Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 101

Kazuki now understood why Zephris was insulting Fera. He was trying to piss her off and distract her. Using his power to rain down Miasma atop Fera, he made sure to purposely hold back a certain amount of power. If he went too hard, Fera would go all out as well and things would become chaotic. Kazuki would have to dodge and defend himself from the aftereffects. By insulting her and calling her a frog in a well, Zephris was essentially calling Fera weak.

Combing that with him holding back his attacks it gave Fera a false impression. As she easily threw Zephris’s attacks back, it made her believe that she was much stronger than he was. In doing this, Zephris was inflating her ego, making her believe that she was in fact much more powerful than he.

Fera smiled as she sent the rain flying up and away.

“Now who was it that you called a frog in a well. If this is the best you can do, then your death is guaranteed.”

Zephris expected this reaction from Fera. By going not too strong and not too weak, he could maintain the illusion that it was he in the weaker position and she above. He needed her to believe she was the cat and he the mouse. This way, she would continue to play and pay no mind to Kazuki.

Kazuki found this to be brilliant. He just hoped it would last long enough. Very quickly, he sent his aura through the ground and into the planet. Deeper and deeper beneath the surface of the world, tendrils of aura divide and spread in tens of thousands of directions.

His aura moved through the planet with ease in search of the remaining Giant Azirian’s. In order to catch up to Fera’s strength, he would most likely need to absorb all of the Azirian’s bodies and souls.

(If I take into account the souls and body itself, not counting the godly aura, three giant Azirian’s would send my aura, magic, and strength to her level. I will stand as her equal in that regard but my speed and the toughness of my body will exceed hers by leaps and bounds. Add the fact that I can further boost my speed and strength with ki and aura strengthening, once I devour the last few Azirian’s, I will be beyond her. As long as Zephris sticks to the plan and he weakens her soul, I should be able to destroy the rest of it and kill her once and for all.)

Kazuki’s aura spread further and further as it moved through the world without pause. Through rare minerals and holy gems. Around crystals the size of hills that were filled with magical energy and deep into underground rivers of molten lava.

Through underground oceans and past unforeseen subterranean behemoths. Creatures and worlds he had never before seen yet they were all a part of this great wide world. Every now and then there would be Ancient beasts that lived deep down here, along with a small few Titans. These Titans and Ancient beasts were at first curious of this new aura roaming throughout their territories and were enraged but once they felt the full extent of Kazuki’s aura, these powerful beings turned tail and ran away without looking back.

Kazuki found this annoying. With these underworlders, it should be easy to ask them if they’ve felt the foul energy of an Azirian or even Zetrazz’s power since he was the one who moved them. These powerful beings were aware of Zetrazz since they have been of this world for eons but Kazuki’s power terrified them and they fled. He could catch them and try and force them to talk but that would only waste more time, time he did not have.

He wanted to ask Zetrazz where he had moved the Azirian’s but he knew other ears would be listening in. Once the enemy knew, he would be found out and their so-called plan would fall to shit.

Kazuki’s aura made its way through a clear lake made of a mirror-like liquid. Diving into it, he actually felt a strange cooling sensation from it. Another mysterious thing he had discovered along the way. If Kazuki had the time, he would love to personally explore such places but that was something he didn’t have.

As he dove through this bright silver-like liquid, he finally found a clue. Near the bottom of this deep pool, there were blades of strange grass growing, the grass itself though was not important. Instead, there were marks of purplish-black and the grass was melting away at an incredibly fast rate.

(Blood was spilled. At least one of the giant Azirian’s is nearby, it has to be.)

Kazuki’s aura concentrated in this area and covered several hundred miles around when he felt a violent vibration several miles away.


His aura flew at a blinding speed. Drilling through any object that stood in his way, his aura pierced the world as if it were made of paper before eventually drilling into the side of a large underground cave.

The moment his aura entered this large cave, he found an opening the size of a mountain within this place, and in said opening there they were. Two giant Azirian’s were being pulled about like ragdolls at an extremely fast speed by Zetrazz’s dark power. Zetrazz had never stopped moving them this entire time. That would have been strange for him to keep this up even now but there was something else down here and it was in constant pursuit.

(Fera’s fake bodies!)

Kazuki was shocked. He thought, no he witnessed Fera destroy those fake bodies so she could use more of her power but this made sense. These bodies were not real and could be made of any inorganic material. They had Fera’s face and body but were clearly made from things around such as rock and rare gems and such. All they needed was a fragment of her soul along with some of her divided attention.

(Damn, so when she destroyed her fake bodies, it meant nothing as she can simply remake them at any given time.)

The situation was not ideal and only became worse barely a moment later. As Zetrazz was dragging the Aziran’s through the world and the fake bodies were in pursuit, one of them quickly took notice of Kazuki’s aura. The very moment one took notice, all three took notice and so to did Fera above on the surface.

Her head snapped in Kazuki’s direction and she came rushing at him like a demonic god of speed.


This was exactly what Kazuki didn’t want.

His attention divided, his reaction time was slowed by a fraction of a second. Gravity, space, white flames, torrents of wind aura strengthening, ki, and 200 layers of aura folded around Kazuki. He kicked away from the ground causing a crater more than a hundred miles in diameter beneath his feet as he flashed away. If not for Zetrazz and Torzz trying to maintain the world with their power the continent would have sunk the second he kicked off of it.

Even as he moved with blinding speed, Fera was right on his tail and she quickly grabbed hold of his ankle. Kazuki didn’t hesitate to send a burst of fire exploding his ankle, leaving his foot behind as he sped away. The very next second he regrew another foot and kept fleeing. It was obvious what would happen if Fera caught up to him. With her strength and toughness overwhelming his own, she could theoretically hold him down and pummel his head before he could do anything.

Kazuki was unsure what would happen if his head was actually destroyed, after all, it hadn’t happened yet. He had come close but until now, his brain remained intact. Even with his regenerating, he just didn’t know the boundaries of his capability when it came to revival. If his head was destroyed fully, did that mean instant death or not, he just didn’t know and because of that, there was no way he was willing to risk it.

At the same time as he was fleeing, the Miasma was raining down on Fera more and more and the ground was flooding with it. As it stands, the surrounding area had reached a depth of a few inches of this liquid-like Miasma.

Fera could feel tiny bits of her soul being degraded by the rain but it wasn’t enough to cause her to worry as her soul recovered at a faster rate. Because of this, she did not stop and continued her pursuit.

Kazuki had to do everything in his power to run away which frustrated him to no end. This was supposed to be his chance at getting the revenge he had clawed his way for. Right now though he could only run.


Fera punched at the open air in front of her. She could not sue magic on Kazuki at the moment because of his devouring ability but she didn’t need to. The pressure of her punch alone stood above all in this world. With it, she could crush the planet itself. She punched toward Kazuki but it didn’t stop with a single punch. In a single second her speed was unmatched as she punched thousands, hundreds of thousands of times.

The wind roared as the sky was split apart in an instant. Even without touching the ground, even with Zetrazz and Torzz doing their best to protect the world, their power was ripped up from the ground in an instant. The two stood at the border of this battlefield and struggled to maintain anything. The two were on the verge of collapse.

Torzz shouted at Fera.


Fera completely ignored Torzz and continued to punch at Kazuki while giving chase.

At the same time, deep beneath the surface of the planet, because Zetrazz was struggling up top it meant he was also struggling down below. The power he used to drag the giant Azirian’s away began to fade.

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