Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 116

Fera’s eyes glowed with radiant purple light before she teleported toward Gordonia. Seeing Fera teleport away, Kazuki sensed her flow of magic and could tell which direction she was heading. At first, he was confused as to why she was going almost the complete opposite direction from him but he quickly put it together.

(She’s fleeing and heading to Gordonia, but why? There’s no way she’s decided to give up on fighting me, did she?)

Zephris though knew something wasn’t right and chimed in.

(The only thing she can still compete with you in is a battle of aura. Everything else you seem to now have the advantage in. Surely she knows this. So for her to avoid you entirely and head to a planet she herself would deem useless, means there’s an ulterior motive.)

Zephris spoke up to here and alarms went off in Kazuki’s head.

(Nunully, Asuna!)

The power of space folded around Kazuki and he teleported away. When he reappeared he had once more overshot his target by a wide margin. At the same time, he sensed Fera getting closer and closer.


Kazuki’s nerves were dialed up to an eleven as he teleported once more.

Again he appeared off-target and Fera was ever closer.

(Kazuki calm yourself and focus your mind. Your power has skyrocketed and is still not fully stable. If you continue to rely solely on power and let your emotions run wild, it will be too late.)

These words were like a cold bucket of water. Kazuki quickly circulated his ki to his mind. He wanted to take in a deep breath to help calm his nerves but there was no air in space. Instead, he shut his eyes and sensed the vastness of space around him. His mind focusing on Gordonia, he envisioned Asuna and Nunully but he could not sense them clearly from so far away.

(Focus, If I just go by feel, I’ll skip over Gordonia entirely. I need an anchor, something already on Gordonia to help hone me in.)

Kazuki thought about a single entity, a being that had immense power and was like a beacon of light on Gordonia. With his concentration at his maximum, he found it, or rather he found her.


From his position in space, he could sense Detra’s power and it became like a lit tower in the night sky. In this vastness of space, he could feel it clearly from millions of miles away.

(That’s where I need to go.)

The fight between Kazuki and Fera had brought them millions of miles away from Gordonia. A great distance that Fera even with all her power could not cover in a single teleportation trip. So it took her several before she appeared near Gordonia’s moon.

She pulled her hand back and gathered all of her strength and magic into her fist. Red bolts of lightning combined with her physical force and with her all she threw this punch forward, trying to destroy the world in a single blow.

The fabric of the Lower Realm warped and bent under this blow, sending strange waves of energy out in every direction. It seemed as if reality would tear at this moment but before Fera’s blow ever reached Gordonia, Detra appeared in space not far from her.

Detra’s entire body glowed with purple light and her eyes filled with an ominous blinding grey. Outstretching both of her arms, her hands clawed at space in front of her.

The red bolts striking and cracking toward Gordonia suddenly slowed to a crawl.

Detra’s voice roared into Fera’s mind.


Fera had witnessed this power to communicate through the mind once already. Now that she had witnessed it and experienced it a second time, she could now see through it. Her voice reached back to Detra and there was no backing down.

(Bitch you think it belongs to you. There is no owner and you have no rights to it! I have tolerated your existence far too long, stay out of my way or DIE!)

Fera’s power surged as she added her aura to her power. The red bolts of lightning that had come to a crawl transformed into a red beam of light with arcs of lightning running across its surface that brought a large shadow over Gordonia. The red bolts had not fully been stopped by Detra and with Fera’s added aura, they began grinding forward and picking up speed. Now that they became this large red beam of destruction, Detra who had just barely slowed Fera’s power could feel the Lower Realm falling apart.

Detra immediately felt a great pressure on not only her but on the Lower Realm itself. Under Fera’s assault, Detra could feel her power being forcibly pushed back and crushed. Detra immediately countered with her own aura and used all of her magic but it wasn’t enough. She was being pushed back by Fera’s red beam and space was cracking all around.

(Not good, space is already starting to tear but if the fabric of this Lower Realm is beginning to break. If we continue to fight like this her power will break through not only me and everything behind me but thisLower Realm will be destroyed. Surely the gods will prevent this, otherwise, we are all doomed.)

(Fera stop this childish act. If you go any further we will all be destroyed in this Realm!)

Fera laughed.

(Heh, no. You will all die that bastard Kazuki is too strong now, he’ll survive and be left with nothing. I as well, the instant everything falls apart I will already have ascended out of this prison.)

(Little girl, you don’t understand the consequences of your actions. Do you think the gods will just let some random go around destroying Lower Realms as you please?)

Fera shrugged.

(Multiple ones, yes but simply destroying one in the grand scheme of it all. My punishment will be light considering my family background. If I can’t destroy Kazuki, I’ll take my consolation prize and destroy everything he loves and cares about.)

Detra could see there was no convincing Fera. if she continued to confront her power head-on, this Lower Realm really would fall apart due to their powers trying to overcome the other.

(She won’t listen. I can’t fight her head-on as she’s far too strong but also if we continue to go at it like this, our combined powers will rip this Lower Realm into pieces.)

Detra pulled her power back completely and allowed the red beam forward unimpeded for a split second. As they came racing forward, She immediately opened a large rift to teleport the beam someplace else.

(Hmph, you think that will stop me!)

Fera split her red beam into thousands of smaller ones that quickly circumvented the large rift and headed for the planet. Detra though expected this and immediately thousands of rifts opened up to match the flight paths of these red beams.

All at once, these red beams disappeared into these rifts. At the same time, Fera was losing her patience. She could sense Kazuki was gathering a large amount of power and was preparing to teleport.

(He can’t cover that distance in a single shot…can he? No, Kazuki is unpredictable when it comes to that. I must expect he’ll cover the distance which means my time is running out. I have to finish this now. I must crush his everything and make him feel the same pain I’ve held all this time. Kazuki, the moment you decided to face me, is the moment you sealed all of their fates.)

Fera didn’t know where Detra sent her red beams nor did she care right now. If she could tear this realm apart in time then at least she would destroy the world in front of her, even if she had to tear through Detra to do it.

Once again she gathered her power and a large red beam fired from her open palms. The moment Detra tried to intercept them with rifts, Fera moved forward and appeared in front of Detra. Detra did not expect this at all and tried to teleport away but nearly all of her power was dealing with the split red beams. Fera reached forward and gripped Detra’s neck. Detra’s physical strength was nowhere near Fera’s and so she could not escape with pure strength. She immediately tried to teleport away but Fera coated her hand with the element of space and stopped her.

Detra’s eyes continued to glow and as the final red beam vanished, all of a sudden a new rift opened directly behind Fera. Detra smiled viciously as all of the red beams she had sent someplace, suddenly appeared from this rift. She had collected all of them and gathered them together. These beams of red light fused back into a large single force of power and before Fera could make a move they came crashing directly into her back.

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