Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 65

Detra’s expression twisted.

(Someone he knows, is that possible?)

Detra’s eyes quickly began to glow. Danny thought he had somehow unknowingly angered her again and thought she was going to crush him with her aura but to his relief, she seemed to have no attention for him with this power. In actuality though, that’s exactly what she was using her power for.

The power of time and light and space gathered in her mind and in her head she began to look directly into the past. Danny had just given her hope but his words were far too sweet and promising for her to simply believe him straight off like that. He said he knew someone that was around her level of strength and that would do such a monumental favor for her just on Danny’s word alone.

She had to see this someone for herself. Not even a second later, she had observed Danny’s entire past since he arrived on Gordonia and to her disappointment, there was no such figure. Well, technically that wasn’t true. There was a single figure who matched this description. Someone who could possibly rival her in power, someone so strong that even she would have difficulty destroying them or controlling them. Someone who in fact could search the higher realm, search the stars. That, someone, was Glacious but the problem with that was that Glacious had already died.

Detra was watching things play out between the two Beast Kings, Glacious and Etora. Things had been favoring Glacious’s side and if things continued to play out, it was inevitable that he and Etora would win this battle but then Fera stepped in. She attacked and because of that, Glacious and Etora were no more. After that, Detra lost immediate interest. Since the strongest beasts on the Feya continent were no longer among the living, they could no longer threaten the world and so she turned her attention to other things.

Because she left right after their deaths, she had not witnessed Kazuki’s evolution. Had she waited a few moments more, she would have seen Kazuki devour and consume, Etora, Glacious, the souther King Berus and the few remains of King Azar. At the moment, she was entirely unaware of Kazuki and his new strength.

After seeing Danny’s past and every and all interactions he’s had, she found that the powerful figure he was speaking of had to no doubt be Glacious. Once she realized this, her eyes dulled and she became sad. The one hope of reuniting with her husband snuffed out before the idea even got off the ground.

“What was that?”

Danny wondered what Detra had done and Detra simply told him.

“I looked at your past since you’ve been summoned to this world. The person you were speaking of, you meant Glacious correct?”

Danny was slightly stunned but only slightly. Detra had mentioned that she could stop the world and all of its inhabitant’s time for a few hundred years. If she could play with the element of time to such an extent, then to look into his past would probably be the equivalent of scratching one’s nose or blinking.

Danny nodded, confirming what Detra already knew.

“Since you looked into my past and you already know of Glacious, hen all of this becomes simple. That woman over there is called Nunully, she’s his niece. If you were to save us, then to repay such a favor for rescuing his niece and her friends, Glacious wouldn’t hesitate to help you.”

In his head, Danny was apologizing for using Glacious like this. He knew Glacious would probably be mad at him for a while but at the same time, this tactic of using his name would be saving his niece’s life.

(Sorry Glacious but with this, we should be saved, your niece included.)

Danny felt a bit of pride after all of this. While people were panicking and had lost all hope, he did not stop and continuously thought of ways to save everyone. When King Brian had asked Nunully when Glacious and Etora would arrive and Danny had mentioned they were probably already dead by now or had run into some trouble, he himself had admittedly lost some hope. As he continued to think though, he slowly regained it as a plan started to form.

He used his aura as he had seen Kazuki use it many times before. He created many layers out of his aura and protected it from being destroyed by the outside explosions. He had stretched it out to the wall and while coming into contact with the wall he endured the pain from the overbearing energy coming from the dome. His soul took damage and so too did his psyche but he continued to push forward as he observed the dome wall.

In doing so he found his chance. Many tiny gaps were left in the dome wall. Due to the fact that Zetrazz and Torzz could not fuse their energies together, their powers did not fully combine when creating the dome wall, because of that, gaps that were so small they were invisible to the naked eye, were left behind.

With no source of magic, Danny again had to get creative. In order to widen these gaps, he split his aura into multiple arms or tentacles. Afterward, he used these arms and wielded them as if they were hands. In doing so, he used the ancient hand signs and gathered the power of wind and lightning. Using this power he recreated the lightning cages that traped Fera. Placing these lightning cages into the wall he managed to tear open a hole big enough to send out his aura and then he called Detra here with an insult.

Doing all of this and then appealing to Detra, a Titans emotional side. Getting her to open up he used her husband’s abandonment and convinced her that he must be lost or trapped. Bringing it all home, he convinced her that he could help and knew someone that would go to search or bring news of her husband. Once Detra agreed, Danny would have singlehandedly saved everyone there. He was not one to brag but even he had to admit he had pulled something absolutely incredible off.

Confidence rose in his head and he was feeling a thousand feet tall, well that is until Detra’s words crushed all of that.

“If it’s Glacious, then he could definitely do what you said. He could help and since that woman really is his niece, me saving her would guarantee he owes me a debt but unfortunately, Glacious will not help, or rather he cannot as he has already died not long ago.”

Detra’s last sentence was like a river of freezing water had rushed down from the high mountains and as it collided with Danny, it had fully gutted him.

Danny couldn’t help but take a literal step back as he tilted his head in utter confusion. A million scenarios played out in his head all at once in a single flash.

(Why would she say that. I had her in my palm, did she see through that? No, my words and action were clean. Could this be some twisted plan of her own? She pretends to have a real problem just to lower me into a false sense of…No, I’m reading too far into this. Then what am I missing from this? What is her goal saying that to me?)

Danny who could be said to be one of the most rational at this moment, could not for the life of him comprehend what was going on and because of that, he was overlooking Detra’s words and it was sending his rational mind down a path of confusion and outlandish thoughts. His logic was thrown out the window. Detra could see he wasn’t processing what she said and added.

“While he and Etora were fighting with the southern Beast King and the Eastern Beast King, Fera attacked them in a cowardly manner. They couldn’t defend themselves properly and because of this, Glacious, Etora, and both the Beasts Kings, Azar, and Berus are no longer among the living.”

Danny was silent and his metallic face was unmoving like a statue.

As Detra added more details, something immediately stuck out and his irrational thoughts ceased. His senses aura shot through the mountain base in an instant and observed the dome. Sensing it, the same thought came back to him again and again.

“Zetrazz would have had a dome covering the fight. He loves entertaining fights more than anyone in the entire world. He would have never allowed Fera to simply enter his domain. Does this mean Torzz was there as well?”

Detra was surprised Danny’s thoughts could switch so easily. He had just heard that Glacious and Etora were gone but he was already asking for more details instead of mourning their loss.

Detra nodded.

“Yes, my oldest schemed with Fera and he interfered with Zetrazz, this allowed Fera inside the dome. After Fera got over her own distraction, she attacked and

“Stop! Fera became distracted. I did not know that was possible. For that to happen something absolutely shocking had to have happened but what could shock her of all people.”

Detra was feeling annoyed that Danny had told her to stop talking but after sharing her thoughts and feeling with him earlier, she looked at him with a small amount of favor now. So her anger was not very high at this moment though it was still there.

She knew why Fera had become distracted, it was because Kazuki was there. Just as she was about to tell Danny, Danny’s gem-like eyes lit up as he shouted.


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