Return of the Fallen Volume 7 Chapter 67

Sid excitedly ran over to the hulking Golem. A flash of his ring and a wooden ladder appeared next to him. He bolted up it faster than an old man should be capable of as he waved Kazuki over.

“Hurry up my boy, your feet are moving even slower than this old man’s. Aren’t you embarrassed?”

Kazuki ignored his calls and came over. Even though he was around 7 feet tall now, he still had to look up when standing in front of the Golem. Sid waved his hand and the Golem responded to it. Three metal plates on the Golems chest lit up before all three moved counterclockwise as they opened up revealing a hollowed-out portion about the size of an average man’s fist.

“Kazuki hurry and give me the core. I’ll put it in.”

“Is there a need for you to put it in specifically. I could do it just as well right?”

Sid’s mouth fell open and he had no way to respond.

“Heh, I’m only teasing you old man. I know just how much this means to you. Here take it.”

Kazuki casually tossed the Magic core and Sid in a panic nearly fell off the wooden ladder as he caught it.

“Boy, that was not in the slightest bit funny.”

“Really, I thought it was hilarious. The look on your face just now was like a heartbroken puppy. Albeit an old ugly puppy but still, that was the look.”

“Boy, how does that even make any sense. How in the 7 realms of hell can a puppy be old and still be a puppy. You want to insult me, at least make it so people can understand it.”

Kazuki shrugged.

“It’s still funny either way.”

Sid couldn’t talk to Kazuki anymore as he was growing infuriated.

“No no no, I won’t let this spoil my good mood. I’m about to do something no human alive has ever done.”

Sid did his best to calm his fast-beating heart but there was very little he could do. He slowly stretched out his little hands and placed the core dead center of the Golems chest.


The core fell in with a small click-like noise and fit the hollowed-out compartment like a glove. The very moment this Magic core fell into place, its power spread outward and the core began to spin and rotate at a quick pace.

From the center of the Golem, a few inscriptions began to glow dimly before a few more lit up and then a few more and then a few more after that. Like vines growing up a wall, these inscriptions spread and climbed throughout the Golem. The inscriptions seemed to divide themselves and split off forming new and unique paths beneath the surface like winding ant tunnels.

Faster and faster the core spun until finally.


All of the bright inscriptions faded away and the Golem went dormant.

The core stopped spinning and the light dulled and vanished.

“Old man, what just happened?”

Sid was at a complete loss.

“I…It should work. I did everything right. I did everything…

Sid slowly turned his attention to Kazuki, fury in his eyes.

“It was you! It had to be! I did everything perfectly, my skills are second to none. The moment you put some weird soul inside though, all of my work goes to shit! Kazuki just what kind of defective soul did you squeeze into there?”

*Click, Clank Click*

Sid and Kazuki both froze hearing this small noise and turned back to the Golem. All of a sudden the three chest plates rotated back into place and closed sealing the core within.

The eyes of the Golem lit up with a flare of silver light and the Golem took a step forward. The ladder was knocked backward, causing Sid to fall but just before he hit the ground invisible energy spread outward, catching him and setting him down gently.

Kazuki could tell right away that it was Danny’s aura.

The Golem slowly turned its large head from right to left, inspecting its surroundings. It lifted its hands and squeezed a fist. Griping the air, it flexed its fingers with what seemed like a complicated expression, though it was hard to tell as the Golems face was stiff and basically unmoving.

The Golem looked at Kazuki and opened its mouth but no words came out. Pointing at its throat, it tried to gesture something. It wasn’t hard for Kazuki to understand and he walked over.

“You want to talk?”

The Golem nodded up and down.

Kazuki thought for a moment.

“It can be done but I’ll need you to let my energy in. Since your soul is in there and you have aura now, not only I but no one weaker then you can change your body without your permission. Pull your aura away from your throat for a moment.”

The Golem gave another nod and dispersed the aura surrounding its neck. Kazuki’s ring glowed and he started to change the inside shape of the throat. Since the Golem was made of god metal, he could change its shape using the element of gordonia. If Danny blocked Kazuki with his aura, then this wouldn’t be possible. One might think this is inconvenient but it is definitely necessary. Without Danny having an aura, it would be far too easy for some random some who could use the element of gordonia to warp Danny’s new body rendering him ineffective and useless.

Kazuki was a master at manipulating his own vocal cords, changing and contracting them in certain ways so he could sound like other people. He changed the shape of god metal in Danny’s throat and made actual physical cords. He also hollowed them out slightly and placed holes in certain spots along these hollowed-out cords.

“It will be a little weird at first but now you should be able to mimic the element of wind as I do with aura. Use wind aura to flow along those hollowed cords like an instrument and you will be able to produce a voice. Hopefully, it will be close to your own.”

The Golem opened its mouth and controlled its aura. Using wind aura, it flowed along those fake cords ad an odd echoing, mechanical-like voice came out.

“Heooow deooose ihhhht shoooouuunnnddd?”

Sid took a step back hearing this garbled haunting like voice.

“That was a bit garbage. Do you not remember what your own voice sounds like. I guess it has been a long time. Here listen to the way I sound and try to mimic it.”

Kazuki contracted his vocal cords and stretched them slightly in certain spits and retracted them in other places before speaking exactly how Danny used to speak.

“Hi, this is Danny’s voice. I like Tsura’s ass.”

Danny’s Golem eyes glowed and flickered before his mechanical like voice came out a hint of anger could actually be heard in it.

“Dooont. Tahlkk Abhoutt Tsurahhh!”

Kazuki nodded.

“Good, I could feel the emotion in your voice and when you said Tsura you were actually pretty close.”

Danny’s eyes continued to grow brighter and Kazuki nodded.

“Ok ok, I won’t talk about Tsura but just keep trying. Use the wind aura and really focus on the word you’re trying to say. You don’t have a tongue but you can move your lips on your own, so your not too far off. Keep going.”

After several back and forths, Danny’s voice came out albeit deeper with a slight mechanical tone but it sounded leaps and bounds better than before.

“Kazuki, I can speak now.”

“Good. How does your body feel?”

Danny shook his head.

“I can’t feel anything with just my body.”

“That makes sense. Use your aura. Coat your entire body in a small layer of aura, like your wearing a glove of aura over your entire body.”

Danny slowly spread his aura to cover himself and he immediately started to feel the world around him with much greater detail.

He looked down at his feet and felt the ground underneath him. He suddenly had sensation in the tips of his fingers and the world started to open up to him.

Sid watched this all in amazement for a few minutes before he could no longer take it. He ran over and began rubbing the Golems leg, inspecting it as if he had lost it.

“Amazing amazing, I did this. Hey, Kazuki said you were called Danny. Tell me how does this feel and this, and this, and this as well? Hey, answer me!”

Danny felt grossed out but he still answered, though not the question he was asked.

“Old man, have you already forgotten who I am. Does my voice not ring a bell? Sure it doesn’t sound exactly the same as before but I was one of the people traveling with Kazuki the first time we appeared in this town, well I should say city now.”

Sid didn’t recognize Danny’s voice so Kazuki went on to explain until Sid finally understood.

“That’s incredible. So the soul he put in the core was actually his friends. To think a soul can be fused to another. This…This is giving me so many ideas. No no no, forget that for now. Danny, I’ve just built you a mighty body. I must see the capabilities of this body of yours. Will show us what you can do?”

Danny rubbed his metallic chin in thought before looking around at the room.

“This room isn’t small but I’d definitely end up breaking everything in it were I to move about. Kazuki, let’s take a walk, I want to try my new body out.”

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