Return of the Fallen Volume 4 Chapter 17



Author: Blue_Rat


Kai nodded.

“I’ve felt it personally. Before she left, she used it several times to suppress her enemies. She helped Fera conquer our homeland with it and a few years after you disappeared, she ascended to a new realm.”

Kazuki found this hard to take in.

“But why? If she really does have a god aura, doesn’t that mean she’s a god? Why did she have to steal our Mage cores, are you telling me her power wasn’t enough.”

Kai didn’t have a proper answer. All he could do was shrug his shoulders.

“I don’t know myself. I don’t know what being a god actually entails or the limits of that type of power. I don’t even know if she really went to another realm or not. I’ve just overheard Fera’s conversations and the way she spoke of her mother, it never seemed like she was talking about her death. Instead, the way she spoke, it was almost as if Fera wanted to go to that higher realm.”

Kazuki froze for a moment. At first, he was worried. If his adopted mother was really a god then he feared he would never have a chance for revenge but Kazuki thought about it.

(What type of weak god needs Mage cores from humans. Maybe mother is similar to Zetsu and Retsu. Retsu said they were gods but he said coming to this realm stole or rather sealed most of their powers. Fighting Zetsu, he was strong, terribly so but still his body in this realm was a mortal one and I and everyone else eventually crushed him. If mother is a god then even if she returns her powers will be sorely limited and her body will be mortal.)

Kazuki’s thoughts calmed down as he thought he made some logical points. A fiendish grin flashed across his face as he thought.

(If I can crush Zetsu then I can crush that cunt as well. Even if she is a god, coming to a lower realm, she gains weaknesses.)

Kazuki glanced at Kai.

“Tell me, you’re around Fera quite a bit. What do you think the chances are of our mother showing back up? When I face Fera I’d like to settle things without interference.”

Kai shrugged his shoulders once more.

“Can’t say but I’ll tell you this. Ever since that demoness left so many years ago, Fera hasn’t heard from her since.”


“Not so much as a whisper. I think she abandoned Fera.”

“What makes you say that?”

Kai didn’t even have to think.

“Tell me, you’re willing to turn on your sons and betray them out of nowhere, albeit we were not her true flesh and blood but still, she stole pieces of us and killed me and planned to kill you all to help turn her precious daughter into a demi-god. Then you go and help conquer a continent and raise a kingdom for said daughter. All that time and effort but Fera’s progress wasn’t what she expected maybe? She wanted a demigod but Fera even with your comprehension and my martial prowess, in the end, is still only a human. The way she spent years allowing us to grow. All that time planning and sowing the seeds and she could throw us away like trash without so much as a thought. We weren’t disappointments, Fera was. If she didn’t abandon her then I can think of no other reason.”

Kazuki could see where his older brother was coming from but he couldn’t agree with that thought process. As a matter of fact, the way Kai described it, it should definitely be the opposite. Kazuki put himself in his mother’s place and looked at it from her perspective.

(If I planned for over a decade and sunk so much time and effort to make my child a demigod, there’s no way I would give up and abandon them after a little disappointment. Instead, I would throw everything into that child. All of my resources and power but maybe I’m missing something here.)

Kai pointed at the Beast core and asked curiously.

“Is it done now, is that your new Mage core?”

Kazuki was pulled out of his own thoughts and grinned at Kai’s words.

“Almost, there’s just one more thing to do.”

“Seriously. I thought you said there was only one more thing to do earlier. Which is it?”

“Well technically it’s mine but I haven’t, in lamens terms, turned it on.”

“What are you waiting for?”

Kazuki smirked cockily.

“Nothing really, I can do it at any time.”

Kai’s face became blank before he vanished and reappeared right in front of Kazuki.


Kai punched Kazuki directly in the nose. Kazuki fell on his ass and felt a sour pain in his nose. His face turned red as he yelled at Kai.

“What the fuck are you doing!”

Kai pointed at the sky and screamed back.

“I should be asking you that dumbass! Look!”

Kazuki held his nose in pain but his eyes still followed his brother’s finger up in the sky. The clouds took on a different shape and the view above changed. Kazuki could see Abura dragging his limp body across an icy field. Even though Kazuki’s eyes were closed in the real world, Kazuki could see the scene outside just fine.

(Is this what Kai sees.)

Kazuki looked back at Kai curiously but Kai just yelled at him.

“What are you still waiting for!? All this time you’ve worked so hard and come this far but when the powers directly in front of you, you want to take things easy, go slow. Get off your ass, you’ve got shit to do!”

Kazuki felt his brother’s voice boom like thunder in his ear and he jumped to his feet. His brother was right. He had gone through so much shit. Risked his life too many times and fought hard. He watched his brother die. He watched his granny Master Maya sacrifice her life and die as well. he traveled across Earth and learned the ancient hand symbols and finally managed to return but things still were a struggle. Now it was time to change things. Kazuki reached out towards the Beast core in front of him. Before he even touched it he could see it was already rapidly changing to fit his body.

“Right, see ya.”

The moment his hand touched the Beast core, he felt it tremble and resonate with his soul. The mix of reddish-orange, green and black swirling inside it seemed to grow excited as the elements interacted with his soul. Like a graceful dance, the elements flowed around him and swayed back and forth. Kazuki acknowledged them and grasped them. The elements became one with his soul and his soul became one with his mind and his mind became one with his body. Kazuki felt the power of magic once more and every cell in his body grew excited. His Mage core was reborn.

As this resonation resounded happily within Kazuki’s very soul, at the exact same time, something very strange happened far away. Across the land of Treia and through the kingdom of Jin. Where the land meets the sea and beyond. 10 thousand miles and a few thousand more. Across the ocean, on another continent, a beautiful woman floated silently in meditation. Suddenly her eyes snapped open and she fell from the air. Landing with a thud on her hands and knees she began coughing up a mouthful of blood.

*Hack cough cough wheeze wheeze*

The door to her chamber burst open and a large man wrapped in black armor stormed in.

“My Queen what has happened!…”

Before the knight could finish his sentence, Fera grasped at the air with her hand. The man’s words were stuck in his throat and he began to choke from an invisible force. Fera flicked her wrist casually and the man flew out of her chamber and crashed into the stone wall in the hall but his body didn’t stop there. The force was too great and his body broke through that wall and then another and another. Finally, he crashed into the fifth wall.


A maid saw something fly past her from out of nowhere and heard a loud crash. Looking at the body of the knight in front of her, she screamed at the top of her lungs as the man’s body had been crushed into meat paste. Blood flooded out and by the time it pooled at the maid’s feet, she had already fainted from seeing all the red puddle.

Fera roared and her voice shook the entire castle.


The doors to her chamber then slammed shut violently.


Fera looked at the large bloodstain she had just coughed up and her expression grew serious. Her eyes shut and her mind looked inward. She didn’t even have to search to find the problem as it stood out plain as day.

There was a small line running through her Mage core. The line was so small and insignificant that one would not even be able to notice it without extremely high perception.

(My Mage core! How!)

Many thoughts raced through her head all at once when it came to her. She quickly pulled out a black compass from around her neck and filled it with power. Opening it, a golden arrow hovered above it and pointed in a certain direction. Confirming its direction, Fera’s thoughts grew dark and a face appeared in her mind as she thought hatefully.

(Kazuki, you dare!)



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