Return of the Fallen Volume 10 Chapter 94

(After Sephra witnessed your disguise fall apart for that split second, she confirmed who and what you really were Kazuki. The suspicion from the very day she met you, the seed of doubt in her mind, it had fully grown and within a single week she had plotted both you and Kai’s demise.)

The memory flashed forward once more. Sephra who had grown to love both Kazuki and Kai, the two boys she had cared for as if they were her own for several years, that love completely vanished in a single instant. She felt waves of disgust within herself.

“Why…Why did Lin trick me? Is he already aware of what I’ve done? No, that can’t be the case. But how did the boy survive? How did Genzuko’s son live. His breath ended and his heart was destroyed, so then how.”

Sephra’s thoughts flashed and she recalled the compass around Kazuki’s neck

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