Return of the Fallen Volume 7 Chapter 82

If Kazuki could move at the moment, his entire body right now would be trembling. The moment a few small pieces of the Rukia fruit hit his stomach, his soul world immediately started to expand and grow.

Kai who was observing Kazuki’s predicament, saw the soul world around him suddenly expanded, once, twice, three times in an instant. The soul tree at Kazuki’s center shot up towards the sky. His soul tree became thousands of feet tall in an instant and became thicker by several fold. Hundreds of new branches sprouted outward and Kai could feel aura radiating outward from it.

He used to be able to stand on Kazuki’s soul tree and touch it but now Kazuki’s aura had increased and was constantly surrounding his soul tree with a monstrous amount of pressure.

(Damn little brother, this is your solution. Not bad.)

The Rukjia fruit was originally the size of a boulder yet Kazuki consumed it in mere seconds. He was already one who had a voracious appetite but being under such dire circumstances, his consumption rate skyrocketed as he ate the entire fruit within a few blinks of the eye.

Dreunz watched this with mild surprise but nothing more than that. Another sphere of light as big as a hill was spat out from his mouth. Looking down at Kazuki with contempt, Dreunz spoke with scorn.

“I don’t understand how your aura has increased this much but this trump card of yours has come too late. Now it’s time you die!”

Dreunz’s eyes shifted toward the two hill-sized spheres of golden light before looking down towards Kazuki. At the same time, these two spheres responded.


As their heat spread outward, the two golden suns began to descend. Kazuki immediately gathered this aura once more. Rotating it as fast as possible he fired it at one of the light swords holding him in place.


The sword of light shattered and exploded and was reduced to light particles that faded away.

(Another one! If I get one more I can

Kazuki’s thoughts stopped for a brief second as the two golden suns came closer.


Just as the dual suns threatened Kazuki’s life, a roar echoed out from the distance.


The sky shook from this roar before a black shadow spread through the air and blacked out the actual sun. The world around seemed to fall into pitch darkness. The only source of light was Dreunz’s two golden suns falling. Though when the world blackened the two suns lost some of their brilliant radiance.

At the same time as this shadow covered the sky, 8 black blades came slicing across the sky and landed heavily on the two suns. The suns trembled for a moment before they destroyed the blades. They started to fall once more, this time though they slowed just a bit.


Dreunz roared in return and questioned the figure racing over.

A Black panther several miles tall and long came flying over like lightning. Atop this panther back was Danny.

Kazuki couldn’t believe what he was witnessing. A panther with all black fur that shined with a glossy sheen appeared from seemingly nowhere and with Danny on its back.


Shaila roared out once more.


At the same time, she clawed at the air and 8 black blades formed and flew at Dreunz, threatening to divide him in several places.

“Hmph, so it is the She Bitch from before!”

Several beams of golden light shot out from his two horns, intercepting her black blades.

*Bam Booooom Ka-Booooom!*

As explosions rang out continuously Danny flew down to meet Kazuki.

Dreunz meanwhile aimed for Shaila but in her true form, she could move nearly as fast as he.

“So you think you can face me? I knocked you down once, I’ll gladly do it again.”

Shaila’s eyes began to glow.

“True, you did put me on my ass but that means nothing. You hurt my husband and my fury will not be settled until I tear you apart even if it cost me my life!”

The sky was filled with dark magic and light. It was clear though that light held a slight advantage. Shaila could only dodge right now but this was enough for a distraction.

Danny was already at Kazuki’s side.

“Danny! These light swords can only be removed with aura. My magic gets absorb by something else. I can’t break free!?

Danny analyzed the situation in an instant. He looked at the two suns still falling and the swords trapping Kazuki.

“First, we’ll deal with the suns.”

While Dreunz chased after Shaila, his attention was naturally drawn away.

Danny at this moment opened his chest plates.

“It would have been nice to use you for your original purpose but it seems we won’t get the chance.”

Sasai was inside Danny’s body. He had shrunk himself as much as he could but had just barely managed to squeeze himself inside. Anger was apparent on his face.

“Damn it all. I could have done more much sooner then. I should have ambushed that Dreunz bastard the moment we arrived behind him but who would have thought he would throw both his grandson and this dummy to his guards. Our opportunity was ruined before anything could even start.”

“Sasai, can you please stop complaining and help me deal with those suns in the sky.”

Sasai swallowed hard as he felt the power radiating off the two falling golden spheres.

“Impossible, neither of us can destroy those things, they’re too much!”

Danny rubbed his chin in thought.

“You are correct but I never said we would destroy them. Kazuki merely needs time to escape. You and I can slow their descent at the very least and at the most, with Dreunz currently distracted, we can move them off course. Now stop worrying and help me.”

Sasai and Danny at this moment both gathered their power. Lightning gathered at both of Danny’s hands and Sasai opened his third eye on his forehead.


Two thick snakes of lightning arced their way out of Danny’s open palms while a pitch-black energy beam shot upward like a pillar to hold up the sky.


Lightning continuously struck one of the suns while Sasai’s dark energy beam struck the other.

Energy scattered all over and came raining back down as the suns were barely affected and caused the other energies to distort. Lightning spread across the surface of one of the suns and shot smaller bolts of lightning back down as the sun deflected it at first. As Danny continued to pour energy into his lightning though, his lightning started to physically push back.

Ever so slightly, the sun began to move off course.

Sasai on the other hand was having trouble. His dark energy, even putting everything he had into it, there was no effect at all. The sun just destroyed his darkness.

Danny could see this and changed his plans.

“Sasai, help Kazuki instead. I’ll deal with the suns, you get him free!”

Sasai didn’t make a single complaint. After seeing Tozu fall into the ocean near death, he knew there was no time to fuck around.

He was by Kazuki’s side in a single step.

“Kazuki I can’t slow the suns, what can I do!?”

Kazuki looked at the other light swords. He would not be able to get through all of them and break free. So he came up with a solution.

“Myu aura is strong enough to break through one sword entirely with a little extra aura eft over. I’ve felt your aura before it can’t deal with any of these by itself. I’ll split my aura in two. 90/10. I need you to get in sync with my aura and while I attack one with 90% you attack the other with my split 10%. Can you do this!?”


Kazuki didn’t have much faith. Sasai had a strong aura but Kazuki’s advantage was in the fact that he has a special attack. Using the aura shot amplified his aura attack. Sasai though could only use his aura with brute force.

Kazuki looked up in the sky and could see that the suns were still falling. Danny was doing his best to slow their descent but there was only so much he could do alone.

Kazuki gathered his aura and split it into two parts. One part was 90% of what he could manage and the other was 10%. Rotating them at high speed, he changed their pressure and focused on two single points. One point on each sword.

“Sasai, in 3…2…1…GO!”

The two shot their auras forward at the exact same time and struck the light swords.


Two swords shattered and exploded in an instant.

“Good, just like that, hit the next one.”

In a few seconds, they had only six left, then five thenfour. Above them, the suns were growing closer and closer. Danny was barely holding them back.

“Sasai, faster!”

Sasai jumped on it and increased his pace as fast she could.

Three swords left, then two. The suns were now only a few feet away and Kazuki could finally move an arm.

Sasai could feel the heat and his skin was already starting to peel but he still stayed.


Kazuki and Sasai exchanged a look but Sasai said nothing. He gathered his aura again and prepared to fire it. He wasn’t leaving Kazuki behind.

One Sword left. The suns were right above the two now. There was no more time yet Sasai was still trying.

Danny could no longer hold on. His magic core began to slow as he was running thin on magic. He could hold the suns no longer.


The suns struck.


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