Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 123

After she explained everything up to here she spoke coldly to her oldest son.

“So you understand now Torzz? Messing with the humans…it will only make greater enemies.”

Torzz nodded.

“To think a mere human could reach such heights in so little time. To even make mother afraid and work under him, Damn it all!”

Detra eyed her son.

“I don’t work under him, we simply came to an understanding with it, you still have your life. After all, you were already Zephris’s enemy and blocking Kazuki’s oath and trying to kill him, and helping Fera, you were already in his way. At that time there was no time left, and so like I said, we came to an understanding. With it, we found a way to reduce Fera to that defenseless state.”

Torzz had nothing more to say. In frustration, he dove directly into the ground and disappeared without another word. The moment he was gone, Shin piped up.

“Are you sure it’s a good idea to let that asshole go?”

Triska immediately put her hand over Shin’s mouth.

“Excuse him, he talks way too much and doesn’t know what he’s saying. He didn’t mean it.”

Detra shook her head.

“Shin was it. Your right, my son is an asshole.”

Right after she said this Detra released a fraction of her aura and pressed down on Shin forcing him to his knees.

“However, the moment a tiny creature like you thinks you can get away with insulting my boy…

Detra’s words came to here before she sighed inwardly. She slowly pulled her aura back. She found that doing this was not worth it.

“If you were not Kazuki’s friend I would crush you right now. There is still a pecking order in this world. A small piece of advice in the future, keep that loose mouth of yours shut in front of those you can not afford to antagonize, otherwise, that mouth of yours will be ripped away faster than you can blink.”

Detra then turned to Danny and told him she would return when Kazuki did. After that, she vanished before everyone’s eyes as if she were never there in the first place. Zetrazz as well quickly followed suit. His body became a dark fog that sank into the ground and disappeared.

Zephris as well had no reason to stay. With a thought, he opened a rift behind him and stepped backward. Just as he was disappearing as well his voice echoed out over the stunned crowd.

“The Patar desert now belongs to me. No one is allowed to cross into my territory. Unlike the Titans, I am not bound to cause any harm to you people. Step into my land without permission, I don’t care if your Kazuki’s friends or not, it will be the last day you see the light of day.”

Zephris’s as well vanished and his words lingered in the air sending a chill up everyone’s spine. Most of these people did not know who Zephris was but for him to make such a claim over the land and then threaten Kazuki’s friends, he was considered very powerful and dangerous in their eyes.

The only ones that knew what he was capable of were those that could feel magic. As for those who knew he was, only Danny was fully aware.

The moment all of these powerful forces disappeared, all eyes turned to both King Brian and Danny.

King Brian as well turned to look at Danny.

“Danny, please explain what just transpired. Asuna and Nunully died in such a horrendous way and unbelievably The strongest Titans in this world came together with that stranger as well as Kazuki and together they destroyed her body. Just what in the 7 realms of hell exactly happened? Is…Is Nunully and Asuna, are they really dead.”

King Brian asked this, his voice slightly shaky. He was unsure of what was going on and beyond stunned. He had just witnessed Nunully and Asuna die horribly but neither Kazuki who loved them nor Danny who seemed to know something panicked. For them not to lose their shit, in his mind, it meant there had to be something else.

Danny knew they were unaware of almost everything that had just happened. To them, a voice had suddenly called out to them. Kazuki had spoken to them directly into their mind and told them to speak out when Fera took Asuna and Nunully hostage. They had no idea why but this was Kazuki that they all trusted and so they went along with it. Danny was the only one among them that Kazuki quickly explained things too.

Danny sat down as to not tower over everyone and very quickly the thousands of survivors that remained gathered around him as if he were their grandpa telling them a story by the fireplace. Danny began to recount what took place moments before but first, he flat out told them all what they were most concerned about.

“As you all saw, Asuna and Nunully, they both died.”

A murmur spread over the crowd as waves of shock hit everyone here. They had indeed witnessed it but they thought maybe this was a fake-out a false reality. They all had doubts and thought it was some sort of ploy but Danny’s words confirmed there and then that the two had truly died.


Kimi screamed at the top of her lungs in denial and Sam couldn’t help but punch the ground with all of his might, collapsing it for several feet. Shin as well grabbed Danny by the neck and his eyes flashed as lightning gathered in them.

“You’re wrong. Danny this isn’t funny. They didn’t really die. Tell them all your lying. Kazuki isn’t that heartless. He wouldn’t have allowed such a sacrifice. He wouldn’t let them just die at the hands of Fera like that.”

Danny gripped Shin’s hand and peeled it off of his neck with ease.

“We needed to distract Fera and confuse her. By doing this, it bought Kazuki a few fractions of a second. In doing so he was able to gather the element of space and allow Detra to absorb it. At the same time, he gave Zephris the one who just claimed the great desert as his territory a large portion of dark energy. Because of this, the two were able to reform their bodies in an instant. Before that though, Kazuki and Detra came to an agreement and got both her sons on his side for this single moment, this one opportunity. The moment Fera tried to force Kazuki’s hand and she tossed the two to their death, she became both confused and stunned when Kazuki didn’t rescue them. This was our only chance and we took it. With her distracted it allowed them all to surround her and restrain her, which in turn allowed Kazuki to crush her head, killing her instantly. This was the most logical way.”

Shin and Sam were about to go ballistic after hearing this. Shin’s eyes bulged from his head in shock and anger.

“You fuck! Did you really just spout that bullshit!? The most logical way? You and Kazuki, your both bastards. To kill your friends like that. Fera may have thrown them into the lightning but you could have stopped it. That lightning was fully under your control but you let them die anyway. What the fuck is wrong with the both of you!”

Sam was devastated. He cared for Nunully as a friend but to him, Asuna was his childhood friend since he was a small child, and more than that she was just like a little sister. Before Kimi came along, Sam only loved two women in his life. One was his mother and the other was Asuna as a sister. He felt immense guilt that he couldn’t protect Asuna and now she was dead, just like that.

Sam as well spoke out. His voice was low but it was filled with rage and infinite sorrow.

“Danny, you allowed them both to die. You and Kazuki came up with this and agreed on this. How…How could you?”

Danny shook his head.

“The amount of time Det…Kazuki had to come up with this and get everything to works right was far too short. There was no time for something else. The plan was executed perfectly and besides Asuna and Nunully both knew what the plan was and they both agreed without hesitation. They knew what would happen if Fera wasn’t stopped. They willingly gave up their lives so that Fera could be finished and so that not just us but everyone on Gordonia and even Gordonia itself could be saved. Because of what they gave up, all of you continue to live and breathe at this very moment. Everyone on this planet will see a tomorrow. People will go home and hold their families and be safe and warm. This was the best solution to this problem.”

Many in the crowd couldn’t believe how cold and calculated Danny came across as. It was like his friends didn’t even die or rather it was like they weren’t even friends in the first place.

While some felt this was rather cold most felt elated as well as felt that Asuna and Nunully were brave heroes for their willing sacrifice. Even still there were a few who still didn’t buy it.

Sasai looked toward his brother and couldn’t help but ask.

“Tozu, this doesn’t make sense. Kazuki wouldn’t have done such a thing for real, would he? After all the battles we all went through together, the way he put his life on the line for all of us time and again, does it make any sense?”

Tozu shook his bald head.

“It doesn’t, your right. Kazuki saved us and we weren’t even friends at the time. As a matter of fact, we were barely comrades yet he saved our asses. There’s no way he wouldn’t sacrifice himself first for his women.”

Shaila wrapped her arm around Tozu and nodded along.

“Kazuki isn’t like that all the time but he can be cold. He’s too clever but Danny said they willingly gave up their life. It may be that the choice was taken from him at that point. After all, we witnessed their deaths with our own eyes. Death can be faked but normal creatures don’t see what we can. We are Ancient beasts and we can detect and see-through death better than any human. The two clearly died, that is the truth. We have witnessed Kazuki’s graciousness a multitude of times but at the same time, we have all seen his cruel nature when it comes to his enemies. The way he’s killed some of his foes, even I have never killed my enemies in such brutal ways. Would he normally sacrifice those he cared about, no? but these were not normal times. Rather to say these were the most desperate times. He was facing the toughest opponent he’s ever faced and in those circumstances, you don’t get to pick and choose how you do battle. If Danny says it was the most logical way and Kazuki went along with it, Then I believe it was the only way, even if it does seem rather cruel to his women.”

Shaila’s words were low but many overheard her and they all tended to agree. These were not normal times. What Kazuki did, it was something no one should be forced to do but because of what was done on this day they all lived.

Before Danny could say anymore, King Brian asked him.

“Does this mean…we won?”

Danny gave a nod.

“Yes, we have won.”

The moment these words fell, the weird and somber atmosphere suddenly erupted into wild cheer as people screamed and shouted for joy.

Danny sill had something to say but before he could Shin took off into the sky and flew away as fast as possible. Triska quickly took to the skies and followed after him. Not just Shin and Triska. Sam and Kimi also took to the sky.

“Sam, Kimi!”

Danny called out to them but Sam completely ignored him. Kimi shouted down at Danny in a rude way.

“Don’t speak to either of us ever again. Just like Asuna and Nunully, you are dead to us you cold bastard.”

Gravity shifted around Sam and wings of golden light moved Kimi forward. In a split second, the two accelerated away at an extreme speed and were out of sight. Danny was momentarily stunned. The words he wanted to say stuck in his throat.

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