Return of the Fallen Volume 9 Chapter 98

Kazuki, Zephris, and Zetrazz all questioned reality after hearing Fera’s excuse. The three all exchanged the same dumbfounded expression before Kazuki felt his anger rising. His teeth clenched as he spoke through them, practically hissing his words.

“What…did you just say?”

Fera’s brows furrowed.

“You heard me you little shit. It’s all your fault father was forced to return and was treated like a criminal. Even now he sits under confinement because of your disgusting little existence. If you were never born, I would still have my father and we would be happy.”

(So she really didn’t misspeak.)

Kazuki took a deep breath trying to calm himself but he just couldn’t take it.

“So you’re telling me the whole reason you killed millions upon millions, the reason why you started a war with humanity, making them crumble apart and pushing them all to the brink, the reason you killed my brother, and nearly killed me on numerous occasions, the reason you had me and my friends hunted down like dirty dogs, the reason the world has become so fucked up, all of it was so you could be with father again…Are you…Serious?”


“Of course, you wouldn’t understand. It’s why fathers love was wasted on you. If you really loved him like me, you would stop at nothing to be together with him. You can’t understand it because he acknowledged you, loved you, cared for you more than he ever did for me. You were always the one getting in the way of our family. Even mother was like that for a time, that is until she found out who’s bastard you were. After that she finally saw what I saw, she finally realized the truth. You just like your real mother are nothing but homewrecking man stealing thieves!”

Kazuki was shocked. He didn’t understand what she meant right away. His real mother. Kazuki was unaware of who his true parents were.

(My real mother, what is this bitch talking about. I don’t even know who my real mother and father are but she’s blaming someone I don’t know and me, for stealing her father. What the fuck. I was always curious, wondering just why I was betrayed. Why my brother was murdered, why granny master had to die in all of this and this whole time it’s for some nonsensical reason. This bullshit logic!)

Kazuki’s anger turned to rage his head lowered and his tone went cold.

“I have nothing to do with stealing your father away from you. If he had no interest in you or your scuz of a mother, it was because he had a good heart and could see through your snake-like skin. You were always a vile nasty thing while I was simply just trying to live my life and be happy. I just simply wanted a family, while you just simply wanted to hate me. It’s no wonder father couldn’t love you or your mother, you and Sephra were monsters the whole time.”

Fera’s eyes widened in disbelief.

“Father didn’t love me you say…”

Power swiftly gathered from all around and surrounded Fera.

Kazuki and Zephris made their own moves. Zephris tried his best to suppress Fera with the element of space and also unleashed a tidal wave of darkness that covered the entire sky.

At this time, Kazuki used aura strengthening and folded two hundred layers of aura around his body. The river-like flow of ki moved through him with astonishing speed. The wind gathered around his body and white flames sparked into existence beneath his feet as he moved like a flash.

Fera squeezed at the open air, trying to lock Kazuki into place with the element of space but Kazuki was moving at a speed she had never seen before.

(How can he move this fast.)

Fera saw Kazuki’s astonishing speed and was left stunned but she quickly recovered. Her eyes glowed with purple light and she once more placed a veil of space energy over a wide area. Now not only Kazuki but Zetrazz, Zephris, and even Torzz could not escape from this place. This caused Torzz to freak out internally. He did not wish to admit such things but he understood that he was considered the weakest in this group of powerhouses.

He was unsure of Zephris and his brother’s capability in killing him but it was now obvious Kazuki could do it with his touch of death and Fera could as well. If any of their random attacks hit him, Torzz didn’t know if he could survive.

(I have to escape from here. I cannot return the world to peace if I die.)

The thought already defied his own logic of mortality and immortality but just thinking it into existence seemed to make the possibility that much more real.

(Must escape before it’s too late!)

Torzz fled to the edge of the domain Fera created but he quickly found out that he could not pass through the barrier she had set in place. The veil of space energy was so strong and crushing that he could not only feel it on his body but the effects were applied to one’s soul as well.

(She’s combined her aura with the element of space, how? With this, I can’t leave here without my soul being crushed and destroyed.)

“Brother, where do you think you’re going!”

Zetrazz caught up to Torzz and called out behind him. Torzz thought he wished to continue their fight but he saw the same expression he had on his younger brother’s face.

“Zetrazz I…”

Zetrazz nodded in understanding.

“I get it but even if this barrier wasn’t around we still can’t leave. Those two have become too powerful. If we don’t attempt to block their destruction then the world will really be destroyed this time.”

“You want me to help when we could die at any time?”

“That’s exactly what I want you to do. Neither one of us wishes to see the world be destroyed, even if you were angry before and almost broke it yourself, you’ve surely sobered up by now. If we don’t block their powers from reaching the ground…there will be nothing left. AWe don’t like each other, in fact, we both hate each other but if we don’t work together, you already know the results, don’t you?”

Torzz did not wish to stick around and it was true he did hate his brother and wished to see him dead but at the same time, Zetrazz was right. They had to stay and work together, that or have their home vaporized. Torzz had lost his head in the heat of the moment and had almost broken the world earlier but seeing Fera, Kazuki, and a bit of Zephris’s power, he knew what would happen if he just stood on the sidelines and did nothing.

(Damn it all!)

“Fine, but I am going nowhere near that place. I’ll use my power from here, I don’t think you’ll have any complaints then?”

Zetrazz nodded.

“It seems my shit of a brother was thinking the same as me. Why get close to that madness. It no longer makes sense. When all is said and done, I’ll gladly throw down with you but for now, we’ll stick to this outer rim and stay in the background.”

Torzz could feel his anger rising from the insult but he knew now was not the time and for once in his life he let it go.

“Fine but get far away from me. I don’t want to see your ugly appearance.”

Zetrazz chuckled lightly.


“Brother you realize we look similar. I’m just the younger version while your the old old old old old version of me.”

The air began to shake around Torzz as his power gathered around him. Zetrazz smiled before turning into black fog and flying away. A lingering laugh was the only thing he left behind.

(The bastard. Even in this situation he tries and push me to the edge. Keep laughing little brother. Fera only needs to absorb the souls from the last of the giant Azirian’s and her evolution will be complete. When that happens, your death is guaranteed. You, mother, Kazuki, Zephris, and all the other human insects.)

Torzz and Zetrazz once more placed their combined powers into the surface of the world. This time however instead of covering the entire planet, they concentrated all of their focus within Fera’s domain. The thought was that if Fera was trying to control this area it meant that her powers and the destruction they bring would be highly concentrated in this place.

In this way they could put more of their power in one place, one focal point increasing the durability and strength of this place. Darkness and aura breath sank into the ground and covered the surface as well. White flames flowed in between the darkness and neither one snuffed out the other as the energies worked in cohesion. Torzz transformed the land into something harder than diamond. He wanted to make it stronger and wanted to copy Kazuki making god metal but that was something he didn’t know how to do. Instead, he added a powerful source of gravity but instead of a pull, the gravity flowed in reverse and pushed things away.

Even if one wished to drop a mountain on the ground, with his powers, the mountain would have trouble landing.

(This has to hold…please hold.)

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