Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 100

Dark energy fell down from the sky like purplish-black rain. From every direction, this rain came spilling down. Fera looked up at the sky and simply controlled the wind around her, sending this foul rain back up into the sky.

“Is this all?”

Zephris said nothing and simply continued to allow this nasty rain to fall downward. Even what was sent back up into the sky by Fera’s wind after a moment, the rain would come together with more rain and become heavier and heavier until it once again fell back down.

While this was happening, Kazuki did not know what to do. Fera’s power had entered a whole new level and he could not defeat her by simply destroying her body. Just like him, she regenerated far too fast now.

(Her body is tougher than mine. I can’t destroy it. Even my touch of death was brushed away as if it was nothing. Ho can one destroy someone who repairs faster than you can break them?)

Kazuki was faced with a difficult situation. He never fought with someone who could heal as fast as he could and now understood how frustrated many of his enemies had been with him. The anger he had for Fera, burned hotter than the sun but with no clear plan, it felt wasted which only pissed him off more.

(I have to kill her, there has to be some way.)

Watching Fera simply blow the raining Miasma away with the wind, Kazuki was confused at Zephris’s strategy when Zephris spoke to him through their soul connection.


(Zephris, what are you doing? At this rate

(Stop and just pay attention. It may seem like I’m not doing much but look closely. Her movements have actively slowed.)

Kazuki looked on and it was true but he didn’t understand why.

(I mentioned I knew her weakness. Do you not understand why someone as strong as her is avoiding my rain. Use your senses, my rain is not as simple as you think it is.)

Kazuki concentrated his aura on the falling dark rain and immediately noticed something odd. There was more than just the power of Miasma at work within it and he felt something familiar.

Kazuki’s eyes lit up.

(The sword forms, you’ve placed a strange version of the severing tempest within your rain. Her weakness you mentioned…You’re trying to destroy her soul!)

(Exactly. This technique of your brothers is quite mysterious. To think he came up with this as a child. Your brother was a genius. The reason she is avoiding my rain is for the simple fact that if it touches her, it will eat away at her flesh. With her toughness, it will do almost no damage but what little damage it will do it will allow Kai’s sword forms to penetrate her flesh and soul world. My Miasma will eat away at her flesh, magic and aura while the sword forms will directly cut away at her soul, little by little.)

Kazuki was almost left speechless.

(You can use Kai’s sword forms, how?)

(Is it really that difficult to imagine. After that Gosechu box opened and we shared memories and experiences, did you not materialize Orichalcum several times during this fight. You used my past experience and knowledge to create god metal mid-fight and applied it in many different ways than I ever did. Is it really so strange for me to do the exact same and use your brother’s sword forms, applying it in a way that suits my abilities best?)

Kazuki didn’t know what to say to that but it made sense. The technique to make god metal was knowledge only Zephris held in this lower realm or at least this world. For Kazuki to suddenly sue it, it was only rational that it was because he knew how now and with the shared connection it was like he had already made it several thousand times already. Mre like it would be strange if he couldn’t make it after all of that.

(Right, so this plan of yours, any time a drop of that blackish rain touches her, it will slowly chip away at her soul but how does this defeat her. If the rain can only fuck up small pieces of her soul, can’t she simply regain more of her soul over time. At the current rate, things are going, this will never reach an end.)

Zephris didn’t argue with that point.

(Your right which is why I’m going to speed up the process very shortly. However even at the fastest speed, I can only deteriorate her soul so much, at the same time slowing her movements with space will be severely taxing, which is where you come in. While she is still cautious, you need to divide your aura, divide your mind. Expand it deep underground and find the remaining Giant Azirian’s. Not only does my rain not affect you but devouring the Aziran’s does no harm to you as well, instead, as you witnessed yourself it only benefits you. Send your aura deep into the planet and find the Azirian’s. Pull them to the surface and eat them all in one bite. With that, your power will explode upward and you might just be on equal footing with Fera or even possibly surpass her slightly. With her soul weakened by me, you will be able to come in and slay her. We’ll be able to defeat her and then destroy Torzz a moment later. Our victory is basically guaranteed.)

Kazuki felt a rush as the plan sounded legit.

(This, I think it just might work.)

(Of course, it will work my plan s perfect, you just need to do exactly as I say and we will win this.)

The only real problem that came to mind…was, well, the mind.

(My aura has gone through drastic change and growth. After absorbing Glacious, Etora, and the other Ancient beasts, my soul at that time could cover nearly all of the Feya continent. After eating that fragment of god aura, along with the millions of souls and the giant Azirian itself, my aura can stretch even further, I don’t think it can cover the world in full but a large portion of it, most definitely. The real problem is my mind. Each time I split my aura, it splits my focus and concentration. In order to search as fast as possible, it means my attention needs to be divided greatly. With my concentration split like that, it means my reaction time will fall. Allowing such a thing in the middle of combat is beyond foolish but I have to do it. As I currently am, I cannot defeat Fera.)

The idea was crazy. Lower your reaction time and focus during a fight to the death, especially with someone already above you in terms of strength and magical power. One mistake would cost one their life in an isntant.

(Can I do this?)

(Don’t be doubt yourself. In simple words, you have to do this. The only other option is you let me absorb your body. It will be my powers that grow and I’m sure I can beat Fera at that point but the cost is your life. I’m fine with it, either way, I just thought you would like the option that allows you to keep that thing you call your life.)

The arrogance Zephris spoke with made Kazuki want to smash his face in. At the same, the threats only made Kazuki more uneasy but there was little choice in the matter. If Kazuki could get to the Azirian’s beneath the surface, and pull them up, devour them and grow, the chance at winning multiplied greatly.

(Zephris, you must do everything in your power to distract and slow her. The moment she catches on could spell immediate disaster for me, no not just me, everyone in the world.)

(Hmph, stop acting so noble. I saw your memories, you don’t have to pretend to care about this world or the people in it. You and I are cold beings. We want our revenge and damn what else may come. I will slow the bitch down, you just do your damn job and stop wasting time. I told you this would be taxing on me and I meant it. Everything I put into the Miasma, every bit she destroys, takes a small bit away from me. Just as I can damage her soul with it, whatever bit she destroys weakens me. This is a double edge sword do you get me?)

Kazuki didn’t look worried nor did he pretend to care.

(You may have seen my memories but that doesn’t mean you know shit. Just hold her back and keep her distracted.)

Zephris continued to bitch in Kazuki’s mind but Kazuki did his best to ignore it. Landing on the ground, he easily tore a hole through Torzz and Zetrazz’s combined power. As soon as he broke through the surface, his aura shot down below at a frightening speed

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