Return of the Fallen Volume 7 Chapter 1

Kazuki cursed Zetrazz in his mind as though it would be his one and final thought.

As the bright light from the teleportation filled his sight, it was so bright that the cornea in his eyes was burned and he temporarily became blind.




The very next instant, Kazuki felt his mind grow dizzy from the effects of being teleported.

(Where did he send me?)


His mind still churning, before he could gather himself, the sound of wind entered his ear.

Kazuki instinctually took a defensive stance, expecting a dangerous beast to lunge out and attack him while he couldn’t see anything. He quickly extended his aura outward and felt cold all around him. As his ears picked up the faint sounds around him, Kazuki could hear birds chirping in the distance and hear the wind drifting and bouncing off mountains.

The sun hung over high and he could feel warm rays of light on the surface of his skin. His eyes rapidly healed and when he opened them, the sun caused a slight sting.

(How many months since I’ve last witnessed the sun.)

Blinking a few times, his eyes adjusted and he finally could see his surroundings.

Kazuki’s jaw hung open for a moment and he was stunned.

In the distance, he could see a few familiar mountains, and directly in front of him, he could see a deep trench.

(This is the surface…More than that, this looks like the exact spot I fell in. Zetrazz teleported me here?)

As Kazuki was lost in thought, dark energy began to rise up from the trench in front of him. Following it, a loud booming voice exploded out like thunder in Kazuki’s ear.

“Hmph, That stupid look of yours, this was well worth it.”

Kazuki snapped back to reality.

“What is this? You told me you were sending me

“Sending you, where exactly? I never said where I would send you I merely said this was a punishment.”

Kazuki stared at the dark energy spreading outward with a blank expression.

“I…don’t understand.”

“Of course your tiny ant brain can’t comprehend. I told you I would punish you and this is it. After seeing all of your memories as well as sensing the activities on the surface as of late, this will be a suitable punishment for you, or at least it will be entertaining to watch all of it unfold. Seeing that your favorite sister is already at the 7th stage and the two of you have nothing but contempt for one another, she will most likely kill you at some point. I said I wouldn’t kill you but by returning you to the surface there’s a good chance you’ll die anyway by your sister’s hand. Thinking about it, I could have teleported you directly to her and watched as she destroys you then and there but that would be no fun. As you perceived from me, I enjoy power and strength. Where you were wrong was when you assumed I keep beings under me, suppressing them because I fear their potential. By returning you here, I either get to see you grow in strength and take on your sister or I get to see you die by her hand. Either way, I’m interested. Your punishment is to fight and grow or fight and die. In doing so, it will be entertaining for me.”

“You want me to get stronger?”

“Or die. one or the other will be fine. I have been down here for more than 100,000 years, the boredom…you have no idea. Meeting you and looking through your mind and soul, has shown me many possibilities. I’ve seen the way you fight, the way you eat, the way you fuck, and the way you shit. Most importantly I’ve seen the way your power grows, and it’s caused my spirit to flare up in excitement. The speed at which you’ve achieved your strength, the beings you’ve met along the way that have shown you more ways to improve, just how fast will you grow until you can compete with me? I’m very interested to see it.”

Kazuki didn’t know what to say to all of this. One moment he’s cursing Zetrazz for sending him to some unknown, the very next, Zetraz played such a trick and sent him right back where he started before he fell in.

Zetrazz sent out a tendril of dark energy and shot it toward Kazuki. The speed in which it flew was not one Kazuki could dodge and before he could even blink, the dark energy slammed into his compass and drilled into it in an instant.

“With some of my energy inside your keepsake, I will be able to observe everything in your surroundings. Now hurry up and get going, I wish to be entertained.”

With that, the dark energy began to pull back and retreat back into the abyssal trench. Before it completely faded away though, Zetrazz’s voice turned cold as he spoke.

“Before I forget, don’t you ever step foot in my territory again unless you are my equal, otherwise…I’ll kill you.”

With that, all of the dark energy disappeared back into the black trench.

Kazuki couldn’t help but stand there for a while as he took everything in. He had finally made it back out of the abyssal trench. He was alive and he was intact. He had nearly died countless times. He had been poisoned with Azirian blood, He had broken the treasured black ruler that Glacious had gifted him and then lost it entirely. He had suffered and nearly passed due to starvation and thirst. He had almost been eaten a few times by Clackers and then he was eaten by Satorus, the goat-headed giant.

In desperation and with the help of Danny and Kai, he learned the eating ability called Ourodyess and managed to escape from being digested inside Satorus. After consuming pieces of Satorus, his body grew stronger and stronger. He almost drowned in a river as big as an ocean and even found a city full of apes. He made a friend called Oren and by healing him the two helped one another. He learned different ways to manipulate aura and helped defeat the bastard son Groud.

At the very end, he wound up almost dying again when he met Zetrazz. Even though he had tricked Zetrazz, Zetrazz was an unusual titan and has decided to spare him and return him to the surface and now wishes to watch Kazuki develop and grow or die.

Thinking about Zetrazz, he was vastly different from what Glacious had described him as. Glacious had met and encountered a few titans but Kazuki now wondered how many of him he actually had a lengthy conversation with and wondered if any other titans were so different.

Zetrazz truly was cold and obsessed with power, Glacious nailed those points but at the same time, Zetrazz was bored and prideful and now curious.

(Truly an unusual one.)


As Kazuki was lost in thought, a voice echoed out in the sky above him. Before Kazuki even looked up, with a deep inhale through his nose he could smell the foul blood within the being who just shouted.

(An Azirian?)

Kazuki looked up in the sky and spotted a young man. With tan skin and standing over 6ft tall and wide leather-like wings protruding from his back, Kazuki was a little shocked. Not because an Azirian was there at this exact moment he was drawn out of the abyss but rather because the Azirian in the sky had a very familiar face.


The Azirian folded its wings up and landed heavily on the ground. Standing only a few feet away from Kazuki, Kazuki was even more shocked.


A flare of shock and rage rose up from his gut as he looked at the Azirian in front of him. However as quickly as it rose, it just as quickly subsided. Looking closer, the Azirian only looked similar but the face wasn’t quite the same. The nose was slightly wider and the face a little more elongated and narrow. Besides that though, this Azirian male looked just like Reya.

“An Azirian. You look like one I’ve already killed before.”

The Azirian smirked upon hearing this.

“You’re talking about Reya, she was my sister.”

Kazuki’s brow raised.

“That expression doesn’t seem to be one of care, rather derision or disgust.”

“Why would one care about such a detestable bitch. She may have been my sister but she was as vile as they come. The fact that she died to a mere human though, is rather disappointing but when it comes to disappointments, I can only expect that from her. Well, now that she’s gone, not anymore.”

Kazuki couldn’t help but chuckle a bit hearing that. The fact that this monster felt the way it did for its sister, Kazuki as well felt the same for his. To share the exact same thing in common with such a disgusting creature was weird yet funny on many levels.


As he laughed, the Azirian male began to lengthen his fingers grotesquely, turning them into long sharp claws.

“A maggot laughing before its death, how did my sister ever lose to such a lowly creature such as you?”

Hearing himself being insulted as a lowly creature, like a maggot. It just reminded him of all the shit Reya put him through as well as the recent insults Zetrazz kept laying upon him. The anger that had faded, had once again begun to rise.

“I see you have come to kill me. I expect you’ll be wanting to take this with you as well like a good loyal puppy.”

Kazuki held his compass in his hand, revealing it to the Azirian before him.

“I’ll tell you what, my mood has shifted. If you can take this from me in 10 moves, I won’t make you suffer when I kill you.”

The red glow in the Azirian’s eyes became even redder, just like thick blood.

“A maggot dares mock me. I’ll be sure to torture you for a long time. First, let me remove a few limbs so you can’t flee from me. Afterward, I’ll let you watch as I eat each limb nice and slow.”

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