Return of the Fallen Volume 4 Chapter 57



Author: Blue_Rat


Sam punched Abura dead center in the chest once more and a fist-sized hole opened up. Sam punched Abura again and again. Each one pushed Abura back a few more steps and the impact sounded like Sam was beating a heavy drum.

Sam aimed another punch at Abura and landed one right in his fat face. Abura’s mouth opened up and e bit down on Sam’s hand. Sam grit his teeth in pain and blood spurted out of his hand. He tried to pull it back but Abura grabbed ontop him. His flesh expanding outward like an octopus’ tentacles. Abura’s body began to wrap around Sam’s. Sam anger only became that much more.

He kicked off the ground and jumped into the air. Bringing his head down onto Abura’s, the two skulls collided.


Abura’s skull fractured and he released Sam’s fist from his jaws. Sam wasn’t done. He slammed his head into Abura’s repeatedly, cracking the tub of lards skull, splintering it repeatedly. Abura’s head snapped back but he refused to let Sam’s body go. Like a python contracting every muscle, Abura squeezed Sam tighter and tighter.

Sam delivered knees into Abura’s stomach. He continued to headbutt him and punch with everything he had but Abura’s tactics changed. Instead of simply taking each blow, Abura diverted the force by sending out several fleshy metal-like spikes to counter Sam’s blows. Sam’s strength would end up bending Abura’s spikes but by the time they got to Abura’s body, his power had been reduced significantly.

Abura’s head came forward and made a few popping noises as it did. His sharp dagger-like teeth came piercing down. Sam had little time and could no longer separate from Abura and brought up a fist.


An uppercut connected but Abura had anticipated this and had formed a spike under his chin. Sam’s blow barely moved Abura back and Abura applied more force and bit Sam on his shoulder.


Sam felt his anger cool drastically and some fatigue began to set in.

(This freak!)

Sam tried to pull Abura’s mouth off of him but Abura’s teeth were jagged and some of them even curved, allowing him to lock in and dig deep into Sam’s flesh.


Asuna struggled to stand up. She could feel the broken bone in her leg but she endured. Putting her weight on her other leg she leaped onto Abura’s back and pulled his head backward while yelling.

“Shin! The neck!”

Shin appeared out of nowhere. One of his arms pulled at Abura’s thick head while the other slipped under his chin like a snake. Shin put his knees in Abura’s back and he and Asuna strained their muscles as they pulled at Abura’s head, using everything they had to snap his head clean off. Without a weapon though, it made the task nearly impossible.

(Finally, it’s ready.)

Danny opened his eyes and his hands stopped making ancient hand signs. a clear sword of ice formed in his palm and he gripped it tightly. He only held it for a second but he could already feel it attacking his flesh as it’s cold penetrated deeply in his hand.

Danny had seen Kazuki’s memories, he had witnessed Kazuki learn how to form the ancient hand signs when the Mind Frey flashed his memories for all to see. During this long journey of being dragged around by Reya, Danny had been plotting how to escape from her. All this time he was powerless without a magic tool. That’s when he thought about Kazuki.

(Kazuki managed to learn how to use and harness this power in some ancient ruins. He learned from the beginning and had to struggle for months. I have the advantage of seeing his whole process myself and the many inefficiencies he had to deal with. Seeing it all though, I can skip all the mistakes he went through and just copy what works. Who would have thought, even now, I’m still relying on him.)

Danny’s blade of ice reflected the midday sun and was almost blinding to look at. Simple in design and incredibly sharp.

Danny held the blade at his side and took a stance. Taking in a deep breath his tense body eased up and his shoulders relaxed. Danny’s breath became slower and slower and he cut everything off until the only thing he could hear was his own heartbeat. He let that resound within him and focused on nothing else.

With his breath under control, he took a single step forward and his body leaned over and he began to fall. His mind was perfectly clear and his body felt as though it were moving in slow motion. Just as he was about to land face first, his eyes snapped open and his foot came forward as though he were doing a very deep lunge, catching him before he touched the ground.

Danny focused on his muscles and used his strength to kick himself forward. One step two steps, three. His body accelerated forward and he leaped into the air.

Dany had been scared, not just now but before this but it didn’t stop him. A memory flashed through his mind and he visualized the move he had used back in the Mirian swamps.

(I felt death upon me when that goblin nearly struck me in mid-air. Remember that feeling, remember the movement of my body, the way the wind felt upon my skin, the smell of the swamp, the heat from the battle, and the fear I pushed out at that moment. I remember every detail.)

Danny’s body began to spin in mid-air like a top. He brought his arms in close and which caused him to turn even faster. His eyes honed in on one specific spot. A tiny gap between Shin and Asuna’s hands where they grabbed Abura’s neck.

(Right There!)

Danny descended downward and his right hand extended outward. His wrist flexed and the muscles in his hand came rolling forward like a cracked whip. His grip loosened for a split second before it tensed up all at once and his blade sunk into that insignificant gap. Between the fingers, hands, arms, Danny’s blade entered Abura’s neck. As soon as the blade made contact with the fleshy thick neck, Danny felt it through the sword, and in one fluid motion, he pulled the blade forward.


Asuna, Shin, Sam, none of them knew what had happened. Danny had come from out of nowhere and had seemingly flown overhead and crash-landed behind them but very quickly they understood as purplish-black blood sprayed them all.

Asuna slipped off from the slick blood and Shin backed away as well. Abura’s grip loosened and he released Sam. Abura fell to his knees and his head fell backward from his neck.

Everyone looked at Danny and saw the clear ice bade in his hand and wondered just what the hell was going on but before they could even begin to question him, Abura slowly stood back up. Their eyes went wide seeing this. A tiny bit of flesh connected his head to his neck and it barely held on by a few fleshy threads. Danny turned the blade over in his hand.

(Once more.)

Danny took his stance and fell forward.

(One more cut.)

As he was falling, Kimi screamed at the top of her lungs. She reached up and grabbed Abura’s head and using all of her strength she ripped the connective tissue loose and tore Abura’s head all the way off. As soon as she did that, Danny was so taken aback that he didn’t finish his move and actually fell face-first into the snow.

(Where did she come from?)

Danny wasn’t the only one who thought this. Kimi had wounds all over her chest and legs from Abura’s spikes and after she was almost eaten again, they all thought she was down and out. Kimi though overcame something herself. Seeing Abura in that state, her anger finally outweighed her fear and something took over her, causing her to race forward and grab his head with her only arm and rip it away.

Kimi screamed her heart out as she repeatedly took Abura’s now decapitated head and bashed it repeatedly on a nearby rock. Her scream was akin to a wounded beast. It was guttural and full of rage but everyone completely understood. Abura had ripped her arm off and ate it in front of her. She turned Abura’s head into a pile of mush. One of Abura’s eyes flashed but darkness was closing in and everything was becoming fuzzy.

One last thought came about before everything faded to nothingness.


By the time Kimi was done, Abura’s head was a puddle of meat paste and purplish-black blood. The foul smell wafted in the air but no one even cared. Danny slowly sat up while everyone else fell onto their hands and knees or straight on their asses, as the exhaustion finally set in. Heavy breaths took over and they all ended up laying in the snow, either face down or on their backs. The cold snow was perfect for their overheated bodies and felt refreshing rather than freezing cold.

Shin felt incredibly parched and shoveled snow into his mouth but the moment he swallowed it down he knew he made a mistake and began hacking and coughing painfully. Everyone couldn’t help but lau8gh at that and a nice mood took over.

After a bit, everyone began to bandage themselves with whatever torn off cloth that could. By this point, the bunch looked worse off than street rats. Asuna looked over at Danny and saw the blade by his side. Danny noticed her gaze and held up the sword. A gleam of light reflecting off of it he asked.


His question attracted everyone’s attention. They were indeed curious. No one had a magic tool and to use magic without one was so difficult and consumed so much energy that they found it nearly impossible to craft something like an entire sword from power. Shin and Kimi knew this first hand. It took almost all of Kimi’s energy to maintain a small orb of light and Shin’s signature move shrunk down to almost nothing, yet Danny had not only created an entire sword but it was still around even after this fight.

Danny smiled.

“The first one was really difficult to make but after I made it and it broke, I realized my mistake the second time around and made it better.”

Asuna scrunched her brows together.

“We’re not talking about that. We’re wondering, how the hell you made it in the first place. Without a Magic tool, it should basically be impossible so how then did you do it.”

Danny looked at the seethrough blade and only said one word.




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