Return of the Fallen Volume 10 Chapter 40

There were still concerns about leaving the Realm open but Danny had an idea for that as well. After listing his thoughts, people started coming around to the idea.

“I’ll be honest, I know leaving the Realm open is not smart but I am confident in my abilities and confident in everyone else. We have all overcome so much and think back to those times. Every single one of those deadly encounters we were always at a disadvantage. Our opponents always outmatched us in strength and power and yet it was all of us who were still alive, it’s us who overcame and won in the end. Now let’s think about what the future holds. Whatever enemy may come, they will not be facing a bunch of weaklings. For once we will all be the stronger ones. We will have the advantage and it will be they who have made the mistake for ever thinking they could cross into our Realm without dire consequences.”

Everyone started to become excited and they were filled with confidence.

“I’ll ask everyone here, should we do it, should we keep this Realm open even though there is risk? Only if everyone agrees and were all on board, that’s the only way this will work.”

Everyone started to agree but Tsura remained quiet.

“Kazuki, I have trusted in you for a very long time, and because of you and everyone here, Mei and I still live. We live in unbelievable comfort and luxury and here there is nothing to fear but you mention there could be terrible days ahead. Mei and Danny are my world, can you guarantee everything will be fine?”

Kazuki looked Tsura in the eye and shook his head.

“That is something I simply cannot do. There is always a danger. I can’t guarantee nothing will ever happen and things won’t go wrong but I can promise you this. Just as you have trusted in me all this time, I swear I will never betray that trust and I will do everything in my power to protect everyone here.”

Tsura nodded silently.

“Good, then it’s agreed. I need to bring Detra here so we can begin planning things properly. Danny, come with me.”

Shin stood up.

“Hey, what about the rest of us? We can come up with the plans as well.”

Shaila chuckled.

“If you come up with the plan, surely it will be our downfall, hehe.”

Everyone began to laugh, including Shin.

Kazuki and Danny entered a small office-looking room and Kazuki called Detra using his mind. A moment later Detra appeared and barely a second after that Alutra appeared next to her and hugged her arm.

“Detra, so you’ve finally come for me. Quick let’s run away together before it’s too late.”

Detra laughed before the two sat down on a small nearby couch.

With a thought, Kazuki commanded a Golem and it entered the office with some tea and served it just the way Detra likes.

Alutra stared at Kazuki as if to say, where is mine? Kazuki was quickly learning about Aluta’s personality, and making her leave was something that would only be a bother so he just gave up and let her stay.

The Golem served her as well and she began sipping her tea a bit loudly. Kazuki stared at her.

“Ah right, thank you for the tea.”

Kazuki rolled his eyes. He knew she knew that he wasn’t looking for a thank you but for her to stop drinking so loudly. Alutra smiled teasingly before she finally stopped.

“Detra, you already know why I called you here.”

“Of course, so you’ve made your decision. Don’t tell me it’s to close the Realm.”

Detra said this with a fake smile. She was nervous inside. If Kazuki really chose to close the Realm, then there was nothing she could do. If he did that, she would never find her husband and be left wondering for an eternity.

“Don’t worry, I’m not sealing the Realm so relax. Instead, we are going with the other options with a few things added. I will go devour as many worlds as feasible and expand my strength as much as possible but before I do that to any of the worlds with life, you will need to teach me more about how one creates a tiny world. There is some information I received from Glacious but that only relates to this place. This tiny world alone I could recreate but I don’t know how to properly make changes. The environment and world I make needs to be specific to suit the various different creatures.”

“If it’s just that I can teach you everything I know about the subject. When I was a young Titan I made many mistakes but that was billions of years ago. I can share with you so much and this will allow you to bypass all of my failures.”

Alutra became excited hearing about this.

“Detra you must teach me as well. Coming to this small Realm, I’ve seen so many new things already. if I could create my own world, how much fun would that be? I want every type of flower you have in yours and and

Detra became excited because Alutra was interested in her flowers meanwhile Kazuki was getting aggravated.

“Alutra, please!”

Alutra took the hint and gave Detra a small wink.

“We’ll talk later.”

“Anyway, I’ve also decided to help my friends ascend to the 7th stage.”

*Cough cough cough*

Detra choked on her tea. She thought she misheard Kazuki but looking around the room, no one was laughing.

“You can do that? I mean I know you helped raise some of your friends to the 5th stage but the Core stage and the Convergence stage are like the heavens above and the dirt on the ground below. They are almost incomparable. In all of the history of Gordonia, only a handful of people have ever reached the 7th stage and none of it was due to a lack of talent. I mean your friends have come far in the little time they’ve had in this world but talented compared to those geniuses, they are not. No offense.”

“Are you not supposed to say no offense first…I understand your point though. At the same time, talent is not something they require since I am here. With the mind, soul, and body already connected, one has to combine this together with their magic. With perfect fusion, these things that were once four separate come together creating something entirely different. A being that can flip the world with a turn of one’s hand. Getting there alone, yes the process is something from what I know is something almost touching the impossible. Thankfully Glacious gave me his magical blood orb before he died and left this knowledge to me. Otherwise, even I don’t know if I would have ever figured all of this out. This knowledge may not be enough for them if I simply told them how but with me by their side, guiding them along, they can reach this level.”

Detra felt a chill run through her. The balance of power had already shifted when they defeated Fera together but now things were full tilting. With Kazuki and the others all in the 7th stage, and all of them on the same side, what they could potentially do was starting to become unfathomable to Detra. She had two sons, both Titans as well as a husband who was a God somewhere. She wondered if they were still together as a family, would anyone ever look down on them, who in a Lower Realm could stand in their way.

Detra felt a bit envious of Kazuki and his friends. He had so many while she had no one. Alutra noticed Detra’s mood and held her hand with a smile. Detra wasn’t used to this but she didn’t hate it at all. Instead, it was comforting.

“With them added to our forces, we will be able to kill much more efficiently with the trap you proposed. Speaking of the trap though, Danny said he had an idea. Danny.”

Danny grabbed a piece of paper off of the desk and he began to draw something. With his speed, it only took a second before he flipped the paper over and showed everyone. It was obvious what it was but it was also confusing.

Kazuki raised a brow.

“A planet?”

Detra as well gave a curious glance before she noted.

“Ok, you drew a planet but what does that have to do with a trap.”

Danny smiled before writing something in the center of the drawn planet before showing them once again.

“This will not just be a planet. With Kazuki and old Sid’s know-how and my first-hand experience as being one, we will create a planet-sized Golem. Not only will it be as big as a planet but it will also have something a little special and with this added ability, it will be the deciding factor for whether or not our Realm is destroyed or survives.”

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