Return of the Fallen Volume 11 Chapter 21

After fashioning a shirt, Kazuki began to talk about talismans and how they function, but before he got too far, a loud alarm went off.

“What is that!?”

Marty dropped what she was doing, and she ran out of the room at an incredible speed. Kazuki didn’t know what was going on and followed after her.

Leaving her room, he saw everyone rushing to the top floor, where Stez was already waiting for them. Everyone piled into the control room where the core was, and without hesitation, they all began to pour their divine energy directly into the crystal key Stez carried.

Several holographic displays suddenly lit up around the room and showed the outside world, specifically what was happening down on the surface. The light in the sky had faded, and a night cycle had already begun some time ago. On the ground, several thousand sandworms had emerged and stretched upward. Kazuki was shocked to see that these nighttime sandworms were several times larger than the ones Kazuki had encountered during the day.

These sandworms stretched a hundred and some even several hundred feet upward.

“Can’t those reach here?”

Kazuki’s words sent a ripple effect among the crowd, and the grumpy Mack turned on him.


Kazuki was taken aback but looking around at the crowd, he knew it was better to hold back for now. Even Marty was staring at Kazuki with a dissatisfied expression. Some of the looks he received though were not ones of anger but rather of fear. Not a fear of him, but what moved around below.

The crystal Stez wore had collected the energy from those around and actually began to glow before Stez pushed it to the core and the core pulsed with power. Suddenly Kazuki could feel a shift in the entire tower. The tower moved not higher but instead further away. The moment it moved, one of the displays showed the night sandworm spitting mucus out. From this viewpoint, it seemed to be the exact same mucus that Kazuki had been covered in.

The mucus shot out of the sandworms at a terrifying speed and it just narrowly avoided the tower. The tower zig-zagged left and right as it moved forward.

“We’re almost out of it. Give me more power!”

No one argued and they continued to deliver their energy to the crystal key. They not only had to dodge what came from below but also the mucus that shot above them and came raining back down like meteors. Finally, after a minute of this, they had escaped from these sandworms and the bombardment stopped. It had only lasted for less than a minute but to many onboard, this attack was like an eternity. Sighs of relief filled this place.

Kazuki also felt some relief, that is until Mack grabbed him by the neck and squeezed.

“You piece of shit. Were you trying to get us all killed? I ought to wring your neck now and be done with you before you put us in harm’s way again.”

Kazuki felt a slight pain in his neck but at the same time, it was only faint. The Demigods around this place were clearly weaker than normal Demigods. If it came to a physical match, Kazuki felt no threat but he still needed to play the part and he purposely made his face change color and he pretended to choke. Marty ran over and held nothing back as she punched Mack directly in the jaw. She had used some of her ki with this attack and it sent him flying across the room and slamming hard into the wall.

“Don’t you touch him!”

Everyone stared at Marty in shock and murmurs made their way through the crowd as people wondered how Marty suddenly got so much stronger. Stez already knew and he reprimanded Mack.

“Mack, who said you could just go and kill people aboard my oasis? I’ll say this here and now, nobody touches a hair on the old kid’s head unless I say so. Otherwise, you can face the black pool.”

When he said this, everyone became shocked.

Mack as well didn’t understand why Stez had reacted this severely.

“Stez, you can’t be serious. This weakling isn’t even a Demigod, he’s simply a burden and will drag all of us down. If he broke anyone’s focus just now, we would have been

“Silence. What do you know? We have survived far worse. What Demigod here could ever have their concentration broken by a mere being at the 5th stage? You exaggerate to excuse your use of violence. For you to just call him a burden also shows you really know nothing.”

Stez looked over the entire crowd, and his voice calmed by several degrees.

“Jentson is no burden. I won’t go into details, but he is a valuable asset in his own way. Believe it or not, Jentson…”

Stez stopped there. He did not want to reveal too much about Kazuki and his abilities. Whether this was due to not knowing if it would bear any fruit and this would lead to humiliation and false hope or if he was merely trying to be respectable to Kazuki, who knew. Either way, he paused here before only saying one more thing.

“Jentson is helping me with something. That is all you all need to know for now. You may all take your leave now.”

Gossip quickly followed this speech as everyone made their way out in groups of three or four. Katriss watched Kazuki with lustful eyes before her twin dragged her away. Mack rubbed his face while glaring hatefully at Kazuki. He didn’t go further than this and left in a huff, leaving only Kazuki, Stez, and Marty. The door shut and things became quiet for only a moment before Stez asked.

“Marticia…that was ki correct?”

Marty smiled before pointing at Stez.

“You’re really asking that. I can clearly feel ki around you slowly entering your body. You should know better than I right?”

Stez nodded before he sent out a strand of ki and Marty as well sent out her own ki. The two intersected, and this tiny interaction seemed to open their minds to even more possibilities.

“Jentson, this is fascinating. A simple interaction, and the world opens even more. Stez what do ya think, this might really be the path forward.”

Stez nodded.

“It just might be, but Marticia, do not let anything go to your head. We do not know how deep the well goes. It could be a mere foot or it could be endless. For now, we need to take things step by step without revealing anything to the others. There’s no point of giving them a new tool to beat one another with. I can see them abusing it immediately. No, it’s best if it stays in the hands of we three. For now at least.”

Marty and Stez were standing around nodding, meanwhile, Kazuki coughed and acted as if he was still hurting. Marty quickly went to him and checked him, and she was surprised that he actually wasn’t all that hurt.

“Hmm, usually Mack can be ruthless, but he held back on you, weird.”

Kazuki shook his head.

“Maybe or maybe I’m actually a big shot and am a lot tougher than I look.”

Kazuki flashed a cheeky smile when he said this causing Marty to laugh really hard before slapping Kazuki on the back. Kazuki immediately fell over and grabbed at his back in pain. Marty’s eyes widened, and she became worried before Kazuki laughed it off and stood back up with no trouble. This time it was Stez who lacked seeing this play out.

“Jentson, you are an interesting fellow. I never knew Marticia could show such concern for someone she’s known for less than a day.”

Marty crossed her arms over her chest.

“Hmph, who’s worried for this old kid. Ya saw him just now, he’s a sly fox, playing tricks on me.”

Stez nodded.

“Maybe so, maybe so.”

Kazuki didn’t want another silent atmosphere, so he asked.

“Stez, This may be a foolish question, but why were you all so worried about the mucus? I mean I get being fearful of the giant sandworms. The ones that came out a moment ago could even reach up to this height so it’s natural to be wary of them, but dodging the mucus…why?”

Stez was about to say when Marty interrupted him.

“Jentson, you already had to deal with that mucus earlier, right? Did ya already forget what I said about it?”

“You said it becomes hard when it dries, harder than even the sandworm’s tough flesh. What about it.”

Marty tilted her head.

“Just how tough do ya think this island is exactly? This island is comparable to the surface down below. Tough, but compared to a sandworm nowhere near that. Their mucus is even harder than their flesh. When they spit it out, the air hardens it in less than a second. Imagine what happens when something harder than their bodies and moves at a fast speed does to a place like this. This place would shatter and crumble if left in the line of fire for only a few minutes. With that, this place is no more. We crash to the ground, and we become accidental food while they are trying to eat our souls, or we turn into mincemeat as they crush us and so on. That’s why anytime there’s frenzy like that, we get out of the area as fast as possible.”

“That was a frenzy. Hopefully, those don’t happen too frequently.”

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