Return of the Fallen Volume 5 Chapter 68



Author: Blue_Rat



Asuna stomped hard on the ground in protest.


Rocks shattered beneath her feet and exploded outward.

“What you’re saying makes absolutely no sense. You want us both so we should just fall into your arms and then what, be grateful that you gave us the time of day. What’s next, should we worship at your feet and kiss them too. God, what am I even doing here!? I must have been a fool to think you would ever man up and actually choose one of us. I can’t stand this bullshit.”

Asuna turned to leave and Nunlly followed up with.

“Good riddance. Kazuki, she said it herself, she wants to leave so can you change what you said earlier about either both of us or none of us. I mean her feelings were obviously just so so.”

Asuna paused her steps, her anger starting to boil. Her mind a mix of confusion and her heartfelt as though it were being squeezed with a vice. She couldn’t help feeling this way and it was all Kazuki’s fault. Asuna was about to continue on when Kazuki called out to her.

“Asuna, is this what you really want?”

“Hmph, like you actually give a crap about what I want, why even bother asking me such a stupid question?”

Nunully as well didn’t understand why Kazuki asked that.

“Kazuki just leave her be.”

Kazuki couldn’t accept that though. Seeing Asuna walk away from him and act as though she were ready to through everything away, Kazuki had to be sure this was her truth.

“Nunully, stop for a moment. I want to hear Asuna’s words directly.”

“But…but Kazuki, she doesn’t really like you, that much is obvious by how she acts right?”

Kazuki shook his head.

“It may sound weird but I’ve observed Asuna over a long period. Since she was constantly around Ryuta who I had in my sights, I naturally watched her as well. She is one who is quick to anger but her anger sometimes is just a front in which she hides her true feelings. Take right now for example. For her to go after me so aggressively and then so willingly throw things away so swiftly, I don’t think she really wants to give up. Do you Asuna?”

Asuna was dead silent and couldn’t answer.

“You can keep quiet all you want but I know how you really are. I…”

Before Kazuki could finish, Asuna yelled over him.


“Your right, maybe I don’t know you as well as I think I do. At the same time, I can be dense, I’ll admit that. So if I don’t understand you deeply enough, you have to just straight up tell me. Otherwise, how will I ever know what you’re thinking about? For starters why don’t you step up and tell me right now what you’re feeling? And I don’t mean the name-calling. Just tell me your thoughts, will you do that?”

Asuna bit her lower lip.

“I hate it…It doesn’t make sense to me. Why do you have to choose two, why can’t you just pick one girl like a normal person? Don’t you see how weird this all is?”

Kazuki thought for a moment before nodding.

“You’re right, it is weird…”

“Then why?”

“You didn’t let me finish. It is weird for a person to be with two different people at once. However, that standard you are going by applies mainly to Earth’s society. Here on the Feya content, it’s natural for someone with power to have multiple partners. The strong tend to have several wives or concubines, so what you find weird is actually quite normal around here. Tell me Asuna, what do you think love actually means?”

Asuna was baffled by this question.

“What love actually means. love is love. I mean it’s like…um you know, it’s just love, I don’t know. What kind of dumb question is that?”

“From your vague definition, you yourself have no clue what love really is.”

Asuna’s eye began to twitch in anger. She was feeling insulted but Kazuki quickly clarified.

“I’m not making fun of you. I asked that question because as I’ve mentioned before, I myself don’t really know what it is. My point is if you don’t understand or know what it really means and neither do I, who are we to preemptively judge or define a relationship between all of us? Asuna, do you like me, I guess that is a dumb thing to ask at this point. If you didn’t like me, you wouldn’t still be standing here. Instead, I’ll just ask, on this thing neither of us understands, are you not willing to at least give it a try? What do you lose in the end? If you stop liking me then fine we cut ties then and there. However, if our feelings grow and develop and we become closer, is there a problem with that?”

Asuna stared at Kazuki for a long time. Her mind spinning, her emotions a swirl. Finally, she couldn’t stand it anymore and stomped repeatedly on the ground.

*Bang Bang Bang!*

The ground exploded multiple times but Asuna wasn’t finished. Her eyes glowed purple and she teleported to a nearby tree. Her steel daggers appearing in her hands, she cleaved the tree in half and delivered a roundhouse kick to the largest piece.

*Crack snap*

The tree was crushed under her blow and shattered into chunks of wood fragments. She kept teleporting and slicing away at anything nonliving. Boulders, trees, the ground, she tore threw it all with unleashed rage. Nunully had never seen Asuna move like this and actually felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. It was a chilling sight to see Asuna just lose it.

(She’s lost it, Asuna’s crazy.)

“Kazuki, shouldn’t you stop her?”

Kazuki shook his head.

“No, she needs this.”

Nunully shook her head.

“No, you don’t understand. If uncle sees this mess…You know how he gets when his stuff gets messed up.”

Kazuki felt his blood turn cold when he thought of Glacious seeing his territory being destroyed like this.

Kazuki swallowed hard.

“I’ll take responsibility for this. I’ll tell him I was trying to fuse my magic like his and that something went wrong and that it was a training accident. Hopefully, he’ll believe me and leave things with that.”

Kazuki wasn’t afraid he’d be killed but the way Glacious handled people he was supposed to take care of while training them, Kazuki couldn’t imagine what would be done to him if Glacious decided to be rough.

After a while, Asuna crushed one more boulder before landing softly on the ground. She huffed and puffed and sweat dripped down her face but her expression was much calmer than it had been before. Asuna walked over toward Kazuki and spoke bluntly.

“Fine, I accept.”

Kazuki and Nunlly both stared blankly. Nunully was disappointed but Kazuki was actually excited. He thought he had better control over his emotions but hearing a cute girl saying she would be with you, this was something not easily suppressed.

Asuna then pointed in his face.

“But I’ll tell you this right now. If you hurt me, I swear to god or whoever, I will do everything in my power to crush you. Not just me, Sam sees me as a sister and I see him as a brother, and I guarantee he’ll help me beat your ass if you mistreat me. You got it!?”

Kazuki thought about Sam and Asuna’s personalities and he knew these weren’t idle threats and that Asuna absolutely meant this from the bottom of her heart.

Kazuki teasingly held out a pinky as though to do a pinky promise.

“I swear.”

Asuna didn’t understand that she was being teased and grabbed his pinky with hers and shook. She then held her pinky out to Nunully.

“You to Nene. Promise me, even if things don’t work out with this jerk, we can still be friends.”

Nunully couldn’t help but giggle. She hadn’t done a pinky promise since she was little but Asuna was actually taking it so seriously. Hooking her pinky around Asuna’s she smiled.

“Deal but just so you know this doesn’t mean our competition is over.”

Asuna and Kazuki both had a puzzled look.

“Fufufu, we must still see who will be the wife and who will be the mistress.”

Kazuki detected a hint of Lamia in Nunlly just now.

Asuna snorted.

“Hmpf, you already thinking about that. Who knows if we’ll even get that far.”

“So can I take that as you giving me the lead?”

“Who said anything about handing over the lead. I’m just saying you think way too much about this aren’t you a little too obsessed.”

“Hmm, I’d say you think too little and that’s why you’ll be left behind in the dust. Right, Kazuki?”

The two came to look at Kazuki who was still stunned by the fact that they had jumped so far ahead, mentioning marriage. Kazuki avoided their gazes and looked up into the sky.

“Ah, up there, is that a bird. Breakfast! That’s right, none of us have eaten yet and the days already started since a few hours ago. I’ll be…I’ll be right back.”

Kazuki then kicked off the ground and disappeared into the sky at a terrifying speed.

Nunully chuckled.

“He’s so cute.”

Asuna didn’t say anything but she had a small smile n her face as she watched Kazuki ascend higher and higher into the sky.

“I guess the game starts from here Asuna, good luck.”

Asuna crossed her arms and stood tall and proud.

“Hmpf, who needs luck.”



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