Return of the Fallen Volume 8 Chapter 14

“And that’s what happened misses.”

Lamia was sipping a small cup of tea while listening. Her natural curves and her beauty made her a picture of both elegance as well as sexiness. Which made the situation a bit ridiculous in Bozek’s mind because sitting directly next to Lamia was little Mei, copying her every move.

Lamia set her cup of tea down with a shallow clack and Mei copied her exactly. Lamia then poked Mei in the side and Mei twitched before giggling uncontrollably.

Again Bozek was feeling a sort of way. He just told them he was nearly killed by Garn but their attitude was one that seemed to not care.

Tsura stood off to the side. She had just finished peeling several fruits and had placed them on a plate before serving them.

After setting the plate down in front of them, Tsura knocked both Mei and Lamia on the head.

*Thwack thud*

“Enough you two, can’t you see how upset he is?”

Bozek didn’t expect this. The one who was the quietest and seemed to be the calmest suddenly hit the other two. It was like she was the only adult here.

“Miss Tsura that isn’t necessary. I get it. I’m just a stranger that told you that the man who’s renowned as a hero through most of the continent tried and nearly did kill me. I know it’s difficult to believe but it’s the truth. Garn, he’s no hero.”

Tsura sat down and sipped her tea before shaking her head.

“No, your story, all of us here can believe it. You see Garn tried to have me and my precious Mei killed as well. This woman next to me, Garn also went after her daughter. We know just how vile that man is and how low he’s willing to go to achieve such things. After all, even though we are really no one, that didn’t change the fact that he sent people to kill us. Nunully as well, just because she wasn’t a pure human, he pursued her and the others for many months. Garn is a bastard through and through.”

Mei’s big eyes lit up as she heard her mother curse. Such a rare thing to happen and yet Tsura did it so casually. Mei understood though as Garn was an evil ugly old old man in her eyes. She also understood the only reason she’s still alive is because of Glacious and his protection. Without him, Garn would never have stopped trying to deliver them to death.

Just hearing his name again made her stop laughing. Mei didn’t know how to deal with these emotions so she grabbed all the sliced-up fruit on the plate and began stuffing her mouth as though her life depended on it.

Tsura knocked Mei over the head once more.

“Mei Mei, you’re being rude, some of that was for the guest.”

Bozek again waved it away.

“No really, I’m fine, let the little tike…I mean big bird have her fill. I’m still in no mood to eat right now.”

Tsura sighed before poking Mei’s chipmunk-like cheek.

“At least chew it slower.”

Mei stared at Bozek with a joyful expression before promptly ignoring her mother’s words and swallowing everything down in a single gulp. Wiping her mouth with her sleeve, she smiled brightly.

“Mei was wrong about you old mister. Letting me have it all, you may be old but you’re pretty nice.”

Bozek didn’t know if that was a compliment or not but at least he had nice next to his title now instead of just old mister.

After this, the room grew quiet and slightly awkward. After all, Bozek was a stranger to them all and he himself was not a big talker.

His eyes wandered around the room. The place was gorgeous and furnished with high-quality materials. Though it wasn’t all luxury. Some things were made simply but they gave off a charm all on their own. This place was somehow cozy even though it was larger than a palace.

Looking outside the window, there was a beautiful view of most of the tiny world they were in. Golden fields of wheat waved with the breeze, and wide-open plains filled with flowers of rainbow-like color danced along with the wind as well. Beyond that lay vast forests and valleys, waterfalls that led into fast-moving rivers with crystal clear water. Mountains in the distance surrounded this place from all around yet instead of feeling trapped, it brought a warm comfort to Bozek’s heart.

He had never seen such a beautiful place nor such a peaceful one. It was like a new world, it was a new world. A land of pureness that seemed to be directly copied and taken out of a fairytale.

(This is Glacious’s tiny world. This is a dragon’s home.)

“Paradice actually exists.”

Bozek didn’t intend to say these words out loud but still, they slipped out.

Mei laughed radiantly.

“Hehehe. Old mister is right. This tiny world is Uncle Glacious’s place and it’s the most pretty place in the whole universe.”

Bozek could noyl nod along to this statement.

Bozek couldn’t help but wonder if his mother grew up in a place similar to this. In the end, though such a place could only be a prison to his mother. Only when she left her clan, did she find true happiness, at least for a little while until she was dragged back. Bozek couldn’t help but feel bittersweet thinking about such things.

Lamia looked this old man up and down and wondered what he knew about her daughter.

“I’ve heard of you long ago but to think Garn would cross such a line. My daughter…She joined the war when it first started. Nunully had a breakthrough due to Glacious’s training so I didn’t think I would have to worry so much about her safety but this is the nature of a mother. You don’t think Garn would target her as he did you, do you?”

Lamia had been in this tiny world for quite a while. Nearly every want and need were taken care of in this place so she never had to worry about really anything, that is except for her one and only daughter. She knew how strong and knowledgeable Nunully was and how Glacious and Etora would do anything to protect her but at the same time, she understood that both Glacious and Etora were busy to no end and could not watch her 24/7. After all, this was a war.

Even with all of these advantages her daughter had, if Garn was able to get to Bozek, who’s said to be one of the strongest at the 5th stage, then who knows what was up or down.

Bozek was about to speak before he hesitated for a moment.

“That…Shouldn’t be the case but…”

“But what?”

Bozek wasn’t sure what he should say but the words seemed to flow anyway.

“But, Garn is unstable mentally. He’s been losing it more and more lately. Enough for him to attack me. He attacked me for two reasons. One I wouldn’t follow his order to kill innocent people and the second being the fact that I am not 100% pure-blooded human. Nunully already falls under one of these reasons. Being half-elf, in Garn’s eyes, she already deserves to be killed simply for that. If she for some reason also doesn’t follow an order from him…”

Bozek shook his head again.

“He would have never a while ago but like I said, he’s losing his mind. Even if Nunully has Glacious’s protection, Glacious can not see everywhere at all times. I was attacked in broad daylight with many witnesses inside Garn’s floating palace but I guarantee, he’s already silenced, such people. I bet the world is completely unaware that I’m dead or if they are aware, I’m sure Garn has twisted the story and made me out to be some sort of criminal traitor. I can’t see a reason he wouldn’t do the same thing to Nunully or any other that steps in his way.”

Bozek didn’t mean for his words to sound like doomsday but that’s exactly how they rang out in Lamia’s ear.

She jumped to her feet in a panic.

“I have to war her! I have to tell her before it’s too late!”

Lamia was about to run off but Tsura quickly grabbed her by the wrist and held her in place. Lamia was merely a human while Tsura was a beast with immense strength, Lamia was going nowhere.

“Tsura let me go, I have to tell her. Not just her, Asuna, Sam, and the rest, they must know. If Garn takes out one of them, he would gladly take out the rest. Please let me go!”

Tsura shook her head.

“You will warn them, how? I’m comparatively weak compared to the rest of them yet it’s more than enough for me to silence you. Not only that but the battlefield is thousands of miles away. The dangers for a normal human, you wouldn’t even make it out of the Rin mountain range without some sort of protection.”

Lamia felt her soul tremble and her knees became weak.

“Still, I’m her mother! I have to do this, I must! I can’t just leave her out there when it’s this dangerous! I can’t just stand by and do nothing!”

Tsura pulled Lamia to the couch and sat her down next to her.

“I didn’t say to do nothing, I merely said you wouldn’t make it. I understand how you feel, I really do. I would never stand around doing nothing if Mei was in danger but you can’t just rush out like a crazy woman. We must first think. Besides, that though, there is someone here who will go in our place, who will brave the danger, isn’t that right?”

Mei heard this and stood up. Slapping her chest she proclaimed proudly.

“Of course mama, I’ll send the secret message and be the hero! Which way do I go!”

Tsura’s expression became flat before she knocked Mei on her head once more before pointing across the table.

“Not you Mei Mei, I was talking about him!”

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