Return of the Fallen Volume 5 Chapter 92



Author: Blue_Rat


Reya and the other Azirians hovered silently in the sky like an eerie shadow over the world.

Kazuki and the others on the other hand were filled with confidence. Although the exchange was short between the two sides, Reya had lost thousands in only a few minutes. Kazuki and the others did this with ease and had suffered zero injuries. It was obvious, even if Reya held the numerical advantage, Kazuki’s side was more than capable of handling her and the army of Azirian’s especially if Fera was nowhere to be seen.

Shin called out teasingly.

“Reya! I thought you were gonna kill Kazuki. Looks to me like you are finally coming to realize the truth. You and the rest of those ugly things, you guys can’t even touch us. This is what it feels like to be on the winning side. For once we are the stronger ones. All that humiliation you put us through. Dragging us through the snow with bare feet, forcing us to strip in the cold harsh winds, starving us half to death, your death can’t come soon enough.”

Reya’s crimson eyes grew bloody red. A human was daring to talk down to her.

(This piece of human garbage. So full of himself. I will not die here.)

Reya stared at something out of the corner of her eye.

(They think they can hold me here. As long as the big ones don’t interfere, I will escape. All I need is a distraction. It’s time to use it.)

Reya could feel her skin crawl thinking about what she was about to do. A mix of madness and desperation caused her to laugh wildly.


“You filthy fucking humans! I will not die here. SOLDIERS! TO ME!”

Reya roared those words out and as soon as she said that, the surrounding Azirian’s as though they were a colony of ants following their queen’s command, every single one of them rushed to Reya’s side.

Kazuki didn’t understand what she was preparing to do but he knew it wasn’t good. He summoned several blue flames and screamed.


Kazuki tossed the blue fireballs towards Reya and at the same time, everyone realized something was wrong and reacted to Kazuki’s words. Nunully fired hundreds of condensed spears of ice and Shin rotated his hips and did a spin kick in the air. He fired several viper whips all wider than 50 feet, towards Reya. Asuna threw her daggers through her golden hoop and killed dozens of Azirian’s before they could reach Reya’s side.

The bracer on Kimi’s arm glowed bright and she fired a concentrated laser beam and exploded head after head, while Sam created several spears from his Heisho armor and launched them all at Reya. Tilly gathered her all. Even though she couldn’t do much, she launched her cannon force as well. Last but not least, Etora jumped toward the center of the mass of incoming bodies. He went directly for Reya and decided to end things here and now.

All at once, fire rushed, spears of ice and armor soared, searing light fired, blades of wind slashed and tore and spheres of wind which could shred through metal like butter, every one of these attacks came down upon Reya but it was too late.

Body after body got in the way. hundreds, thousands. These bodies were a perfect meat shield and took all of the damage Reya would have received. The only attack which made it through was Etora’s. He jumped in the center and punched at Reya. Since he couldn’t fly, Reya simply retreated further into the sky but Etora still managed to punch outward. A powerful force of wind flew forward Directly at Reya. This was not a blow she could take head-on whatsoever.

She flew backward at high speed and threw body after body in front of the attack but nothing helped. The force from Etora’s punch was so great that it ripped through everything in front of it. Finally, the powerful force caught up to Reya.


Tens of thousands of bodies were reduced to a rain of purplish-black blood.

Etora landed on the ground, a flash of disappointment on his face.

“Tsk, I missed. Everyone be careful, she’s not dead yet!”

Reya’s body had completely exploded from Etora’s blow. One small piece of her remained, however. A small portion of her head had remained intact and she had escaped death by a hair’s breadth.

Etora prepared to throw another blow but how could Reya sit still for death. The hail of blood raining down upon the lands stopped in mid-air. Reya’s red eyes resembled the blood of the damned and with her will, all of the purplish-black blood reversed. As though it defied gravity, the blood rained upward and surrounded Reya in a large orb of blood.


Reya unleashed an unholy roar and the blood orb swelled to the size of a hill. Within the orb, many parts floated about and began fusing with Reya. Not just her, several feet away, the rest of her army had formed a few other large blood orbs. Within them, a mix of bodies started to rapidly fuse together.

Etora became serious in an instant. His bestial instincts were telling him to kill this abomination before it was birthed into the world.

Kazuki and the others as well were shocked. Their attacks had completely failed to penetrate Reya’s sacrificial wall of flesh. Even Kazuki’s blue flame was snuffed out due to the sheer amount of monstrous blood. An ominous feeling filled the sky and air around them and it became difficult to breathe.

Etora didn’t sit around to wait and see what would happen. He roared at the sky and released a howl that ripped through the air. He went on all fours and his body began to expand. His skin peeled away and his face elongated. Bines creaked, cracked, and snapped as they broke apart and expanded at a rapid rate. Wild spots of fur burst forth from all over his body and his legs hinged and his hands warped. His height stretched upward and his body lengthened.

In an instant, Etora’s tall yet slim figure transformed into a large wolf. His body was over 40 feet tall and his length was well over a hundred feet, not including the tail. Covered in platinum blonde fur with silver eyes, everyone felt the world didn’t make sense seeing this. Mei had called Etora Mr wolf many times but everyone just thought it was a nickname given to him. They knew he wasn’t human but to see him suddenly transformed into this. Their minds went blank.

Etora showed his still elongating teeth and spoke.

“This foul smell. Such evil, this can not be allowed to exist.”

Glacious was still putting the mountains back together when he felt Reya’s weird change. Not only that, barely a second later and his little brother changed into his true form. Glacious lowered his hand and a mountain floating at his side fell to the ground and crashed with a deafening crash, however, he had no time to pay attention to that.

Just as he was about to head over, the ground around him began to shake. The mountain of rubble that Glacious had yet to get to began to tremble and the clouds in the sky started to swirl about chaotically and blacken. A large head once more formed in the sky.

Glacious frowned upon the sight.

“Your back again, really?”

Fera opened her mouth and the air shook as she spoke.

“Surprised!? We all have our limits but I have yet to reach mine.”

Glacious rolled his eyes and was about to grab at the sky when Fera added.

“I now know why you wanted me to be silent. I have found your weakness. Just like I have my limits in traversing my mind across the world, you…Your power is growing weaker and weaker.”

As soon as she said that, Glacious froze on the spot. The clouds up above parted slightly with Fera’s devilish grin.

“I knew it. It seems you have fallen on hard times. You suffer from something. I don’t know what it is but it seems to take a large toll on you. This is the real reason you wished to silence me. Not because of my talking but rather you only have so much time or power or something in which you can use your abilities, am I wrong?”

Glacious said nothing.

“I’ll take your silence as affirmation.”

100 miles away, everyone was watching the clouds in the sky when Reya roared out.


The blood orbs retracted into Reya and the few other newly formed Azirian’s.

All of the blood floating around dove deep into their flesh and revealed monstrous deformed things.

Dozens of arms and legs sticking out and extending all over the body. dozens of heads and thousands of eyes all over. Even Reya became something ghoulish. Bumps and lumps, heads and arms, and hands. What used to at least resemble a human, was now more akin to a frankenstein of mismatched parts and repulsions.

The sight of these creatures made one want to vomit. Reya took this opportune moment to reach forward. As she did, the dozens of arms covering her body outstretched and raced toward everyone.

Kazuki dodged to the side.


Everyone reacted in their own way but one person was not lucky.


Tilly had dozens of hands wrapped around her neck and body.

Etora jumped forward and bit clean through Reya’s arms and severed quite a few of them but this wasn’t enough. The arms wrapping around Tilly refused to release her and they flew above Etora and reconnected with Reya.

Reya now held Tilly firmly in her grip. A long tongue extended from several of the heads on Reya’s shoulder and they licked Tilly’s face disgustingly.

“Now I have a hostage. I wondered how I would escape from here and thought this was my only chance.”

Reya looked to the side and smiled seeing her master had returned.

(I knew master was stronger.)

Holding Tilly in her hands, Reya felt confident in everything.

“Shin, what was it you were saying earlier, I can’t touch any of you. Then what about this old woman. Tell me, am I touching her?”



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