Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 97

(Even my ki is growing?)

Kazuki had essentially mastered ki back on Earth. At that time though his Granny master was still far above him in turns of power and application. He understood that even with the title of master, the difference between him and her was like the heavens and the ground beneath it. Now though, something happened. After absorbing the giant Azirian, his soul, strength, and toughness of his body grew. This was already a pleasant boon but after absorbing the godly aura, not only did his body and soul experience growth and change but his mind, Mage core, and even his ki expanded again and again.

His Mage core grew so fast and rapidly that it took up the entire space of his soul world for the briefest of moments before it suddenly condensed and shrank back down. He was slowly pulling in magical energy from the outside world. Tiny scraps of it and it moved like mud due to the element of space crushing down all around. After this explosive growth, the rate at which magical energy was drawn into his Mage core from the outside world was like night and day.

It moved like a guided river as it swept into his Mage core and granted him more power. This energy was purer, stronger. His ki as well was something that was a part of him and flowed naturally. After this growth though, his ki seeped from his body and overflowed. His senses seemed to open up and become refreshed as his ki moved with massive force inside him. It was almost too much to take and Kazuki had to actively concentrate in order to tame it.

(My ki has 10Xed. My healing factor would have gone up because of this.)

Kazuki felt a warmth in him that comforted one’s soul. Along with a thrill ran up and down his spine like lightning as he felt incredibly powerful at this time.

This feeling though was quickly pushed out of his mind because he realized that if he felt like this from absorbing godly aura combined with the millions of powerful souls within the giant Azirian, then Fera who now absorbed three in total would be the same. No, even more so.

(I have to make a move now!)

Kazuki felt his Mage core take in a vast amount of energy and his ki was beyond anything he felt. Now that he had all three energies back and in abundance, he didn’t hesitate.

The arm that had been blown apart by the three energies exploding within, in an instant, regrew back anew, stronger and better than ever before. With his soul and mind growing stronger and becoming clearer, he could feel that his control had grown as well. Before he could only combine the three energies in one hand, two if he struggled with everything he had but the touch of death could only go so far away from his body before it dissipated as the three energies ate away at each other.

Right now he felt everything falling into place under his power.

Ki flowed like turbulent waves rising in the deep blue ocean and magic moved like a wild river. Last but not least, his aura was like a forceful mountain lifting high into the sky. The three energies encircled one another and came together fusing and becoming a single power even more so than before.

Kazuki extended his hand as if it were only natural and called out to the world.

“Touch of Death.”

The fused power rushed through his body and out of his open palm. There was no sound attached to this attack nor could one perceive anything had actually been done. Only if you were at an extremely high level would you be able to tell how dreadful this power truly was.

To Fera though, this power, she had felt it moments ago. It had destroyed nearly half of her body and that was after it had passed through a sword that could slice apart a Titan. With this attack coming at her, one would think she would avoid it at all cost but it was obvious she had other plans. Her eyes glowed with purple light and she as well extended a palm. Before the touch of death could reach her, her hand slammed shut as she gripped at the air.


A sound similar to steam spread all around as space collapsed from every angle on Kazuki’s power. A black hole formed and collapsed in an instant and Kazuki’s attack was gone. The tear in space fixed and a strange silence was all that remained from this short exchange.

Skin, blood bone, organs, tendons, veins, nerves. Everything she had lost was repaired instantly. Her body had been fully restored. Fera couldn’t help but smile. Gripping her fist, the wind exploded and boomed as it tried to escape from her hand but simply squeezing it was far too fast and she had far too much strength.

“Kazuki, you seemed to have gained a boost from stealing from my compass but as you can see, your attack will no longer reach me. Even with Zephris trying to control space around me, my powers have grown beyond what he can fully control.”

As she said this, she calmly took a step forward. It was a little slow at first but only a moment later, a sound similar to glass shattering echoed out around her, and her movement normalized. At the same time the black compass around her was pulsing violently as if the godly aura within was pissed.

Fera gently pat the compass and whispered.

“Mother, calm your anger. That small amount of aura is nothing to you.”

The compass though only pulsed faster and faster. It was like the compass or rather the godly aura within was berating Fera at this moment and Fera quickly lost her patience and snapped.

“Who cares if Kazuki got some of your power. Maybe if you would have taken the rest of the souls out in time, he wouldn’t have eaten that small bit of your power!”

Kazuki was a little shocked. Yes, he knew that the amount of godly aura he had absorbed was only a small portion from the source but it was such a boost to his strength and power that it was hard to take in that there was some being out there and that this was only a small amount of their power. Not only that but the being in question was in fact by Fera’s own words just now, Kazuki’s adoptive mother Sephra.

Kazuki felt some disgust knowing that his newfound power came from such a vile person but at the same time another feeling rose within him. Knowing that Sephra was pissed that he had taken some of her power made him elated. Two emotions that seemingly didn’t belong together but Kazuki felt them both.

A strange smile spread across his face.

“Arguing with one another, especially at a time like this, you two are both so fucking twisted. Thinking back, I can’t believe I was ever fooled by Sephra. To think behind that kind smile was such a putrid piece of shit. I still don’t understand why father Lin ever married that bitch and why he didn’t throw you in a river the moment you were born.”

These words fell heavy on the ear. The black compass pulsing around Fera’s neck went still as if Sephrah was in shock that such insults were thrown her way.

Fera on the other hand was ready to explode in anger.

“What did you just say to me you insignificant dirty rat! Insulting my mother is one thing but wanting my Father to throw me in a river when I was born, Father would never do such a cruel thing. He loves me and I the same. Nothing can ever come between us…Nothing except you. Because of you, he lost everything. Because of you, he was forced to leave me. Because you exist, everything was ruined. Even now, because you continue to breathe you stand in my way but no longer. I will kill you today and all of your friends and lovers. Anyone and everyone you ever cared about will be wiped off the face of this world and they will have only you to blame. Once I’m done ridding this world of you and them, I will finally ascend to the higher realm and I can see Father again. I can be reunited and he will never be apart ever again.”

The compass began to pulse angrily again. Fera promptly snatched it off of her neck and somehow was able to store it away in her ring.

“Mother, you’ve spoken nonstop, be silent.”

Kazuki and Zetrazz and Zephris all took in Fera’s words. Torzz already knew Fera’s reasoning long ago and didn’t react but he understood what the other three were going through at this moment as he had felt similar when he heard her reason why.

Kazuki couldn’t help but look back at Torzz and could see his reaction to this was zero, indicating this really was her reason.

(What in the actual fuck is going on!?)

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