Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 48

Zetrazz was in absolute disbelief. Landing beside Kazuki he sensed the young mortal’s strength. He inhaled deeply and sniffed all around him like a wild hound.

“This strength, how?”

Kazuki as well was a little taken aback. Now that his strength had reached the 7th stage, he could see through Zetrazz’s dark power, and to his surprise, he could see Zetrazz’s true form. In his eyes, Zetrazz was small, so small in fact that he looked like a child near the age of 11 possibly even 12.

(Is this why Glacious never really seemed to take him 100% seriously?)

“Kazuki, answer me quickly. How did you get this power? What did you do?”

Kazuki shrugged.

“Is that something I need to tell little old you?”

Zetrazz eyes widened.

“You gain a bit of power and now you are cocky. Very good, let me test this newfound strength.”

Kazuki waved him away.

“I don’t have time for that right now. Fera will be returning shortly and I have things to do.”

Kazuki turned to leave but Zetrazz was not having it. His rival had just died and he was at a complete loss just a moment ago. Now Kazuki was at the 7th stage, like some kind of heaven fall. There was no way he would miss this chance.

A huge gush of dark power came crashing down atop Kazuki. This much force coming down were Kazuki still at the 5th stage he would be obliterated with nothing remaining. Now though, things were completely different. The moment this power hit him, Kazuki was barely even slowed. He looked back at Zetrazz with some annoyance and fired several aura shots at him.

These multiple shots hammered away at Zetrazz and he was actually pushed back. Instead of feeling anger or resentment from receiving this attack, Zetrazz was feeling absolute joy.

“Yes yes yes! This is it, this is what my rival should be able to do. Kazuki, you and I shall have a duel right here and now.”

Kazuki was growing annoyed.

“Did you not hear me! I told you I’ve got shit to do. Now leave me be.”

Zetrazz grinned like a fool.

“Your strength has increased and so to has the sharpness of your tongue. You are resembling Glacious more and more by the second.”

(Kazuki, time is ticking.)

Kazuki knew Zephris was right but if he really did start a battle here and now, who knows how long it would last.

“Look, I can’t fight you at this very moment but if you help me, I promise that when it’s all over I’ll fight with you until you are completely satisfied. Whether it takes months or years to finish our fight, I’ll go at it with everything I’ve got. That should be good enough right?”

“Oh and why exactly should I do any favors when I can simply initiate a fight right now?”

“I heard you cursing out claiming you would destroy Fera were she to ever step foot on Feya again. Were your feelings so shallow or do you actually wish to take revenge?”

“This and that has nothing to do with one another. I can fight you and then fight Fera at a later date.”

Kazuki shook his head.

“That’s where you’re wrong. Once she comes here and completes her plan, she intends to ascend to a higher realm. You would never see her again and your so-called revenge goes out the window permanently.”

“Is that the truth, how do you know such things?”

Kazuki shrugged.

“I have my secrets and I have no reason to share my sources. Now, what say you?”

Zetrazz contemplated it for a moment. Even if Kazuki was lying about Fera leaving, it might be better to tie up loose ends just in case he thought.

“Fine, it’s a deal.”

“Good, head to the Patar desert, I’ll catch up shortly, once your there delay the two of them for me and I promise our fight will be something they speak of in legends.”

Zetrazz became incredibly excited by that notion and couldn’t wait for such entertainment.Then Zetrazz caught on to what Kazuki said. “Delay them” Before Zetrazz could ask another question, Kazuki was already gone.

The world around Kazuki blurred as he traveled at such a speed, it was hard to describe. Maybe it was nearing the speed of light or just a level below that, Kazuki wasn’t sure. One thing he knew for sure though was that he clearly was not yet used to this body. He had simply taken a single step and it had brought him well over a thousand miles.

Kazuki promptly stopped himself and turned around. He had overshot the Miasma by a great deal. Slowly turning around, he had to strictly control every single muscle with precession and the utmost accuracy. This time he took a small half step, again, this brought him way too far. After a few more attempts, he was getting the hang of it and finally came to the Miasma.

(Now that you are here fly inside the Miasma.)

Kazuki flew into the darkness and was surprised to find that it was still difficult to see inside. He could see through Zetrazz but the mystery of the Miasma was unfathomably deep.

“Right, now the lightning cages.”

(Correct, and don’t forget to add the sword form as well.)

Kazuki no longer had to move a muscle or give it much thought. With almost no effort at all, he created Danny’s lightning cage and placed the sword form inside of the lightning.

(Excellent, now I will guide you precisely to the other conscious’s inside here. You just destroy them, alright.)

Kazuki gave a nod.

“Let’s do it.”

In this way, Zephris led Kazuki all over the Miasma, pointing out precisely where the other fragments were one at a time. After several minutes though, the two realized how slow this in fact was. Kazuki paused and asked.

“Zephris, can you pinpoint more fragments at the same time?”

(Of course, why do you have something in mind?)

Kazuki didn’t answer and instead, he split the lightning cage once, and then twice and so on and so forth until there were a hundred smaller lightning cages.

“Can you keep up with a hundred? If not I can reduce them or if you can do even more I can increase them a few fold more.”

Zephris was thrilled seeing this.

(Excellent. If you can do more, I can definitely keep up.)

Kazuki then made a few hundred more until he was in control of slightly more than 300 of them. After that, the two became highly more efficient. Kazuki no longer flew about and simply moved the cages with a thought. Following Zephris’s guidance, Kazuki destroyed just over 300 soul fragments every few seconds. As he did this, Zephris could already feel a difference. The insane voices trying to destroy him and shatter him were being reduced at mind-blowing speed, giving him soothing relief.

(Good good. NOw over there and then there.)

Several minutes like this passed and everything was going great but just as the two were in a rhythm, Kazuki could sense Fera and Torzz return to Feya.

“Damn, they’ve returned too soon.”

(For them to have come back with such timing, they must have finally realized the crown is missing, such fools. Kazuki, don’t stop yet, more time, I need you to destroy more fragments.)

“But they’re heading directly toward my friends. I have to

(Kazuki please, I need more control, without it, I’ll be useless during a fight. Not only that but you did send Zetrazz there. He agreed he’d fight Fera. I just need a little more time. You must understand this. Giving up here and rushing to your people will only be dooming them. Stick with the plan and allow us a solid victory.)


Kazuki went back to destroying the fragments but at the same time, he sent some of his aura down south to observe the situation. What he saw terrified him. At the mountain base, the number of soldiers remaining was down to the thousands. Corpses lined every direction but not for long as these corpses would quickly rise up as Azirians before fusing with the giant Azirian’s.

Kazuki scanned around and spotted Asuna and the others, they all had retreated into the mountain base. Even Shaila, Tozu and Sasai seemed to be exhausted and retreated inside. He could feel all of them constantly pouring their power into the barrier as well as the cannons. They could no longer step outside and were holed up inside like frightened mice.

“Damn, they’re trapped and they’re running out of power.”

Just as Kazuki said this, one of the giants swung down with hundreds of thousands of arms.


The barrier wobbled and flexed inward before stabilizing.

“Zephris, I thought you said without the crown the Azirians would no longer be under control, why are they still attacking then?”

(It’s just as you say. Without the crown, they are no longer under control. This means that the intelligent ones would then take control and do whatever they please. Not all of them are currently attacking, as for the ones that are, it’s probably because they themselves have been under attack this entire time. They are trying to enact revenge if that makes sense. Let’s just be thankful that most of them are simply standing around doing nothing. Now hurry and continue while there is still an opportunity.)

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