Return of the Fallen Volume 11 Chapter 68

Samuel didn’t want to believe that his most loyal servant was in fact a traitor.

“To just take Sir’s words as truth when the two of us are barely strangers, would be foolish of me. At the same time, for there to be so many coincidences in such a short period of time would mean I am blind and stupid. I will reserve any judgment and I will wait for this so-called trap of yours to be sprung. If it is as you say, then Simmons will pull something before we reach the city. If you are wrong though, how do you suppose you can compensate for placing false charges and dishonoring my man and my honor?”

Kazuki didn’t blame Samuel for not just straight-up believing him. They had little connection at this point and trust was something that was earned.

“How about this? If I am wrong, then you can forgo the reward and fee for protecting you. The two of us will see you to the city safe and unharmed for free, how does that sound?”

Samuel nodded before adding.

“Sounds fit for me but Simmons provided none of the funds to hire you two and it is he you besmirch not I. If you are wrong, I don’t pay and you offer him an apology. That is my counter.”

Kazuki chuckled.

(This kid is a merchant’s son. Even something that concerns his life like this, and the boy turns it into a transaction.)

Kazuki held out a hand and Samuel shook it.

“It’s a deal. Now that that is out of the way, and there’s nothing else to do. How about you tell me about this city we are headed to.”

Samuel smiled.

“That’s right, you and Lady Marty are not from around here.”

Samuel began to go into fine detail about nearly every aspect when it came to the city.

“The city is one of fighting and gambling. It is a city known for its gladiatorial and exhibition matches. Many warriors if they show great merit and potential, have a chance of joining one of the many factions. I guess hiding my business would do nothing but serve as a wedge of sorts so I’ll just tell you now. My dealings involve equipment, armor, weapons, and such. We are constantly competing for the number one spot when it comes to such dealing in the city of Gauldriss. Along with

Samuel continued on and he grew more and more excited as he mentioned the fights that would take place in the arena. It seemed he was a fan of the matches. Marty became interested in the type of weapons Samuel sold and Samuel showed the pair some of his samples. The weapons were indeed very good. Whether it was quality, durability, or power but Marty and Kazuki could not be impressed by these weapons.

The reason for that was they were much weaker compared to the mucus weapons Kazuki had made. All of these weapons he could pinch between his fingers and break.

“Do you make any weapons for Demigods?”

Samuel’s smile grew even wider when Marty asked.

“No, well that is until recently. Most of the time Divine soul weapons are made personally by the Demigod themselves. These are made using a part of their soul, flesh, and other rare materials. There are expert craftsmen that can make soul weapons that are of a grade even higher than what a normal Demigod can make but to get one of these experts to make such a weapon is almost an impossibility.”

Now Kazuki was curious.

“And why is that? With enough wealth surely they would go for it right?”

Marty shot that down right away.

“Jentson these experts are not some poor beggar with their hand out. They have been honing their craft for countless years. Their skill when it comes to crafting is beyond common sense. Therefore they are sought after by everyone. Some of these expert craftsmen, they can have wealth and riches that would leave some Gods who own their own domains in the dust.”

Samuel agreed.

“Lady Marty is correct. These experts do not wish for any riches. No amount of Divine crystals can tempt them. Instead, you would need something that would move them. Some treasures so rare that it’s impossible to obtain. Objects that can not just be plucked from the dirt. There have been some Gods who have died due to trying to seek out and obtain these miracles.”

Kazuki didn’t expect there to be beings that even Gods would give their left nut to just to receive their blessing.

(Hmph, treasures that can be considered miracles are all pointless in my presence. Once my missing piece is located and I am made whole, there will be nothing in all of the three Higher Realms and below that can compete with me.)

Kazuki found Arc’s attitude egotistical.

(Yeah yeah yeah. By the way, have you absorbed the origin energy from the kid’s bracelet right? With it, have you gained anything?)

(Brush my words to the side all you want but a fact is a fact. Once I have regained my memories and my full power, there will be nothing that can compare. As for what I’ve gained so far, the bracelet was light on Origin energy but it was enough for a light snack. You need to help me find more and forget about helping some random brat.)

(Helping this kid will help us in the long run.)

(How so? Just receiving a reward, how does that get either of us closer to our goals?)

(In order to move across the Higher Realms we can not just teleport about. You could move us but that would just drain your energy once again and leave you tapped out. Money is more than just paper, coins, and crystals. I can use it to buy information along with other useful things. Information is one of the number one things we currently need.)

(Information, such as what exactly Kazuki?)

(Oh I don’t know, for you maybe information on rare treasures or other artifacts that may contain Origin energy. Once we know the location of these items, I can get close allowing you to restore more and more power. Who knows, maybe one of these treasures is actually your missing piece. Have you ever thought about that? As a matter of fact, how did you propose to find your missing piece in the first place? Don’t tell me you thought we would just wander around aimlessly in hopes of just running into it?)

Arc was quiet and Kazuki started laughing inwardly.

(Pfft, don’t tell me, was that really your plan all along?)

Arc grew angry.

(Of course not! I have no need to wander about aimlessly. The more Oring energy I consume and absorb, the more memories I unlock. Eventually, I will regain the most important memory of all, which will then tell me the exact location of my missing piece. All we have t do is keep gathering Origin energy and everything shall be revealed in time. That is my plan, that is how it will work and that is exactly how it shall go. You on the other hand, how does buying information from a random city that has no connection to Sephra or Orberus, how does that get you any closer to your so-called revenge?)

This time it was Kazuki who went quiet and this time it was Arc who began to laugh.

(Pfft, so you have no idea. Admit it.)

Kazuki sighed.

(Sure, you’re right, I don’t know. I don’t know how I can defeat Sephra and if Orberus is really involved I’m even more so at a loss but so what. Just as you will find what you seek in time, So to will I. I will gather information, and I will find out how the game is played in the Higher Realms. I will continue to grow stronger and stronger one step at a time and I will not stop until Sephra’s neck is in my hands and her eyes are filled with blood. So laugh all you wish, but that doesn’t change what will happen.)

With the mention of Sephra and his grandfather, Kazuki felt rage and then sorrow as he thought about everyone he ever lost.

Marty grabbed his arm.

“Jentson, are you ok? You seem unfocused.”

Kazuki’s ki circulated automatically and he regained tranquility.

“I’m fine, I just recalled something I didn’t wish to. It has already passed.”

Marty nodded in concern.

“Good, just don’t bottle all that crap up. I got a pair of ears if ya want me to listen.”


Just as Marty spoke, a loud explosion rang out from within the ship. It was at this time that a horrid scream filled the air. Kazuki’s expression changed and Samuel called out.

“That cry, that was Simmon’s voice! It came from…

Samuel turned to Kazuki and Kazuki finished his sentence.

“The core room.”

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