Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 120

(Sorry Fera but I’m a greedy fuck. You want to know what I choose…I choose both!)

The moment he said this both Kazuki and Fera moved.

Fera was enraged at Kazuki’s decision.

(He thinks he can have it all. He thinks he gets the happy ending and I die. NO! It is you who will lose everything and I who will laugh as you fall into despair.)

The power in her fist changed instantly as she threw a punch forward toward Gordonia.

The moment she did this, Kazuki was already at her side. His hand reached out as if he would crush her head like a fruit. The three energies came together creating the touch of death in his hand. This attack may not destroy her body fully but he was confident it would destroy her entire head once he landed the blow.

At the same time, his aura moved to block the force of Fera’s punch. The power of ki and aura strengthening rushed through him, white fire burned beneath his feet and behind his back. Gravity pushed him forward and slowed Fera’s punch by a small fraction and mimicking the power of space, Kazuki tried to pull her punch. While also suppressing her slightly with his aura breath.

All of this though was in vain as Fera’s punch was a feint. The moment her punch went forward, her body vanished as she teleported away. Kazuki though already knew where she was going and knew his blow wouldn’t reach her and so he teleported away at the exact same time as Fera.

Before he had even appeared, the aura that he sent out to block Fera’s attack had already covered the entire planet, protecting it from an instant attack from her. This could buy the world a second from destruction. The very next moment he reappeared his magic strengthened and covered the world and Fera could no longer destroy the world without first destroying Kazuki.

Kazuki and Fera appeared in the exact same area shocking those around. With Kazuki using his power to protect the world, Fera took that split second to grab two people by the nape of their necks and pull them in close forming a human shield. Fera smiled with a wickedness most could not achieve with a thousand lifetimes. Fera couldn’t help but gloat and sneered.

“It’s my win Kazuki. I have your little bitches. A single squeeze and the both of them will no longer be of this world.”

In her hands, she held both Asuna and Nunully by the back of their neck, a pained expression on both of their faces. All around thousands of people were suddenly filled with terror by the sight.

Kazuki swallowed hard seeing this.

“Fera, let them go and your death will be fast.”


Fera couldn’t help but laugh.

“You think I’m the one who will die. Kazuki, your strength may surpass my own but what is the point if you can’t destroy my head right away or my soul. I on the other hand will leave this realm but not before you make a choice. You cheated a moment ago, no one said you can pick both and now I’m going to make sure you don’t break the rules once again. Pick which one dies and I’ll let the other go.”

Kazuki knew why Fera was doing this. He knew how twisted she was. Since he didn’t follow her rules the first time, Fera was trying to make Kazuki’s despair his own choice.

“You love both of these little whores right Kazuki. Let me see you break as you pick one over the other. Let me see how you crumble apart and are consumed by guilt. Suffer as I have suffered because of you.”

Kazuki’s expression darkened at this moment as he looked at both Nunully and Asuna. The two were in terrible pain as they looked at Kazuki but neither begged for their lives nor did either usher out a cry of pain.

“Nunully, Asuna…I.”

Fera squeezed ever tighter, causing the two to gasp for breath.

“Did I say you could talk to them, Stop stalling and chose you little rat bastard or I’ll have to choose for you!”

When Kazuki didn’t say anything, it was Danny who spoke up.

“Kazuki you already know what to do. Choose Nunully.”

These words echoed out in the silence and caused Fera to look at Danny in confusion. As these words fell this time it was Shin who spoke up.

“No way, Kazuki likes a little fire in his life. The obvious choice is Asuna.”

Right after Shin was Kimi.

“Are you crazy? Asuna is too wild, Nunully is sweeter. Of course, he has to pick Nunully.”

When her voice fell many others spoke up one after another. Shaila, Tozu, Triska, King Brian, and even the other survivors from before. All of their voices raining down in a chorus with their own pick.

Fera looked around in confusion.

“What the fuck is this!?”

Kazuki erupted in a booming voice.


His voice echoed out sending shockwaves across the sky and silencing everyone.

Fera didn’t know what was going on and lifted Asuna and Nunully off the ground. Her patience had been lost by now.

“Kazuki, choose right now or they both die!”

Kazuki nodded along.

“Your right, I’ll choose but I don’t think you’ll like my answer. I told you before Fera, I’m a greedy fuck.”

The moment he said this, Fera noticed something strange. The clouds high above, they still remained in the sky. After Kazuki’s booming shout, they should have been torn apart like dirty old rags. The very second she noticed this, all of the clouds peeled apart, and Kazuki called out.


Danny’s eyes glowed with brilliant light and the strange clouds crumbled apart and were revealed to be millions of pieces of paper.


Each one of these pieces of paper suddenly lit up. They were of course the talismans Danny had created. All at once, millions of bolts of lightning gathered in an instant and rained down toward Fera.

Fera wondered about all of the fuss was but seeing regular lightning, no not even regular but smaller bolts of lightning, she couldn’t help but laugh once more.

“So this was your plan? I can’t believe I expected anything from these worms you call friends Kazuki. You chose wrong.”

As this lightning fell Kazuki gathered his magic and also used his aura with the ancient hand signs to gather as much space element as possible.

Fera though no longer cared and took both Asuna and Nuunlly and heled them up above her head.

“How much more will it hurt knowing both your decision and your friends shitty magic is what killed both of your whores.”

The lightning came crashing down and Kazuki made his move. At the same time, Fera’s power began to gather and a bright beam of golden light appeared in the sky.

(By the time Kazuki tries to save the two it will be too late. The lightning will strike them and kill them and I will be ascending. His powers will no longer reach me, hehehe. It’s my win, you bastard.)

Just as she thought this, she saw something strange. Kazuki’s movement, he was not rushing to Asuna and Nunully but instead he was heading directly toward her.

Fera could feel a large amount of power gathering in all directions as Kazuki called out to her.

“I told you I chose both!”

Fera didn’t understand what that meant, they were both about to be struck by lightning. Once again alarms rang out in her head and her instincts told her something terrible was about to happen. She quickly leaped into the sky with Nunully and Asuna.

(I can’t let him reach me! I’ll push these bitches into the lightning and speed this shit up, that way I’ll still get a little something out of this before I leave.)

Kazuki already leaped up in the sky and gave chase. Without a second thought, Fera took the two and threw them both directly into the lightning. Before Kazuki could get to them, millions of bolts of lightning struck Asuna and Nunully, turning them into ash right then and there. The two…died instantly.

Fera smiled seeing this. The beam of light to the higher realm continued to fall down toward her but just before it reached her, the beam of golden light froze in the sky.

The power of space and time held it firmly in place.

(It can’t be!)

Fera suddenly felt her entire body become incredibly heavy as three rifts appeared in the sky.

Stepping out of the first one was Detra, and the second was Zehpris followed by both Zetrazz and Torzz from the third.

“You were dead, I fucking killed you!”

Detra smiled viciously at Fera.

“Not quite but thanks for your concern. Kazuki, let’s do this. I grow tired of this vile bitch.”

Fera was surrounded on all sides by these Titans and Zephris.

(Is this why I was feeling danger. This can’t be, this can’t happen, not to me!)

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