Adventurers on a Remote Island – Part 02

“What a lively town.”

“Looks like you’re recovered from your seasickness.”

“Yeah. As soon as I stepped on land, I felt way better.”

Most passersby carried fish in net bags or baskets. The fish were unlike any they had eaten before, bearing striking colors that made you take a second glance—pink, yellow polka dots against black, among others. The way they were handled with care suggested they were meant for consumption. And every folk around was a demi-human.

Small boats shuttled back and forth. People buying and stocking up goods haggled loudly at the port. Fellow travelers from Hikaru’s ship gazed around in awe and admiration.

They look like country bumpkins… We probably look the same, though.

Smiling awkwardly, Hikaru started walking, feeling excited.

The streets were unpaved. Most of the houses were constructed of wood, with floors raised approximately fifty centimeters above the ground. It reminded Hikaru of the raised-floor style dwellings from ancient Japan, and indeed, the architectural style resembled the ones from that era.

Hikaru had read in a book beforehand that the purpose of raising the floors was to improve ventilation due to the abundant rainfall experienced on the island.

Various objects adorned the top of the cone-shaped, thatched roofs—a fruit dummy for a fruit shop, a copper plate adorned with clothing motifs for a clothing store, or a dummy chicken for a regular residence.

The stone structures were mostly medium-sized shops and inns. And their first destination, the Adventurers’ Guild, was also crafted from stone.

Double doors fixed with metal fittings opened to the left and right. The glaring brightness outside made it difficult to see inside. Hikaru attempted to step forward, but froze in his tracks.

“Hikaru? What’s the matter?” Lavia asked, her brows furrowing in confusion.

Hikaru was too stunned to respond. What is she doing here?

She stood at the guild counter alongside some Beastmen.

“I’m planning to explore the Maze of Magic Locks tomorrow, and I need a permit.” Her carrying voice was familiar. “I’m a Rank C adventurer. Here’s my guild card.”

The words Rank C set the guild astir.

“My name is Jillarte Kostenlos Jäger.”

Hikaru had absolutely no idea what Jillarte was doing here. Although she wasn’t aware of Silver Face’s true identity, it was best to avoid any contact. He quickly turned around to leave.

“What’s with all the ruckus?”

Hikaru looked up at the towering figure in front of him. Standing over two meters high, he had a broad build that matched his height. He appeared to be in his twenties, but his tanned skin and portly physique made him look much older.

A round nose sat above his thick lips, and his monolid eyes were fixed upon Jillarte at the counter.

Are you serious?

Hikaru stood dumbfounded. The man had brown, curly hair cascading down to his shoulders, and on top sat a pair of ears.

A real rabbit Beastman?! It does not fit him at all!

Hikaru remained rooted in disbelief, so the man brushed him aside and strode inside. The forearms protruding out of his leather chest guard was covered in thick fur. The stark contrast with his endearing rabbit ears was jarring.

As the man passed by Hikaru, he saw a massive battle axe strapped to his back. A rugged chunk of iron, its blade was sharp and polished. Judging by the well-worn weapon, it was evident that this man was a skilled fighter.

Thankfully all attention went to the rabbit-eared, axe-wielding giant. Jillarte alone briefly glanced at Hikaru, her eyebrow raising momentarily, but the rabbit-eared man’s next words swiftly drew her attention back.

“So, it’s true that Einbiest’s deputy leader is a human,” he said derisively.

The Beastman made his way toward the largest table in the guild’s lobby, and everyone sitting there rose.

“Good day to you, Boss Gogo!”

“Would you like something to drink? I’ll buy you some ale.”

“Please have a seat.”

They guided him to the farthest seat in the back.

“Miss Jillarte, here is your dungeon entry permit.”

“Thank you.”

Once the man named Gogo settled down, time resumed its flow. Jillarte pulled her eyes away from Gogo and accepted the permit from the counter. With her Beastmen companions in tow, she started walking. She cast a glance at where Hikaru was earlier, but he was no longer there.

That was way unexpected.

Hikaru had moved to a dim corner of the guild, with his Stealth and Group Cloaking on. He held Lavia’s hand with his right and Paula’s hand with his left.


Jillarte led a group of ten individuals, all of them Beastmen. The last one to leave, a man with fox ears and a fox tail, turned his gaze towards the table where Gogo sat.



The fox-eared individual nodded, and Gogo grinned. The fox Beastman then left the guild.

What was that? If he’s with Jillarte, that means he’s from Einbiest. But it looks like he’s acquainted with that Gogo guy.

There wasn’t enough information to draw any definite conclusions.

“Lavia,” Hikaru called.

“…Yeah,” she replied somewhat sluggishly. There was a hint of worry in her eyes.

Oh, does she think I’m worried about Jillarte?

Hikaru only helped Jillarte on a whim. Nothing more, nothing less. Watching Jillarte’s earnestness reminded him of his past life, where he struggled to live up to the name Hikaru. That was the only reason he lent her a helping hand.

“It looks like Jillarte is headed to the same place as us,” Hikaru said. “I don’t want to run into her inside the dungeon, so let’s just chill for a few days.”

“…Are you sure?”

“Yeah, it’s perfectly fine. Old man Unken didn’t give me a deadline for the exam.”

The smile on Lavia’s face as she nodded gave Hikaru relief.

Jillarte walked along, lost in thoughts about the familiar-looking boy she just saw.

“Jillarte, I’m getting thirsty,” said one of her Beastman companions. “Let’s go have some tea.”

“Nah, how about some booze instead? I heard Southleaf Island brews this liquor—”

“Shopping comes first. I’ll find some clothes that suit Jillarte.”

Jillarte paid no heed to their words. It wasn’t that she was cold-hearted. Initially, Jillarte responded to them, politely declining their invitations. But they were persistent. They wouldn’t give up, even after being turned down. Apparently, trueborn Einbiest kids adhered to the motto of “Never give up on what you want.”

Ever since Jillarte’s curse was lifted, her beauty captivated not only humans but also the Beastmen. Jillarte eventually ran out of patience. She stopped caring and started ignoring them. The problem was that they persisted in inviting her out, undeterred by her dismissals.

“Michael,” Jillarte addressed the fox-eared man walking behind her.

He was slightly shorter than Jillarte and comparatively smaller in stature for a man. Most of the members selected for this expedition team were physically well-endowed, but he was a head shorter than the rest.

“Can we meet the dungeon guide today? I want to talk to them,” Jillarte said.

“T-Today? Uh, well, I’m not sure…”

“You sent a letter in advance, didn’t you? We arrived on schedule.”

“Ah, yes, the letter… the letter…”

Michael nervously scratched his head, his shifty gaze wandering. In truth, he had completely forgotten about sending the letter. The guide didn’t know they were on the island today, let alone their schedule.

He had joined this expedition team solely because he hailed from Southleaf Island. There was no other reason.

“Michael? Well? What did the guide say?”

“Well, um…”

Seeing no progress, a black-haired, panther Beastman interjected, “Hey, Michael, get your act together! We’ll be chilling at the inn, so go and see the guide quickly. Make sure to report back. Got it?”

“Uh, well…”

“Say that again!”

“Yes, sir!”

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