Return of the Fallen Volume 8 Chapter 48

Anyone that looked up at the sky at this moment was left stunned. In a single move, more than 80% of all the buildings in Edngaul had been lifted in the sky by Kazuki’s aura, and the very next moment, all of these broken buildings vanished from everyone’s sight.

No one knew what to make of this and several people couldn’t help but collapse to their knees and begin praying. This however was not the end of such bafflement. Kazuki used his aura to grab anyone that was in his way and moved them to a safe spot. The very next moment, he slowly lifted a hand and both of his eyes lit up with emerald green light.

The ground began to shake and the people started to panic, thinking that another quake was about to finish them off once and for all. All of these concerns though were immediately proved wrong.

As Kazuki slowly lifted his hand, he controlled the ground and manipulated the world around him. All around, thousands of walls rose up from the ground. Some of these walls connected with others, some of them folded and morphed as building after building soon formed.

Houses, guilds, great halls, markets. Very swiftly every building that had been destroyed was remade in seconds. Ten’s of thousands of homes, hundreds of shops, the very walls that surrounded the city. Every building and structure was restored and made even better than what it had been before.

Kazuki had used his aura and sensed the entire city multiple times whilst keeping a lookout for incoming enemies. In doing so, he took in a vast amount of what he thought was useless information time and time again as he sensed every inch of the city. This sensing of the city with his aura gave him every physical detail of not only the inhabitants living within the walls but of the buildings and everything inside of them as well.

Some were made of wood or were made of a mix of wood and stone while others were fully made of stone. He could replace the wood but that would be an entirely different thing. Instead, Kazuki opted to used reinforced stone. Flexing his power of the element of Gordonia, he changed some of the stone into hardened metal. This made the buildings even sturdier than before.

In a matter of minutes, the fallen city had been completely rebuilt. Kazuki still wasn’t done but for now, he could see that Shaila and the rest were struggling to help the injured. They could easily rescue them but healing their grievous wounds was completely different.

Kazuki’s aura once more moved many people and gathered them in one location, the cities large plaza. In this area, one could fit well over a hundred thousand and still have room. Thankfully, the wounded didn’t reach such a height.

People watched as tens of thousands of people flew through the air, not by their own will but rather Kazuki’s to these normal people though, it seemed as if a god was taking these mortals to the heavens above.

Kazuki gathered all of these people in the plaza and extended his ki outward. It could only reach around a hundred feet or so now but it would be enough with Kazuki’s idea. Kazuki took his ki and split it into hundreds and then thousands of tendrils. Flying over the wounded, his ki rained down upon the people in fast bursts. In combination with the Gordnoia element, all who were wounded were healed before the naked eye.

Men and women, children of all ages, any who were wounded became healed as if a miracle occurred. Those that had been praying just moments before, once they witnessed this, began to pray even more and many more people joined them.

Tears streamed down their faces and praise rang out constantly. All over the city, word spread about the mass healing, and all at once people from all over rushed to the plaza. Once their shouts of joy rocked the city as people reunited with ones they thought they had initially lost. Still, not everything was a happy sight. Many people still lost their lives and were thrown from rational thought. Some blamed Kazuki and the others while others worshiped them.

It was hard for all to accept much of this. For a disaster like that to happen and having family members and friends killed. Having most of the city destroyed all around you and think that the end times were upon them all. To go through all of that and then for most everything to be put back together only minutes later. People were feeling mixed emotions. It was almost like it didn’t even happen but the proof was there. The many people who didn’t make it. Their deaths, their family would clearly remember such a black day for the rest of their lives.

After everything was said and done, the looks of the people were different this time around. Kazuki understood such looks but in the end, he only cared so much and he could only do so much. If these people wished to blame him for what happened or if they wish to praise him, Kazuki took none of it to heart.

What he did, he did not for these people. Helping them at this time, he felt like he should. Even if the people didn’t blame him, he still felt slightly responsible. His fighting stretched beyond his reach but it was a fight that was inevitable. Not only that, the fighting wasn’t over. These people could do little to survive against the remnants of power spreading from battle and lived possibly from sheer luck. These people had no control over their own fate and were essentially powerless over what may come.

Kazuki understood this perfectly well. He too was at that point. Nothing could be decided by him and everything was out of his hands. Powerlessness, hopelessness, bitter pain, he knew of it all. The only way to overcome such things was to become strong, stronger than any, stronger than all. Only then could one truly be the master of their own fate.

(If I can help, I don’t mind but in the end, only if it does not stop me from reaching my goals. Only if it doesn’t cost me my own path. I can help them now but that doesn’t mean forever. I too have to survive. I too have to struggle.)

Kazuki returned to Sid’s shop. Kazuki initially thought it would be miraculous if his building was still standing but when he arrived and saw that it really was still there and not only still standing but completely left undamaged, Kazuki was suspicious. He soon understood why though. He had sensed Sid’s building a few weeks ago and it was fairly normal. Now though he found that there were inscriptions carved all throughout it. Each one of these combined together and made a strong barrier. A barrier that was even sturdier and tougher than the one in the cities walls.

Kazuki had no clue when these magic inscriptions were implemented and carved but it was a pleasant surprise, to say the least.

Kazuki and the others headed inside. As soon as Kazuki crossed through the door.



A small bang rang out and Kazuki realized he still had Mei on his shoulders and Bozek in to behind him. Bozek was still out of it and fine but Mei who was sitting on his shoulders had smacked her head dead center of her forehead and a small red spot was already forming.

He quickly lowered her down and began rubbing her forehead while giving her a little ki for the pain.

“Mei Mei, sorry.”

Mei pouted at Kazuki.

“How could you let me hit it. You did it on purpose didn’t you!?”

Sasai snickered from this exchange while in the back of the shop a loud shout rang out.



The door deep within the shop was kicked open and Sid came stomping out. Though since he was so small and weighed very little, his angered steps were only light taps on the floor. The moment he came storming out of the back of his shop, he saw little Mei and his angered expression flipped 180.

“Huh, isn’t that the little tyke. Didn’t I help your mom at one point?”

Mei recognized old Sid instantly. Sid was the one who removed the limiter tattoos from Tsura. His skill with the Sozo glove was masterful and he helped her mom a good deal. Mei smiled and called out.

“Little old giant guy. I haven’t seen you in forever and ever.”

Sid furrowed his brows slightly. Last he saw the girl before him she was a head and a half taller than he, now she was more than two heads taller than he. Hearing her call him, both little and then giant was slightly annoying. He climbed on top of his counter and walked over to her.

“Did you forget child. It’s Sid the giant, not little old giant guy.”

Sid said this while standing on his tippy-toes whilst on his counter top but even with this, he still came out shorter than her by two inches or so. Mei waved her hand over her head and measured it over Sid’s.

“Old Sid, who are you calling a child. If anything I’d be considered grown at least compared to you, hehehe.”

Sid grumbled something under his breath. He had tangled words with this child in the past and never won out over her.

“Still as blunt and honest as always, aren’t ya?”

Sasai was surprised by Sid’s reaction. The old man didn’t back down when he spoke with Sasai but in front of the little girl, he was more submissive.

(Just what powers does this bird child hold?)

Mei nodded.

“Of course, Mama says honesty is the only way to live. She said as long as I’m honest, I’ll always be able to hold my head above others, and then…and then I’ll be the tallest…I think.”

Danny’s artificial voice echoed out from behind.

“I don’t think that’s quite right Mei Mei.”

Mei tapped her little chin for a moment before shrugging her shoulders.

“Oh well. I guess mama can’t always be right, hehe.”

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