Return of the Fallen Volume 5 Chapter 49



Author: Blue_Rat


Shin raced across the table while screaming.


Wind spiraled around his feet and he attacked.

“Shin Don’t”

It was already too late to heed Kazuki’s call.


Shin produced 6 blades of wind, each one was 10 feet in length.

The blades of wind tore through the table and landed directly on Glacious’s body. Glacious however ignored the blades of wind as though they weren’t even there. Releasing a small portion of his aura toward Shin, Shin’s body that was racing toward Glacious suddenly froze in mid-air and collapsed on top of the table.


Shin tried to lift himself up but a heavy pressure crushed him down and completely restrained him. Shin yelled at Kazuki.

“Why aren’t you doing anything, Sam and Kimi!…”

The words had barely left his mouth when Kimi and Sam both slowly say up. The two grabbed at their heads, an ache still lingering and a daze clouding them.

Kimi looked around.

“Wh…what just happened. One minute we were standing there the next…Ughh.”

Kimi and Sam’s haze dissipated and they recalled the frightening pain they had just experienced. The two saw Glacious in front of them and couldn’t help but stagger backward in pure terror.

Before they could say a word, Glacious spoke first to set things straight.

“What you have both just experienced was a fraction of my aura. I applied it directly to your brain and therefore you only experienced something similar to young Kazuki.”

Kazuki didn’t understand at first but he quickly put it together.

(Could he mean, the feeling when I absorbed his memories. Did he allow them to experience an agony similar to that?)

Sam and Kimi both shared a horrified look.

“You see when Kazuki trained with me yesterday, he didn’t just lift heavy things. He also absorbed a tiny fraction of what’s up here.”

Glacious tapped his forehead a few times.

“That pain you just endured, Kazuki has already undertaken it a handful of times. You have now gone through it once but when the real thing comes, when I toss you in that cauldron, the pain you will face will last minutes or even hours depending on the individual. I myself have no say how long one will be submitted to it. Tell me, do you want to train like this. Weeks, months, years, forget all that. Can you even last a few minutes?”

Glacious released his aura and released Shin before he sat back down. Snapping his fingers, a golem walked in with hot tea and proceeded to pour him a cup. Inhaling the deep fragrance, he ignored the others for a moment as he sipped and savored his tea.

Sam and Kimi were stunned in silence. Shin as well didn’t know what to say or do but eventually, he crawled off the table and returned to his seat, his body trembled from the lingering fear. He had used his ultimate attack and it left not even a single mark. He knew it would do nothing before he even attacked but his body moved instinctively to help his friends. Still, seeing his power do nothing was distressful.

Kazuki walked over and gently placed a hand on Sam and Kimi’s shoulders.

“Forget that. That pain, you will not have to endure.”

Sam and Kimi heard this and felt relief. Even though Glacious had said they would need to take on that pain, hearing Kazuki say they wouldn’t have to, they could believe his words.

Glacious sat his teacup down with a small clank.

“Oh, why do you say that?”

“Have you forgotten Senior? You promised me and me alone, that you would make me the strongest human. Sharing the knowledge in your head with others, you as well don’t really want to. Hell, you don’t really want to share such intimate detail with me but you can’t control what memories I absorb. Not only that, but the strength they need to traverse this continent without obstruction is also something akin to the 5th stage. At that level, there would only be a handful that could actually do something to them, so there’s no need for you to use any of your Magic blood orbs on them. What they require are strong bodies and 5th stage magic. All of that can be taught to them without your secrets being revealed. Am I wrong?”

Glacious didn’t deny it, instead, he asked.

“Kazuki, which pain do you think is worse. The pain you experience when you absorb one of my blood orbs or the feeling of having your entirety crushed against the metal walls of my cauldron. One crushes your bones and rends your flesh apart while the other shreds your mind like cheese?”

“The feeling of my mind being ripped apart is definitely worse. To even compare the two doesn’t make much sense.”

Glacious nodded.

“Agreed. So now that your friends have experienced that pain, they should now be able to endure, their bodies being crushed in my cauldron. Every time they feel as though they are on the brink of death, now they will have a memory of experiencing my aura directly on their minds. Their physical training should advance quite nicely.”

Kazuki almost blanked.

“Does…Are you saying you agree to train them?”

Glacious nodded.

“I am indeed, as long as you keep your promise.”

“My promise?”

“You said You’d owe me a favor. I am agreeing to train the two of them though so it’s only fair for it two be two favors, no?”

Kazuki looked at Sam and Kimi. The two were shaking from the after-effects but neither one left the dining room. They were resolute in learning from Glacious. Kazuki saw they were determined and turned back and nodded to Glacious.

“Right, I will owe you two favors in the future.”

Shin perked up hearing this. He once more jumped on the table and ran forward, however this time he did not proceed to attack but instead fell to his knees in front of Glacious and begged.

“Senior, me as well! Please find it in your huge and glorious mighty and amazingly talented heart to generously teach me!”

Glacious found Shin’s words to both be funny and annoying so he teasingly asked.

“Oh, and what will you offer me in return? Kazuki is giving me two favors and you’ll give what exactly?”

Shin smiled before saying.

“Of course I’ll gladly offer another favor from Kazuki. You’ll train me and he’ll do three favors in the future for you instead of just two. Not a bad deal am I right?”

Everyone went quiet after that.

“I’ll owe him three instead of two? Shin you crazy ass hat. Why should I owe him an additional favor for your sake?”

Shin smiled.

“Why not, what’s the harm? What’s the difference if you owe two or three. It’s not like you have much to lose. Why can’t you do this for a bro? Tell you what, you do this favor for me and I’ll have Sam owe you a favor, later on, hows that sound?”

Kazuki almost slapped his own forehead.

“Dammit, Shin that’s just you avoiding the favor again. How about you actually offer your own favors?”

Shin felt aggrieved.

“Do you know how much one of my favors is worth? How can I simply offer one so cheaply? Besides, last I checked, you owed me for the times I saved your life.”

Kazuki stared in disbelief.

“The times you saved my life! I know for a fact I saved you more times than you saved me. If anything, you’re indebted to many many times over.”

Shin shook his head.

“Kazuki you look back at the past and count pennies and nickels, who cares about who saved who more, it’s in the past. Let’s instead look to the future. Right we’ll call all the past stuff even steven and start from square one, so loan me a favor and I’ll pay you back at some point, how’s that sound, fare?”

Kazuki was left speechless. Shin really was different. Was it guts or did he just not care, there was really no way of telling.

Glacious slapped the table with a.


Everyone’s attention was drawn to him on the spot. He wore a stern expression and Shin, Sam, and Kimi all thought he was angry. Kazuki though with his newly enhanced eyes could observe Glacious with great clarity. Every minute detail was displayed before him and he could see the corner of Glacious’s lip twitching slightly. This was not due to anger but rather Glacious was actually holding back laughter.

(He’s not angry but almost laughed at Shin’s ridiculous and ballsy behavior.)

After only a second, the tiny twitching at the corner of his lip stopped and Glacious had regained his composure.

“Even with all my help, there are still many chances of failure and though I said he can become powerful, stranger things have happened. His favors might turn out to be nothing more than a wisp of smoke by the time I collect from him. Kazuki’s future is most certainly not guaranteed but since he has agreed to help me, I suppose I can be lenient. Ok, Kazuki you will owe me three favors at a later date and I will help train these three small ones. That is if you really are willing to agree to that many favors.”

Shin, Sam, and Kimi all looked hopeful towards Kazuki. Kazuki couldn’t help but sigh inwardly.

(Two favors or three, there really is not much of a difference. Fine. Shin you sly bastard, I’ll make sure you pay me back several times over.)

“Agreed, Senior.”



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