Return of the Fallen Volume 6 Chapter 79



Author: Blue_Rat


Kazuki and Oren dove into magic theory and explored how magic beast use their beast core. After a while, the topic switched up and Oren showed Kazuki how to better use his aura. Out of everything he preached, the three Kazuki took to heart the most were Aura Shot, Wind Aura, and Strengthening Aura.

Aura shot was the move Oren had taught Kazuki and the very same move that saved him from crashing during his fight with Groud. By mimicking the wind with his aura, he changed the way his pressure spread out. Focusing it on a single point added power and spinning it caused it to drill deep within an opponent after it was fired forth. Kazuki stood in a large open training ground. Across from him were several odd trees that grew a spicy tasting fruit from its branches. Firing off a single aura shot at one of these trees proved quite destructive.

As soon as his aura shot impacted the tree, it had no time to drill into it as it was far too much for the tree to bear. Instead, before Kazuki’s aura shot drew out all of its power, the tree shattered into hundreds of pieces at the moment of impact.

A nearby gardener sighed in his heart as he watched this. At the same time, he wondered what his majesty would want to plant their next time and he felt less agony seeing the destruction. Oren on the other hand was delighted.

As he watched the tree debris scatter in the wind, Oren couldn’t help but clap at the progress, Kazuki was showing.

(“Good, now the wind aura. Just like I showed you, concentrate on decreasing the weight of the pressure you omit. Completely reverse it and make the wind an updraft.”)

Kazuki shut his eyes for a moment. Using what he learned from Danny as well as Oren, Kazuki gathered wind aura around his body and felt its gentle flow on his skin. Changing the pressure from a downward force to one that lifts, he caused the wind to pick up beneath his body. Maintaining his power precisely, Kazuki slowly began to float in the air.

At first, he managed to rise up an inch off of the ground and then two and then three. Just as he made it about a foot, he felt the air change and he fell on his ass.

Oren threw his head back and howled with laughter like a drunk hyena.


Kazuki glared at him. The change in the air was because Oren released some of his aura and it changed the flow of air around Kazuki causing him to fuck up[ and fall squarely on his ass.

“Old Ape are you trying to teach me or curse me?”

Oren shrugged his shoulders.

(“Ya think things will be all rosy once ya leave my city. Magic is everywhere and aura is around as well. Do ya think ya can maintain flight outside when things are interfering with ya left and right? Ya gotta get used to having hostile powers thrown at ya and know how to apply ya power even under pressure otherwise the skills I teach ya become useless because ya can’t use them. Either learn to di it all the time, even when under duress, or give up now Kazuki because it will only get much more difficult from here on.”)

“Fine, I get it. Even though I’m a beginner keeping on my toes may actually help improve my abilities faster.”

(Learning to adapt on the fly is something I specialize in. Show me what you got old ape.)

Kazuki once more gathered wind aura beneath his feet and slowly began to rise from the ground. Once more when he got about a foot above the ground, Oren’s own wind aura came blowing by interfering with Kazuki’s. As soon as Kazuki felt this, his balance was affected and his own wind aura began to scatter. Kazuki was ready this time. Spreading his wind aura evenly around himself he kept his balance. Increasing the power only did so much against Oren so instead, Kazuki gathered more wind aura and created a wall of it in front of himself to block Oren’s.

Oren raised a brow sensing this.

(“Hmm, Kazuki not bad. Don’t get cocky though, try this!”)

Oren’s wind aura changed direction and instead of battering against Kazuki’s it simply went around and slammed into Kazuki from every direction all at once. Kazuki was thrown into the air by this and flipped head over ass a few times.

Kazuki knew Oren would try something else but he didn’t realize that his wall of wind aura would be so useless against Oren’s own power.

(All he had to do was go around my wall. How stupid of me but this isn’t all I can do.)

As Oren’s wind aura tossed Kazuki around like a rag doll, Kazuki pulled his aura back in. Feeling Oren’s wind aura glide across his skin, Kazuki began to understand the many directions it pushed and pulled him. He understood he couldn’t beat Oren in terms of power but who said one needed power to overcome power.

(Even if I use the same amount of energy that would simply make it a draw and a draw would still see me fall and smash into the ground. If I can’t use more power then why not use his own power for my benefit.)

Kazuki once more released his own wind aura but instead of hammering it into Oren’s, he followed its flow. Using his own wind aura he gently nudged it off course using mostly its own momentum. Dozens of spiraling pockets of air formed all around Kazuki. It was Oren’s wind aura guided by Kazuki’s. As Kazuki’s wind aura guided Oren’s eventually it started to come under Kazuki’s control until Kazuki regained his equilibrium in the air.

Oren was surprised at how quickly Kazuki came to this.

(“Good, in the end, though ya did that because I allowed it. Do ya think an opponent will just sit around all day while ya siphon and guide their power?”)

Oren said nothing else and his wind aura changed. It began concentrating only fewer and fewer places around Kazuki and increased in power. It constantly drew in and scattered before circling back attacking and focusing on a few places. Every time it moved, it did so chaotically, seemingly randomly. Because of all of these sudden changes, Kazuki could no longer keep up and fell right back down on his ass.

Even when he tried to purposefully handle his body and land on his feet, Oren, swept his legs with wind aura to purposely put him on his ass.

Kazuki couldn’t understand if this was a form of bullying or a way for Oren to humble him but either way it was annoying as shit. Still, this annoyance was followed by excitement as Kazuki could see the potential in this technique.

(With these techniques, my survival rate climbs astronomically. Even if I fall down in a place like this again, so long as I have my aura I can still take care of myself. Once I master flight without using magic, my agility and maneuverability will increase as well.)

A fire was lit in Kazuki’s eyes. Jumping back to his feet he didn’t hesitate to gather his wind aura once more and rise off the ground.

Several rounds of this led to the last main ability, Kazuki asked to learn, which was Strengthening Aura.

Strengthening Aura could copy a person’s total strength and apply it to the body. Punching forward with 1000 pounds of force would double to 2000 pounds of force with Strengthening Aura. In the end though, one could only achieve this if they could pull out the full potential of their Strengthening Aura.

Oren had placed a hill-sized block of orichalcum in the center of the training ground.

(“Try to lift this if ya can.”)

Kazuki’s sight could only extend so far in this darkness so he couldn’t see the end of the block nor its total height so it was hard for him to judge how heavy the block was. Still, he was interested in testing his strength. How many chances does one get to lift with their all. He simply hoped this block of metal wasn’t too light, for that would be disappointing.

Kazuki approached the block but then stopped as he examined it.

“Uh, how am I supposed to even grip this thing, there’s no place to lift from.”

Oren waved his hand and his eyes glowed but his crown didn’t. A small place at the bottom of the orichalcum block began to wriggle. Oren grit his teeth as he focused with everything he had on molding this small part. The bottom part of the block slowly responded with a slug-like speed as part of it sunk inward revealing a portion of the block where Kazuki could get his hands under and lift from.

As soon as Oren was done, the glow in his eyes quickly faded and he released a heavy breath.

(“Damn, using magic without a tool is a terrible drain. If I used my crown just now, I could literally toss this block several miles away without even touching it.”)

Kazuki nodded in agreement.

“True but if you learn to master magic the natural way with your magic beast core, the type of control you’ll have will be quite masterful.”

(“Enough about me, I want to test your bodies physical strength so I can learn how much strength your aura can drag out of you.”)



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