Return of the Fallen Volume 11 Chapter 20
After the arch powered down and exploded a little bit, Kazuki expected Marty to be disappointed, but on the contrary, she was smiling from ear to ear.
“Ya see, ya see. This will get us out of here…I think.”
Marty went back to the panel on the side of the arch and opened it up. The small core inside was now cracked. Holding it in her hand, a second later, the core shattered and became a powdery substance.
“Wasn’t that core important? With this demonstration, you wasted more divine energy.”
Marty shook her head.
“Once the power is stored inside of these cores, there’s no way to extract it for me. It can only be used with all of these interesting devices. So, what do ya think?”
“About the arch?”
“Yes yes. You saw it too. With the power of one of these cores, it began to open. The element of space began to gather and condense, and a small gateway started to take shape. The problem we face though is twofold. One, this device is damaged, and the other is the source of power. Although one can not freely extract the divine energy from the cores, the reverse is not true. Ya can easily add divine energy to these cores. Stez wishes to find a way to use your abilities to keep this place afloat, but I, on the other hand, wish to find a way to leave.”
“Stez mentioned that you came to this place purposely but you want to leave.”
Marty sighed.
“I did not find what I came looking for. This place, it does not have what I seek. Yes, I have gained a vast amount of knowledge, but if I can never put such knowledge to use, everything I’ve learned would just go to waste. I’ve outstayed my welcome here.”
Marty pointed at Kazuki.
“With your power, I think things may go differently. If we can figure out how to apply you’re ability to convert a lesser energy, such as ki into regular magical energy, then there the next step would be to convert magical energy into Divine energy. Stez already shared your talismans and ki with me but like I said already I am a hands-on type of person. I learn much more efficiently that way. So let’s get started right away.”
“Already. Do you not think this is all a little too fast? I mean we are total strangers, how can you just trust me like that? Besides that, Stez promised me knowledge.”
Marty smirked.
“Who says we’re strangers? Didn’t we already introduce ourselves to one another? That’s the first step. When it comes to trust, you’re right; normally people don’t just throw that word around so easily, but you are at the 5th stage. If you betray any of us, you’ll simply be crushed. You’re not even gambling with your life, it’s a fact and guarantee. If ya do us wrong, you will not make it out alive. A demigod could never be afraid of someone at your level. No offense. To the final point, I can give ya all the knowledge ya could ever want.”
“You would let me look into your soul?”
“Good one old kid. No, absolutely not. Instead, you can borrow this.”
Marty tossed a small crystal. Kazuki went to catch it and the crystal changed shape and wrapped around his arm like a small wristband.
“This is?”
“Everything I’ve learned, from the moment I got here up to yesterday, all of it is in that crystal. Simply think about accessing it and it will display anything and everything ya want pertaining to this world and even a few things that can’t be learned here.”
Marty winked at him when she said the last part.
Kazuki was about to take a look inside when Marty stopped him.
“Ho ho, me first. Show me everything from the basics of this ki energy all the way to the talismans. I need to know what I’m working with old kid.”
After several hours passed, Marty was sitting with widened eyes.
(To think she has already begun to absorb ki. Not only that but instead of a Dantian to store the energy she has made room in her soul for it. I did not even know such a thing was possible but she just tried and accomplished it on a whim. If that’s possible, I too should be able to store my ki energy inside of my soul tree, right?)
“Jentson this is incredible. True enough this energy is weaker compared to regular magical energy, let alone Divine energy but the feeling I get…It’s as if my life force has been extended by severalfold and this warmth. Whether I escape from this place or not, I could see myself utilizing this ki on a near daily basis. It’s making my senses clearer and sharper and even my mind feels as if I’m quietly floating on a tranquil lake. I feel as if I’ve been missing out on a quintessential part of life…Incredible.”
“I think I’m more surprised. It took me years to reach the same place you are at, yet you achieved it in only a few hours. You’re making this old one feel a bit jealous, you know.”
Marty smiled.
“Heh, old kid it’s only natural. The comprehension of a Demigod and a being at the 5th stage is a gap that cannot be filled.”
Marty looked at some of the junk around her and she extended a hand. Kazuki immediately felt an intense force of ki energy spread out all around him before it focused on only a few points. One by one, several pieces of junk were lifted into the air and floated directly in front of her.
(She’s using ki like its telekenisis.)
Kazuki rarely did this. Not because it was difficult but rather aura had a much greater force behind it and could easily lift and move things.
Suddenly Marty used the ki to take apart several pieces of junk and recombine them. Earlier she had needed to use a set of specialized tools to take apart a single piece of junk but now she was doing it all with ki. She could use her aura to do this but her aura and divine energy were tied to one another and she could not afford to waste it. After a moment, the piece was put together. It looked like a shelf but Kazuki didn’t see her using ki to make something like…
Marty completed the bookshelf but instead of storing books on it, she just moved some of her junk on it.
Kazuki laughed out loud and Marty was confused but he just waved her away when she asked what he was laughing about.
“Not that you understand ki and can absorb it naturally from your surroundings, shall we move on to talismans next?”
Marty gave a nod.
“Sure but are you not amazed that there is this much ki energy flowing around you constantly? Even if we were in a God’s main domain and they had an array set up to gather Divine energy, it would never amount to this much. Are ya not blown away by this?”
Kazuki shrugged.
“It’s something one gets used to. Your euphoria makes sense but after you got stronger, didn’t regular magic become less in your eye to some extent?”
Marty nodded.
“True enough. I guess I’m just excited because not much happens around here. It’s like I became young again.”
“You don’t look old to me.”
Marty chuckled before slapping Kazuki on his shoulder.
“Jentson you’re actually a flirt aren’t ya? I’ve witnessed the cycle of life and death on many worlds and the end of civilizations, calling me beautiful and young, you sly fox.”
(But I didn’t call you beautiful or young. This woman, heh. Whatever.)
Kazuki decided to change the subject to the talismans and pulled a tiny piece of torn cloth from his waistband. It was a piece of his shirt he had ripped up and made into a talisman. He showed it to Marty, and she examined it before coming to a realization.
“Ya still don’t have a shirt on. Now, this is funny. I was so caught up in everything that I didn’t even think about it, heheha. Here ya can sue this.”
Marty took the tarp-like cloth that she had peeled off the arch and she quickly ripped some of it here and there and made a terrible-looking raggedy shirt. Kazuki nodded before he held it in the air with his ki. He then picked out a few hairs from his hand and using ki to move and guide them, he used them like thread and sewed a reasonable shirt in less than a second. Putting it on, he smiled at Marty.
“How does it look?”
Marty began clapping before she touched the shirt all over.
“Fascinating. Ya just used ki to make a shirt. How can this energy be so similar to aura yet so different at the same time? Ya looked so pitiful when I first found ya covered in stomach mucus rolling around on the ground, but now ya actually look a bit sharp. Not bad old kid.”
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