Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 67

Detra found the whole idea utterly ridiculous, well at first anyway. She had indeed seen Kazuki’s cleverness and ability to escape dangerous situations, completely flipping things in his favor. If Kazuki’s growth truly was as fast as Danny said, then he could be viable to move about the higher realms within a hundred years.

(Even if Kazuki is slow in cultivating, it matters not. A hundred years or a million, I’ve waited so long without a word of my husband, I can endure a little longer. The question is, is this Kazuki actually having a breakthrough. Is he entering the Mind-Body-Soul stage or not. What am I even doing? Is it ok to put my hopes on a tiny human? Can a human even be entrusted with my will?)

“How can you guarantee this Kazuki will actually agree to any of this?”

“You’ve seen my memories of him. When we all first came here, none of us were friends nor did we have any real or meaningful connection. Even still, when Kazuki could have abandoned us when we could have died and he had nothing to gain, he saved us several times. When he and Nunully were trapped in the sky prison, he had only known Nunully for a few hours, yet he rescued her from there. He’s done this too many times to count. If he would go so far as to risk his life to save basically strangers to him, what would he do for people he actually cared about and loved. I swear to you, Kazuki will do this. You told me about your husband earlier, and I told you how far Kazuki is willing to go. Tell me, how far are you really willing to go for the person you love? In the end, though the decision is yours have you really considered the deal.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“All the things I could have asked for. For example, I could have asked you to deal with your sons. I know you wouldn’t kill them but for someone with your power, I’m sure you could find a way to trap them or at least separate them. Another thing is Fera. You mentioned you could not fight with her mom because of her mother’s background but you didn’t say anything about fighting Fera. Even if you can’t fight her, again with your abilities, I’m sure you could come up with something to hold her off. I could have asked for things that would save humanity but you’ve already made your stance clear. Instead, I’ve only asked for you to rescue this group of people here. To save all of us, I bet you could do it with a simple snap of your finger. For you, this requires nearly no effort at all and costs you nothing. The other side of the deal though has many extremely arduous tasks. Kazuki must do 99.9% of all the heavy lifting and it puts all the pressure on him to complete your side of the agreement. This deal truly favors you greatly don’t you think?”

Detra agreed up to a certain point. For her, it truly was nothing to save Danny and everyone else here. Danny mentioned costs, and it was true, she would lose nothing in this deal, while Kazuki on the other hand would be risking his life searching the higher realms for who knows how long. The amount of danger in the higher realms was something that could steal a God’s life with ease if one was not careful. Even if fully prepared, cataclysmic cosmic events were not a rarity and could end you before you ever knew what happened.

The deal was heavily in her favor but at the same time, she could see through Danny. After looking through his memories, she now knew how incredibly intelligent he was. In the end, he valued his life and his friend’s life and so for him to have even a sliver of hope of getting out of this place, he tried to make it sound like his side was getting nothing and that it was Detra getting everything.

Now knowing this side of him Detra smiled.

“If I’m to accept this deal, there is something that must be confirmed first, right?”

“You need to see if Kazuki really is breaking through at the moment. If he is, it means his potential really is high like I said. However, if he’s not, our deal would dissolve instantly.”

Detra nodded.

“Your mind never stops moving but yes, we would have no agreement at that point.”

Danny thought about the possibility.

(Kazuki is alive but did not come here to the people he cares most about in the entire world. Instead, he showed up on that battlefield. Logically it makes no sense unless there was something to gain from said battlefield. Glacious and the other Ancient Beasts Kings are dead and knowing of Kazuki’s devouring ability, it only makes sense what happened next. He should be entering the 6th stage. I should not be wrong but if I am then I and everyone else are right back where we started.)

Danny thought of many different scenarios and played them out in quick succession in his head but the one he initially came up with was the one with the highest probability.

(Kazuki, I know you can do it. Please…pull another one off for everyone’s sake.)

“Does this mean you will check and see if Kazuki really is attempting to break through to the next stage? Or actually, how will that even work if time is paused right now?”

“If he was in the middle of trying to break through when I stopped time then when I sense him I will know, and that’s all you need to know about it.”

Danny was wondering when she would check but before he could ask, Detra’s eyes began to glow and he could feel both the power of space and her aura ripple out around him. The very next instant, a tear in space formed directly in front of Detra and her aura extended into this tear. Danny saw this and understood what she was doing and became impressed.

(She’s not teleporting her aura but rather opening a stable gateway between here and wherever Kazuki is. To teleport something is already an incredibly difficult task. Asuna has mentioned it before but one must do astronomical calculations to simply move an object from one spot to another but to keep a gate open, even I am having trouble fathoming the demanding effort.)

The moment a tear in space appeared in front of Detra, an identical tear in space formed and opened near the previous battlefield of the Ancient Beasts. The moment her aura entered the space gate it exited out the other side. Detra was immediately surprised when she sensed the area around her ad at first she thought she may have made a mistake.

(The bodies…are gone. Did I make a mistake, is this not the right location? No, there are scars of magic all around, I can feel them. The energy is far too dense in this area and I can still feel traces of the Ancient Beasts’ magic abilities. This is the spot but how strange for the bodies to be nowhere. Shall I take a look into the past and see where they went or…No, I don’t care. bodies or not why does it matter. I need to find Kazuki.)

Detra’s aura spread outward from the battlefield and she quickly sensed the Miasma as well as a powerful aura. Her expression became nasty but she also became confused.

(That aura, it seems slightly familiar but it’s nearly as strong as mine. Fera is underground in the south and so too are my son’s, yet this aura is as strong as theirs. What creature can be this powerful and go unnoticed from these watchful eyes?)

Detra’s aura shot forward as fast as possible toward the Miasma. The closer she got the wearier she became.

(This aura is far too powerful. I can’t even get a good look of the owner because the aura is blocking some of my senses. Is this a new threat? How could I have never taken notice of such a powerful being in my own backyard? Yes, I have been distracted as of late because of Fera and my idiot sons but I should have noticed this. Damn it!)

Detra opened another gate only a few hundred feet away from the Miasma and her aura was there in an instant. The moment her aura arrived, she saw something that absolutely shocked her to the core.

Floating in the sky, surrounded but completely unharmed by the Miasma was Kazuki.

(What is he doing, no more than that, the source of power, this aura that felt slightly familiar…It was Kazuki.)

Detra had only felt Kazuki’s aura a few times, usually when she was watching her son Zetrazz’s interactions with Kazuki. She couldn’t identify it right away because it was far too powerful from what she recalled. It made no sense that such a powerful aura would or could belong to a human but here Kazuki was. The evidence was plain to see and undeniable.

(How did this happen, no rather how is even possible for a human to have this powerful of a soul. Not only that but for me to not be able to see through his aura completely and for it to block my senses, he would have to be at the… 7th…stage!)

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