Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 64

(Detra resent this world and sees it as a prison, while Torzz actually seems to care for the planet but not the people living on it and wishes us all dead, and then there’s Zetrazz’s who only cares for his own entertainment. These Titans, every single one of them is selfish.)

Danny didn’t say this out loud and kept his cool in front of Detra.

“So if your husband returns…or I mean when he returns, you believe everything will go back to normal and you, he and your sons will be one big happy reunited family?”

Detra nodded.

“Surely, that’s how it will go.”

Danny had Detra hanging on his words. He had opened her heart and revealed her true thoughts and feelings. He now had to use them against her and strike while the iron was hot. He animatedly shook his head.

“Wrong! You think your husband will return and everything will be better, you are dead wrong. Your husband will never return.”

Detra’s tears ran dry in an instant and she looked up at Danny as if he were insane. Anger and power gathered around her and Danny felt his body being pressured all around as her aura pressed him toward the ground.


Danny was forced to his knees and could feel his consciousness slipping.

“You are misunderstanding me Detra! I’m not saying he won’t return because he doesn’t want to but rather he can’t return because something must be preventing him from doing so.”

Detra’s expression blanked for a moment as she went quiet. A second later she pulled her aura and power back.

“What do you mean?”

Danny knew he had her on a hook and began to spin a tale.

“Your husband, in order to create an entire world, he must have been extraordinarily powerful, am I correct?”

“He was a God, of course, he was powerful. What are you getting at?”

“Right, since he’s a God and he truly does love you as you say, why would he not return? It must be that something is preventing him. Maybe he’s been trapped somewhere or he’s being confined. Maybe in the vast realms, he’s become lost. These things are possible, correct. What other reason would he not return to you and his sons.”

Danny after conversing for a short while with Detra knew she was in denial about her so-called husband. For him to complain about her and then suddenly abandon her. In Danny’s mind, the relationship between the two was long over and Detra simply couldn’t accept such a fact.

(This Titan still believes that her husband or maybe I should refer him as ex-husband still loves her and wishes to be with her. By using that love, I may be able to get everyone out of this situation.)

Detra nodded.

“Right, there has to be a reason, that makes sense. He must be lost or maybe he’s fallen into a Negative Zone somewhere in the ever-expanding higher realm. Yes, he was upset with me when he left but every couple has their quarrels. He just needed time to cool off and he became lost along the way.”

“Yes Detra, a powerful God like him, surely he’s just lost his way. Not only that, I’ve heard that Gods can’t simply descend from higher realms right. There could even be a problem with that.”

Detra shook her head.

“That can’t be so. In order to descend from a higher realm, one simply needs to make a body that can handle a God’s soul and some of its energy. For a God, a body like that is easy to make. The only reason he wouldn’t be able to make a body would be if he didn’t receive permission from his patriarch. But there would be no reason for the leader of his family to refuse him. After all his family is down here in a lower realm.”

Detra clearly hesitated on the last few sentences. This hesitation told Danny something.

(The act that she didn’t say that last part right away, does this mean that the head of her husband’s family does have a reason not to allow them to reunite. Was this simply abandonment or was it something else entirely different?)

Danny tried to probe a little deeper.

“The way you said that last part, could there actually be a reason why your husband’s family leader does not wish for him to return? Could it be something you did or something he has done or maybe…”

Danny purposefully left this maybe lingering and sure enough, it drew Detra’s attention.

“Maybe what?”

Danny shrugged his shoulders.

“Noting much, If you and your husband really have done nothing then the only thing else I can think of is an enemy. That’s impossible though right? You all have no enemies… you’re awfully quiet.”

Detra’s eyes widened when Danny mentioned enemies. Her mind flashed back to a specific memory. In her entire history in this world, she had very little interaction with anyone. Out of 10’s of millions of years, she had spoken to less than 100 beings in this world and one encounter blared in her mind like an alarm.

She had been watching the world thousands of years ago and noticed a large battle between many Mages. All of these Mages had encircled a large strange city made of metal. These Mages fought against strange monsters and a single man. After causing a large amount of damage, Detra decided to have a closer look when she encountered a woman.

The woman was powerful, her limits exceeded what a human should be capable of and Detra wondered why she hadn’t been forcibly ascended by this point. Not only that, her hot-tempered and short-fused son Torzz was following her every word and taking her orders.

Detra had been to this city before and the last time she was here, she found that Zephris had captured her son and had imprisoned him in a bracelet. She found this amusing and since Torzz had brought destruction to the world, Detra was not angry at this human and instead allowed Zephris to keep him imprisoned for as long as he wished.

Seeing that her son was not only free but was now following this mysterious woman, she understood that this woman was very powerful. For her to steal Torzz away from Zephris, showed her skill without showing her skills so to speak. This mysterious woman was an angelic beauty just like Detra but her attitude was overbearing and cocky. The two didn’t get along right at the beginning and fairly quickly were ready to kill one another.

The only thing that stopped this was the fact that they learned of one another’s backgrounds or rather who their families were. The two stopped fighting and later the mysterious woman left for a different continent where she took over completely. Once Detra remembered that mysterious woman she shouted.


Danny was left flabbergasted but this shout told him more than enough.

“So you do have an enemy.”

Detra was fuming.

“Yes! I was wondering who it could be but if it was that woman then it’s possible.”

“Can you tell me why she’s your enemy, maybe this can help us understand why she would do something to your husband to prevent him from returning.”


Detra snorted and fumed some more.

“I understand now, it was staring me right in the face this whole time and I just didn’t put it together. My husband not returning in all this time and her family background, it’s no wonder.”

(I was trying to convince her to help me and my friends but it looks like things are going off the rails. I need to get things back on track before her patience runs out.)

“Detra, if this woman is your enemy then why not confront her directly. Wait no that wouldn’t make sense, you said it yourself you can’t leave this world for too long. You also can’t rely on your sons to either protect the world or go out for you. Not only that even if one of them could be sent, but your sons are also far too temperamental and emotional, they would only cause more problems. What you need is to send someone to represent you. Someone that is cool and calm under pressure, someone strong like you, and someone who will get to the bottom of this no matter what.”

Detra’s anger was cooling while her excitement and anticipation were climbing.

“Your right, I need someone who can do this task without fail. Someone who is strong and will act accordingly but there’s no one like that, not in this world. Even if there was such an expert, why would he or she go to such lengths for me?”

Danny rubbed his chin as if he were in deep thought but in actuality, he already had the perfect candidate in mind.

“Hmm, I don’t know if you’ll believe me or not but I know of such a person and he would do this favor for you.”

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