Return of the Fallen Volume 4 Chapter 84



Author: Blue_Rat


“Enough, who cares why she didn’t use this ability earlier on. The fact is she’s using it now and we need to come up with a way to defeat her.”

Asuna was tired but not defeated. She knew though that this conversation was pointless and that they needed a way out or they would die.

Degra’s brows rose.

“So do you actually have an idea young lady or do you just like interrupting the grown-ups?”

Asuna’s eyelid began to twitch.

(This asshole.)

Before things went astray, Kazuki stood in between Asuna and Degra.

“Stop, now isn’t the time. Asuna do you have a plan?”

Asuna reluctantly shook her head no and Degra smirked but a second later Kazuki asked him the same thing.

“What about you?”

Degra’s tongue was tied and he became stumped.

“No, then let’s not bicker and actually come up with something. For now, someone wake Tsura, and let’s think. No doubt our time is short and shrinking.”

Everyone became quiet but Kimi couldn’t stand seeing Kazuki just worm his way back in like nothing happened. She mockingly asked.

“Oh, don’t you have a plan Kazuki? Don’t tell me you’ve got nothing. Usually your always full of it, am I right?”

Kazuki could feel the venom in her tone.

“I don’t have a plan.”

“Really, I thought you knew everything and could do everything. The way you walk around and the way you talk, where’s the guy that’s supposed to figure it all out and solve it. Not here? Right because in the end, you don’t solve anything. You only bring misfortune again and again. Every step of the way, it’s those around you that get screwed. The moment we trusted you back in Treia was the lead to our downfall. Even this situation we’re in now. It’s because of you and this one that we’re about to die. You’re the one to blame.”

Kimi was filled with anger and every word she said was laced with hate and mockery. Kazuki took all of this in quietly and everyone just kind of stared at him. There thoughts a mix of confusion and emotion.

Degra didn’t know the full extent of the situation but after Kazuki reminded him of what they were facing, he was all for coming up with a plan now but again things had become sidetracked. Things weren’t looking good.

“Kimi, no, all of you. I…I have wronged you all and for that, I truly am sorry. I lied to you, deceived you, and put you all in danger because of it. I don’t know how I can ever make up for it or if I even can but…”


Kimi screamed at Kazuki, interrupting him.

“You think I want your apology. It’s too late for that shit, far too late! You spew words and pretend as if you care but we all saw your memories. We all saw what you’ve done and you’re no different from any other scum bag that will do whatever it takes, whatever is necessary to achieve your goals. Even if it hurts all of us. You are the worse kind of person. You are the worse, vile, piece of garbage that just won’t go away. Do you really not see that. Everyone here is just being polite, holding themselves back but they all think the same as me. Kazuki, you are nothing but an illness that needs to be cut out and just like an illness, eventually, you’ll be gone from our lives and we’ll all feel a million times better.”

No one said anything as they all felt that sink in. Kazuki sighed inwardly. He wanted to speak how he truly felt at this moment but he knew he would lose them and there would be no way of defeating Triska without their help, even if it meant their demise.

“Kimi, what do you want?”

This simple question caused Kimi to tremble in frustration, rage, humiliation. Everything and everything boiled over at this moment and she screamed at the top of her lungs.


Kimi fell to her knees and she began to sob. Her voice became soft and low.

“I want Danny to be alive. I want my mom and my dad. I want to go home…I want to go home.”

Kimi began to bawl her eyes out and Sam wrapped her up in a warm tight hug. This warmth only caused Kimi to cry harder into Sam’s chest.

Kimi’s scream had woken Tsura. She was a little out of it and confused as to where she was but when she heard Kimi crying and mention wanting Danny to be alive, Tsura’s eyes darted over to Danny’s body. As soon as she saw him lying limply in the cold snow, she already knew. Tsura tried to stand but her legs felt weak and she almost fell.


Mei caught her and helped hold her up. Tsura though couldn’t even seem to hear Mei’s voice and struggled from her grip over to Danny’s body. Danny was lying face up with Tsura by his side. She saw the deep and terrible wound in his chest. A large hole, almost severing his body in half it was so large left Tsura feeling gutted.

Her hand trembled as she placed it over Danny. She wanted to touch him, to feel him but she couldn’t bear to. Her head collapsed into her hands and she silently wept.

(Not again…not again.)

Mei was by her side and knew she was sad because Danny was gone but she didn’t understand her mother’s heart fully but seeing her mother so sad and break down like that, it caused her to cry as well.

“Mama, please don’t cry mama…please.”

Kazuki glanced at Tsura for a brief second and knew all too well.

(So she did love him.)

Kazuki didn’t know how it happened but ever since the time incident back in Burashi village, Kazuki could tell something had changed between them. Kazuki could only guess as to what happened but Tsura breaking down like this, confirmed it.

Shin couldn’t help but have his stomach twist seeing Tsura creak like this. He too was close to Danny. Compared to everyone else, he and Danny had become actual friends. Shin would joke and poke fun and Danny would eventually snap and get mad at him. The two had a back and forth that became a friendship but now it was all over. Everyone was feeling some type of way and was full of hurt but Kazuki couldn’t allow these sentiments to continue for too much longer.

Kazuki sat down and crossed his legs, sitting in a meditative position.

(I need more time. I have to come up with something or we all die here.)

Kazuki shut his eyes and focused on his soul world. Kimi saw Kazuki sit down and shut his eyes and grew furious. Her tears dried up in an instant and she was ready to bash Kazuki’s brains in but Sam of course held onto her. Degra though saw Kazuki’s actions and he became interested. His eyes shined for a second and he understood.

(This guy, he can actually already enter his own soul world. That’s something that most 4th stage Mages can barely do, yet he can just enter that easily. Incredible.)

Kimi pointed at Kazuki and screamed.

“What the hell do you think your doing!? Are you actually really just sitting there and ignoring us when we’re all in pain like this!?”

Kazuki was dead silent as his mind had left the outside world and had retreated inward. Kimi took this as him blatantly ignoring them and shouted again.

“Someone kick this asshole dead for me. Why let that Blondie in the sky have that satisfaction, let’s just get rid of this piece of shit ourselves.”

Degra chuckled.


Kimi turned her fury toward him.

“Are you actually laughing at me?”

Degra nodded.

“You fucking…”

“Little lady do you know why I laugh?”

“Who cares why, you’re just like him. Both of you don’t give two shits about what’s going on and…”

Degra flashed his eyes at Kimi and her mouth along with her entire body froze. She could no longer speak nor move. Sam didn’t know what just happened but he knew Degra was the cause and was about to jump into action when Degra’s eyes landed on him as well. The two of them were completely paralyzed.

“Whether I’m like Kazuki or not, who knows. One place where we definitely differ though is, well in this situation, if I could abandon you all and get away free as a bird I would leave without a second thought and I would sleep like a babe when I enter my bed at night, no guilt whatsoever. Kazuki however, even now he’s still trying to find a way to save your ungrateful little ass. All of your asses. One more thing, you keep talking to me with such disrespect.”

A sword made from dark energy formed in Degra’s hand.

“And I’ll take that other arm of yours that you hold so dear.”

Degra’s eyes changed and Kimi and Sam both fell to the ground. They took in large puffs of air as Degra released them and felt their hearts beating like crazy. Kimi glared at Degra as if she wanted to skin him alive.

Asuna on the other hand wanted to know what Degra meant by that. She was about to ask but Degra just went ahead and explained before he was interrupted again.

“The one you call selfish and the one you say doesn’t care has entered his soul world.”

Degra then went on to briefly explain the concept of the soul world and why Kazuki would go there and everyone went silent for a minute.

Asuna the ever-curious followed up.

“So he went into this soul world place because time in there is longer than out here and he’s trying to come up with a plan?”

Degra nodded.

“In this situation why else would he go in there if not to by time and think of a way to save you worms.”

Degra’s explanation was short and sweet and couldn’t have lasted for more than 3 minutes at best but as soon as he finished, Kazuki’s closed eyes snapped open.

“I think I know how to win. Everyone, give me your clothes.”



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