Return of the Fallen Volume 6 Chapter 3



Author: Blue_Rat




Fera slammed a fist into the side of a wall and caused it to crumble into dust. Several maids who were walking through the halls, when they heard and saw the palace wall reduced to a puff of smoke, they all scurried and ran away in fear. For some reason, their queen had been in an incredibly foul mood and none of them knew why. What they did know though was that anyone who disturbed her would be executed on sight and so they fled to the other end of the palace post haste.

Fera made her way to her throne and took a seat. Her thoughts fuming about earlier. Initially, she was happy to send Kazuki to his doom but after she had a few moments to cool off she still felt the loss. Not of him falling to his death, she gave zero fucks about that, instead, she felt deep regret for not snatching the compass from Kazuki’s neck before he plummeted down and into the Abyssal trench.

Thinking about her future plans, she needed that compass but now…

Fera grumbled under her breath for a bit.

“That trench is a problem in itself but if it was just that alone, I could manage somehow. Even if it interferes with my magic, I could simply send a few Azirian ants down there and recover what should rightfully be mine but it’s not just the trench that stands in my way. That entity I sensed down there, no doubt it’s a Titan and a powerful one at that. Were I to just simply send some Azirian’s down there, the Titan guarding that place could consider it an act of war. I’m making more enemies than need be at the moment. I need to finish off my foes before there are too many to count. Even if I explain things properly though, a Titan wouldn’t listen. They are the most stubborn existences in the world. Still, I need to send someone.”

Fera caressed the black compass around her neck gingerly.

“To succeed with only one compass…is that even possible? Mother…why have you forsaken me?”

Fera went quiet as she sensed an expected presence beyond the throne room. Just as the being on the other side was about to knock, the large metallic doors opened and she waved the person in.


An ordinary young man walked in. His skin was light brown and he was a bit on the thin side. With a single step forward his body blurred and he left afterimages behind him. The very next moment and he was kneeling in front of Fera.

Fera spoke calmly and with little emotion.

“As you know, your sister had been doing an important mission for me. She was to kill a single person for me and retrieve a certain item. In the end, she has failed me and she died in battle. Reya is dead.”

The young ma kneeling before Fera suddenly snapped his head up. His red eyes glowed but besides that, he showed a large smile.

“So she’s dead?”

Fera nodded.

“I know how the two of you were with one another. Your hatred for her is well known but I wouldn’t allow you to kill her. Now that she’s dead, your prey has been snatched from you. Wouldn’t you wish to kill the man who stole your prey from you?”

“My queen, you know my thoughts well.”

Fera nodded.

“Due to certain circumstances, I can not send my consciousness to the Feya continent. Therefore I’ll send you in my place. I would send more but any more and the Titan down below will see my actions as that of an enemy. The place you must go is guarded by a Titan of unfathomable strength so this is not a game. I do not know its intentions but most Titans will ignore you so long as you do not interfere with their business and disturb them. You will go down to the bottom of the Abyssal trench and recover this.”

Fera threw a crystal orb at the thin young man and he caught it, the very next moment is displayed a floating image of a golden compass in great detail. A few seconds after it displayed the compass, the floating image changed and showed Kazuki.

The man committed the golden compass to memory as well as Kazuki’s features before putting the orb away.

“The man is called Kazuki, my younger brother. If you have the capabilities, then kill him. If not, then forget it. Take my compass from him and return it to me as quickly as possible.”

“Your Majesty, no offense but even if he’s your brother, do you really think he’ll be a problem for one such as I?”

Fera’s gaze ran cold and she released a terrifying aura. A power shot out of her and sunk into the man’s body. Suddenly he could feel sensation all over his body. Fera’s aura surrounded the thin young man in an instant. The overwhelming pressure forced the man to the ground until he was flat on his stomach. The force of Fera’s aura was so overwhelming that the man could move not even a single hair. The man quickly begged for forgiveness as pain coursed through his body.

“My queen! Forgive me! I MISPOKE!”

Fera ignored the man’s pleas and spoke with an icy chill.

“The moment you underestimate the enemy is the moment you die! My brother may only be at the 4th stage but if you look down on him you will regret it. He was able to kill your sister after she fused with thousands of other Azirian’s. You may have that kind of speed at your current level but not that kind of strength. I chose you not because of your hatred for your sister but because I thought you would be able to do it but if you fool around, you will only prove to be disappointing, just like your sister Reya.”


Fera sat there and watched the young man suffer for a few more seconds. Just as her aura was starting to grind his bones, she pulled her power out of the young man and retracted her aura all at once. With the sensation of feeling cut off from all over his body at the same time, he felt pain no more and a wave of relief, as well as fear, swept over him.

If he could sweat right now, currently it would run cold. The man knelt once more and said nothing else until he was spoken to.

“Remember, the main mission is to recover my compass. If you truly can’t deal with Kazuki then don’t worry about him. When the time is right, it will be time to head over to Feya personally.”

Fera glared at the young man before her. Extending a finger, she shot a bit of energy into the young man’s mind. Information then appeared in his head and he knew exactly where the Feya continent, as well as the abyssal trench and other such useful things, were.

“Veran, go to the Feya continent and retrieve my compass. This is your mission, now go!”

The young man called Veran bowed respectively before turning around and disappearing in a blur.

The very next instant he appeared in the sky with wings on his back. With a single flap, his body sped off over the horizon in a flash.

Fera once more gently stroked her compass.

(How much longer… How much longer until I become a demigod?)


Kazuki groggily opened his bleary eyes.

He was resting against a tree.

“Finally awake little dummy?”

“Kazuki holy crap I thought you were really gonna die. Well, I guess that’s still a possibility.”

Kazuki’s vision cleared and he saw both Kai and Danny standing over him and realized he was in his own soul world. Danny’s expression was one filled with concern while Kai tried to not seem too worried but it was plain as day.

Kazuki sat up and felt his head throb in pain.

“What the hell just happened? I was falling and then I managed to jam my ruler into the wall and stopped myself. After that, my ruler broke and I fell again and then…and then what?”

Kai pointed up at the clouds in the sky. The clouds rotated together and began playing Kazuki’s memory in front of them. Kai went over it as the memory played out.

“After your ruler broke and you began to fall again, that Azirian blood started to take over and you passed out. I had to use a bit of power and screamed at you with everything I had to get you to awaken.”

Kazuki only now noticed that Kai’s body had shrunk once more and even seemed a bit transparent sometimes. The first time he shrunk he used his power to help attach Danny’s soul to Kazuki’s soul world and now Kai’s used even more power. Kazuki felt worried for his older brother. Once he was gone that was it. Kai noticed his brother’s concerned look and punched him on the head.

“Little dummy, now’s not the time to care for me. Look!”

Kazuki’s attention was drawn to the clouds once more and Kai finished explaining.

“After you woke up that godly aura coming from both your compass and within seemed to fall under your control briefly. I don’t know if it was predestined or your did it instinctively but at that moment you sent all of that aura into the broken half of the black ruler in your hand and you shouted [“Extend”] at the top of your lungs a few hundred feet before you hit the ground.”

Kazuki watched everything play out and couldn’t recognize anything that was happening. The ruler had extended and took the brunt of the impact for him. After that, Kazuki still fell a few hundred feet. The end of the memory finally played out before him and it shocked him.


Kazuki fell on a spike protruding from the ground. It entered through his back and easily punctured out through his lower abdomen. The spike impaling him had broken a few ribs and destroyed his spleen, left kidney, left lung, pancreas, and stomach. Blood had been spilling out of him constantly and he was on the verge of death as he watched his memories play out. If he continued to bleed for even another 30 seconds, he would die. He saw the memories continue and saw a crimson red fill his eyes and then he watched as his body thrashed madly about while still impaled. The very next moment the godly aura had caused the red in his eye to retreat and his body went limp.

Kazuki paled as he watched this.

“Little dummy, You’re lucky we were able to wake you up in here when we did. It’s been several minutes since your mind slipped in here but only 2 seconds have passed out there. Now that you know what’s going on, you need to hurry up and get your ass out there before you really do die. Now hurry up and get going. We’ll talk about your situation later.”

Kazuki didn’t wait another moment and he slammed his eyes shut. The very next moment his eyes opened, he felt a brutal rush of pain fall over him and he couldn’t help but scream in madness.




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