin pointed at the two and joked.

“Kazuki just how badly did you mess them up!”

More laughter broke out.


Asuna couldn’t take it anymore and roared at Shin. The moment she did this, wings made of bright red flame erupted from her back, and a small pillar of fire came rushing out from her mouth. All around her body in different patches, scales grew and her nails became longer and sharper.

Asuna had no control over this flame and nearly hit everyone sitting at the table but Kazuki was already on top of things. His aura covered her back and snuffed out the flames escaping from her mouth in an instant, quelling this unforeseen danger.

Asuna, as well as everyone else, was shocked by this. Well everyone except for Kazuki and Danny.

Kazuki knew why he wasn’t shocked, he had witnessed this happen already but Danny wasn’t aware of this.

(He must have already guessed even before I did.)

Asuna began to calm down and the scales reverted back to skin.


“Asuna it’s ok.”

“Kazuki, what…what is happening to me?”

Asuna’s worried tone caused the atmosphere to cool slightly and Lamia decided now was not the time to keep messing about. She promptly retreated to the end of the table to hang around Tsura and Alutra.

Kazuki pulled both Asuna and Nunully over with his aura and sat them both on either side of him, before comforting them.

“I believe this is a result of the composition of your new bodies. Both of you did the same thing last night. The dragon blood Zephris used, I think you two now have innate abilities buried within you. Danny, what do you think?”

Passing the question off to Danny, he rubbed his chin for a moment in thought.

“The blood Zephris used was from Bozek who himself was only half dragon but that doesn’t mean either one of you is perfectly half-dragon. Zephris mentioned how samples from dragons tend to take over other samples he’s used in the past. This could mean that you two are not simply half-dragon and half-elf but instead 51% dragon or more, there’s really no telling. Bozek has no record of these abilities at least to my knowledge so these abilities must be because you two have more dragon dna than we think, this is all just hypothetical by the way but I think it makes the most sense. For this ability to activate the way it did, it seems to respond to high emotions. Kazuki you said you witnessed this last night as well. What were Asuna and Nuunlly doing that made their emotions run so high? If we can pinpoint that trigger, we might be able to get to the bottom of this.”

Asuna and Nunully both went red again and red flames and wings of ice exploded out of both Asuna and Nunully. Again Kazuki suppressed this so no one got hurt.

“The why doesn’t really matter right now. We’ll get to the bottom of it later.”

Danny got the hint and shut up. Everyone else though seemed to have a million questions but Kazuki shut them all down one after another. It was at this time that a few large Golems came out from the house with many platters and carts all filled with food. Once again, everyone was happily eating and chatting. The only two who were particularly quiet were Asuna and Nunully.

While eating, neither one could look Kazuki in the face. Every time their eyes even came close to his, flames or ice would erupt outward from their back and Kazuki would have to suppress them. At first, this was a little distracting for everyone else but after 6 or 7 times of this, everyone began to gradually ignore it. They all figured it would be explained when the three agreed to explain it. Besides that though Danny had already covered the main points for them.

Zephris had used dragon blood and yada yada yada. None of them really knew much about alchemy or how their bodies were really made they just went with the explanation that a guy named Zephris was a master of alchemy and he had made the three new bodies. Besides that though most everything else went over their heads.

The only one who was really interested in the constant fire and ice show was Mei. She had been sitting at the other end of the table but when her mother was distracted, she escaped her sight and sat nearby Nunully. She knew Asuna would get mad easily if she were to bug her but Nunully was super sweet and would not shoo her away if she started asking questions. Besides that though, Mei simply found it hilarious that every time she asked Nunully a question about last night, both Nunully and Asuna would turn red and power would shoot out of their back.

“So what were you guys doing last night to make fire and ice come out, I want to do it too.”

Nunully shook her head, not daring to explain a single thing. Besides that though a lot of last night was foggy to her. She had done many things she had never done before and Kazuki was there playing with both her and Asuna at every turn. Every time she thought she had her senses in line, Kazuki would touch her hear or lick her there causing her head to go all white and her body to feel all tingly.

She couldn’t really explain it even if she wanted to.

“How come no one will tell me anything. Mei is a big girl you know. I can prove it to you. Last night Mei heard ghosts all around the house but she never once got scared and and and I didn’t even put my head under the covers for more than a few minutes at a time, because I wasn’t afraid of nothing.”

All eyes focused on Mei when she said this and Kazuki became curious.

“Ghosts, what are you talking about, there aren’t any ghosts.”

Mei disagreed and shook her head.

“Big bro doesn’t know but Mei does. I heard a bunch of ghosts all throughout the mansion late last night. I know they were ghosts, otherwise, how do you explain all of the moans coming from everywhere? They kept going and going so eventually Mei just had to close off her ears so I wouldn’t hear them.”

Immediately everyone knew what she meant. Kazuki, Asuna and Nunully. Shaila and Tozu, Kimi and Sam, Shin and Triska, Danny and Tsura, every single one of these couples had been…busy. The moans Mei was hearing last night and mistaking for ghosts, everyone knew they were the real culprits, and an awkward silence formed before suddenly everyone burst out in wild laughter. Mei had no clue why everyone started laughing but she didn’t wish to be left out and joined in with them. This caused them all to laugh a little harder at the funny situation.

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