Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 115

(This foul nasty bastard kissed me and even touched me with that, that grotesque thing. I have to kill this bastard no matter what.)

Fera’s first thoughts were one of disgust and anger but the very next instant alarms were going off in her head as her instincts told her how dangerous Kazuki now was. She had been distracted due to Kazuki’s actions but she was still aware of what he had just done. He had just eaten up a large portion of magical energy along with enough physical material from that planet that his powers had risen once again.

(Damn him and that cheat-like ability. One fucking distraction and his soul has evolved this much. Is there no limit to that power?)

Fera recalled the legends of the God Ourodyess and how he devoured even the stars and universes. His power, greed, and hunger became so much that the other gods felt he was a danger to all and so many of them came together and destroyed him. Seeing Kazuki grow and grow and grow she felt it was similar to that and she felt jealousy and rage at how unfair this all was. She was blind to her own hypocrisy as she was given most of her abilities and strength by her mother who stole Mage cores and gave them to her.

Her worldview was warped long ago and there was no changing that now. This outlook though led her to understand just how dangerous Kazuki’s ability was. Any more than this and he was no longer just an annoyance but instead would become a challenge and then a real threat.

(Damn this bastard! His powers are climbing too fast. I could barely shake him loose before. Though he struggled to hang onto me he still managed in that poorer state, now his strength has evolved once more and he’s still in the Convergence stage. His strength, it’s most likely near my own now or he’s even already surpassed it.)

This thought sent a chill down Fera’s spine and she was not alone in this thought. The black compass around her neck was pulsing erratically. Her mother was warning her to leave this place.

(Mother, how can I ascend and leave this place without killing Kazuki first.)

A small argument ensued but Kazuki who was unaware of what was being said did not care. After devouring all of that energy, he could feel pure intense energy racing through him almost uncontrollably. There was so much power in him at the moment that it felt like if he wasn’t careful his body would actually explode.

At the same time, he could not just wait around until Fera was ready to fight.

Without another exchange of mouthed words, white flames erupted beneath Kazuki’s feet and he rushed forward.

His body disappeared at this moment and he reappeared a few hundred thousand miles away. He had little control over this newfound power and instead of appearing directly in front of Fera, he went right past her by tens of thousands of miles. It seemed that at the moment he used fire to accelerate forward, his other magics activated without his control and he teleported into the distance on accident. Not only that but the moment he teleported away, the fabric of this Lower Realm warped heavily and almost ripped in several spots.

Because of this one movement, a wave of energy was sent throughout this Lower Realm and every solar body was displaced by a few inches for an instant before like a rubberband everything snapped back into place. Normal people and other creatures would not realize anything had just happened but those with power equal to a Titan, in this moment it would have felt like reality was destroyed for a fraction of a second before everything returned to normal.

To know that your reality for a single moment was broken or moved out of place was something nightmare-inducing. These powerful beings did not know who or what great entity had done this but they preyed that he or she would have mercy on this small Lower Realm.

Fera as well could see more and sense more than any other in this Lower Realm as she was a Demigod. She could see through this Lower Realm and see the natural laws of the universe. The moment the fabric of the Lower Realm shifted and shifted back into place, she could sense the natural laws of the universe, the rules that kept this Lower Realm together had been bent momentarily.

(This fool, does he not understand what his power is capable of?)

Fera was flabbergasted as she thought about this.

(Just that movement alone can mess with the fabric of this lower realm but could I do the same?)

Fera understood that her physical body couldn’t do such a thing. If she wanted to warp the lower realm in a similar way she would need to go all out with both her physical side her magic as well as her aura. Yet Kazuki only moved forward with magic and aura. He used two while Fera would need three. In her mind, she wanted to deny it but there was no way she could.

(He’s…He’s stronger than me.)

The only thing Fera knew she had over Kazuki was her soul and Aura but she could lose the advantage of that the moment he devours another large source of energy.

Kazuki had trouble stopping and his body floated around uncontrollably as his power was literally going out of control. Inside his soul world, his Mage core was overflowing with pure magical energy and his soul tree was shining with bright light. His soul had grown so rapidly that his aura was incredibly sensitive. With a tiny thought and no will behind it, his aura would shoot out in all directions and pull him around like a rag doll.

Kazuki circulated his ki and covered both his Mage core as well as his soul tree in a layer of ki to contain his wild power. Doing this, his body immediately came to a stop in space. For a few moments, he had to consciously think about moving his aura as well ss his magic very very slowly and methodically. Using his ki as a guide with this high concentration and focus, his aura and magic slowly came back under his control.

(There’s so much power that it’s difficult to control properly without focusing basically everything I have into them. With my ki, it’s getting easier and easier to control but it’s still not 100% under my control. With this though I should be able to fight Fera again and this time it won’t be me who has to run or cling like a monkey.)

Kazuki turned around and though the two were separated by hundreds of thousands of miles, the two could clearly see one another as if they were right in front of each other. Kazuki stared at her in confusion. He had made a simple move yet his power brought him so far away and was unstable. Fera saw that look and realized he wasn’t completely in control of his power and her expression changed from realization to intense fear.

(He did that without control. If he learns and adapts to his power, couldn’t he bring out even more potential? I have to leave. This bastard…I can’t beat him…To face him…Won’t I be the one who’s killed!? How could it all have come to this? after everything I’ve achieved, after everything I’ve sacrificed, and yet he is the one who holds the power. I can’t let this go. I REFUSE!)

Fera hated this with all her heart. She had wanted to kill Kazuki for so long it ate away at her inside. Every day that he was allowed to draw breath was another day she felt like she would explode. Knowing that the person who made her father disappear was living peacefully on earth, knowing that he had returned and made friends and even found love, while she was stuck in this Lower Realm without her father. Why was it that Kazuki could still get to be happy and be loved by others while she had to suffer in this god-forsaken place surrounded by disgusting monsters such as Azirian’s? Unfair, all of it was unfair.

These were her thoughts and in the end, she couldn’t even get the revenge she so longed for. She couldn’t help but gnash her teeth in frustration. Fera gripped her black compass tightly.

(Mother, I’ll be ascending soon but first, there is one last thing I must do before I leave this prison for good.)

The black compass pulsed once more communicating something to Fera but Fera simply ignored it. Just as the compass was starting to go wild, Fera once more placed the compass into her storage ring and ignored it completely.

She finally broke eye contact with Kazuki and looked far into the distance. In her eyes, she saw one thing and one thing only, Gordonia.

(Kazuki, if I can’t kill you, then I’ll just have to be satisfied with your little bitches and those maggots you call friends. I’ll kill them…I’LL KILL THEM ALLLLLLLLL!)

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