Return of the Fallen Volume 6 Chapter 26



Author: Blue_Rat


Like a raging meteor ripping the sky apart, this creature’s house-sized hand came chopping down atop the river as though it were trying to divide the world.


As soon as its hand had sliced into the water, Kazuki who wasn’t too far away was suddenly swept up by a chaotic torrent of water. Not just him. There were a few crocodiles and hundreds of smaller fish that had their world turned upside down as 4 whirlpools sucked the water downward and spiraled uncontrollably.

The sight of this alone would be enough to steal one’s breath but the power of this blow was not yet finished. As the whirlpools pulled apart from one another, the water itself parted and left a deep divide through the river.

Kazuki, as well as a few other creatures, found themselves directly on the bottom of the river. All of the water was split between two sides and the goat-headed monster chuckled and then surprisingly spoke.


“Strange creature, so interesting and fun.”

Kazuki was taken aback by this loud voice but wasted no time thinking about it. Kazuki ran towards the wall of water that was just about to fall and attempted to dive into it. As soon as he made his move though, one of the crocodiles near him snapped its confused open jaws at him.

Kazuki had no time to mess about and dodged the large mouth. As soon as it snapped shut, Kazuki wrapped both arms around the croc’s mouth before lifting it upward. Flipping its big ass body overhead, Kazuki performed something similar to a suplex and slammed it into the river bed beneath his feet.


Blood spilled out of the croc’s snout and it twitched a few times before shaking Kazuki furiously back and forth.

(Damn, I thought that would have been enough.)

Kazuki took his broken ruler and placed it directly on the croc’s eye. Filling it with aura, the black ruler sharpened and extended several inches and instantly pierced the croc’s eye and brain.

The croc fell flat on its stomach and moved no more. Kazuki then once more dove toward the wall of water that was now falling as the parting waters started to fall inward and refill the bottom of the river.

The creature watched Kazuki’s actions and became even more interested. Just as Kazuki dove into the water, the goat-headed beast lifted its other arm and chopped down at the river once more.


The water parted and Kazuki found himself at the bottom of the river for a second time.

(This bastard really doesn’t want to let me go! The only way I can escape is if I build some distance and these damn eyes of mine stop glowing.)

Kazuki extended his ruler by almost 100 feet and used it as a pole vault to launch himself forward back into the water.

The goat-headed monster seemed entertained by this and instead of chopping and parting the river, it’s hand followed directly behind Kazuki and tried to grab him.

Kazuki turned in the water and thrust his ruler forward. Its edge became sharp in an instant and extended once more.


The sound of metal hitting metal rang out underwater.

(Damn, even this thing’s flesh is this fucking tough.)

Kazuki’s black ruler had only left a small mark on the palm of the monster’s hand and nothing more. The goat beast grew excited and tried to clinch its hand around Kazuki but Kazuki poured more energy into his ruler and extended his ruler even more. Using this he pushed himself away by more than a hundred feet.

(Its skin is almost as hard as the spikes along the cliff wall. Can’t pierce its skin but it must have a weakness somewhere.)

Kazuki swam with the current and his speed increased underwater. Kazuki was starting to gain some distance but before he got too far, the beast would simply take a few casual steps and would catch up to Kazuki in no time.

(This isn’t working! There must be a weakness, somewhere…)

Once again a house-sized hand parted the water and grabbed at Kazuki. Kazuki thought about the clackers and an idea popped into his head. Just as the creature tried to grab Kazuki, Kazuki took in a large deep breath. With ki in his lungs and throat, he roared at the monster with everything he had.


The creature’s hand froze on the spot in confusion. Kazuki thought the creature’s eardrums might have burst or at least he dealt a minimal amount of damage but it looked completely unaffected. Kazuki wouldn’t wait around.

(Damaged or not, it paused. That’s good enough for now.)

Kazuki extended his black ruler and launched himself out of the river and onto the opposite side. He then took off like a bat out of hell and distanced himself as much as he could.

The moment of confusion vanished as the monster witnessed Kazuki flee into the distance. A large grin formed on its face as it watched Kazuki’s back.

*Fwap Fwap*

The goat beast flapped its wings and kicked off the ground, breaking a large portion of the ground beneath its feet and sending it falling into the river nearby.

It chased after Kazuki with greater and greater interest.

Kazuki, on the other hand, saw the creature catching up already but out in the distance he spotted something else.

Kazuki stopped in his tracks and changed direction. At the same time, he pulled two clacker legs from his waist. Applying some of his ki, he began rubbing the legs together in a feverish matter. His ki amplified the noise and the sound of clicking and clacking echoed out in all directions far and wide.


A crater formed right behind Kazuki as the monster landed on the ground. The more it watched Kazuki the more interested it became by his actions.


The air was torn as the monster swiped at Kazuki. Jumping into the air, Kazuki met the creature’s blow with his black ruler and extended it, pushing himself away from the oversized beast. The creature expected this and had his other hand prepared and came swiping at Kazuki from behind him.


*Crunch snap*

The sound of several bones breaking rang out and Kazuki couldn’t help but issue a terrible scream.


The creature looked down at the prize in his hand and reveled in the cries that its prey released.

Kazuki felt bones break and muscle tear apart. After his initial cry, the rest of the air in his lungs had been squeezed out and he almost passed out. Using his will he just barely hung on.

(I can’t…die)

Although he thought that, he could not move even a single inch. The strength of the monster holding him was one that was beyond him. He felt as though he were stuck between two large mountains and no matter how he tried, he could not prevent the crushing force. He had felt like this before from the aura that spreads out from the cave. This overwhelming crushing force upon one’s body. This however was no due to energy but instead from this enormous monster.

The pressure squeezing him and the lack of air was causing his mind to slip from him. Just as he was about to pass out from this, the creature unexpectedly loosened its grip ever so slightly.


Kazuki sucked in a large chest full of air and could finally breathe. The grip still did not allow him to move but he now wasn’t being crushed to death. Kazuki inhaled deeply and exhaled air like a fish on dry land and wondered what the hell was going on. Looking up, his eye aught the creatures. Two large eyes as big as windows and as soulless as a rock stared into his own.

The creature released its grip even more and simply held onto Kazuki by his arm and examined him closely before it spoke.

“You fast but not as fast as me. You also have sharp sharp but it cant heurd me. HEy! I kno u Talk I hurd it. NOw say soemthing befor i eatz u.”

Kazuki was left shellshocked.

(It wants me to speak to it. It hasn’t immediately eaten me yet but it’s made the threat, maybe I can talk it out of turning me into a meal or rather a snack.)

Kazuki was silent for only a few seconds but the creature thought it was a refusal to speak so it quickly shook Kazuki violently. Kazuki felt muscles in his shoulder tear and felt his arm dislocate. It was on the verge of being torn off. Kazuki grit his teeth in pain.


The goat-headed beast smiled like a kid with a new toy.

“C! C! I Nuu u culd talks. Say soem mor.”

Kazuki started to heal his arm and at the same time said the thing that was on his mind.

“Why are you doing this? Why have you been following me all this time? I have no animosity with you so why are you doing all of this?”

The large goat-headed monster tilted its head in confusion.

“U talk not so guod. What does anintosity mean?”



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