Battle at the Royal Palace – Part 06

Upon Lavia’s return from firing a beacon into the night sky through the window, heavy footsteps echoed down the corridor, indicating their arrival at the princess’s room. They knocked hard at the door.

“Princess Kujastria, you are suspected of being involved in the assassination of His Majesty the King. Please turn yourself in.”

“Is she not here?”

“Doesn’t seem like it. Should we open it?”


After pounding on the door several times, the lock flew off, and the door swung open to the inside. Over ten individuals stormed into Kujastria’s private chamber. The magic lamps they were carrying illuminated the room, but it was empty.

“Thank goodness we acted quickly.”

Lavia and the others had already moved to the warehouse one floor below, as suggested by Selyse.

It appeared to be a storage area for unused palace furnishings, filled with cabinets, chairs, and wooden crates containing pottery.

Though it was a spacious room, it quickly felt crowded as Lavia, Paula, Kujastria, Selyse, and Serika entered.

“What is happening?” Kujastria, sitting alone in a chair, asked.

“I heard something about His Majesty being assassinated,” Selyse replied grimly. “Do you happen to know anything about it?”

“What?! His Majesty was assassinated?! What are you talking about?!”

“We don’t know either. However, as Silver Face mentioned, it seems that many armed individuals are on the move.”

“Such violence within the palace is unacceptable.”

“If—and this is purely speculation—His Majesty, the person who runs the palace, was dead, wouldn’t it be possible?”

“Do you really believe that the king was assassinated?!”

“We must assume the worst. There’s no one else in the palace besides Prince Austrin who can openly mobilize people. Even he would show restraint if His Majesty was present. Yet their movement suggests otherwise.”

“What is my brother thinking?”

Kujastria already knew the answer, but she voiced the question anyway. She didn’t want to put the terrifying scenario into words.

“Your Highness, Prince Austrin is panicking. He probably learned about the meeting between the three Dukes. Even if he doesn’t know the outcome of the meeting, he may have concluded that if he waited for it, it would be too late.”


“I believe there’s a high possibility that he harms you under suspicion of the king’s assassination.”

Kujastria shuddered. “What should I do?”

“Today is the first time I have spoken to you directly, but I’ve come to understand something. You’re wise and possess the integrity befitting a future ruler. You should make your own judgments from this point on.”

Selyse’s words were cold, but Lavia agreed with her.

Being a ruler includes tackling all sorts of crises. She can’t turn to others for help every time something comes up.

Kujastria pursed her lips. “You’re right. I will wait here for the knights to take action. It shouldn’t take long. Once the Knight Commander returns, things will settle down at once.”


“Selyse, and everyone else, I apologize for involving you in this.”

“We are here on a commission, Your Highness. Please don’t worry about it.”

“You can rest easy!” Serika assured.

“Silver Face will be here soon,” Lavia added.

“And I’ll be here to heal your injuries!” Paula chimed in.

Kujastria appeared somewhat relieved by the repeated reassurances she received.

However, Lavia couldn’t help but wonder. Could this woman named Selyse be a noble in disguise as an adventurer? She seemed well-informed about the princess’s situation and displayed a keen understanding of politics.

Lavia herself had also become an adventurer, but her rank was only G. She had heard that once you reached Rank B, commissions from nobles started coming in. It made her ponder how different those commissions were from what she was currently undertaking, such as gathering herbs or killing monsters.

Hmm. I’ll leave the tough negotiations to Hikaru. His craftiness should throw off even nobles.

Lavia entertained some rude thoughts, but in a way, it also showcased her trust in Hikaru.

“So, Miss Star Face.” Kujastria directed a steely gaze at Lavia, causing her to flinch.

Could it be… Does she know I’m from House Morgstadt? No, that shouldn’t be possible. I’ve never attended social events, and even the king who wanted me didn’t know my face. Moreover, I’m currently wearing a mask, so it should be fine… It’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine…

Repeating those words to herself, Lavia asked, “What is it?”

“Are you, by any chance…”

She swallowed.

“…Silver Face’s lover?”

Lavia nearly suffered a whiplash from the question.

“Wh-What… Lover? Is that what you wanted to ask?”

“It’s an important matter to me. Please answer.”

Lavia let out a sigh. She felt foolish for almost losing her composure.

Collecting herself, she threw her modest chest out. “Yes, of course.”

“You’re lying!” Kujastria swiftly denied.

“I’m not lying. I don’t understand how you can dismiss it so readily.”

“Call it a woman’s intuition.”

“A caged bird princess like you doesn’t have a woman’s intuition.”

Paula gave Lavia, once a caged bird herself, a blank look.

“I don’t think a woman like you is a match for Silver Face.”

“Huh? Oh, but he is.” Lavia, irritated by the sudden remark, grabbed Kujastria’s shoulders and shook her.

“Eek?! Stop shaking me!”

“S-Star Face?!” Paula exclaimed.

“Stop, stop, stop!” Selyse intervened.

Serika watched with sparkling eyes. “A catfight has broken out!”

“Both of you… Do you understand the current situation?” Selyse reprimanded.


“I apologize for that.”

Still Lavia couldn’t accept it. While it was indeed inappropriate to suddenly grab Kujastria’s shoulders, especially considering she was a princess, what really bothered her was the sudden denial of her relationship with Hikaru. Backing down here would mean sullying her honor as a woman.

Hmm… Wait a minute. Why would…

A thought came to Lavia. She believed it was something she absolutely needed to confirm.

Then, noise came from the corridor.

“Let’s search the storehouse! If she hasn’t gone outside, that’s the only place she could hide!”

Mercenaries, apparently searching for the princess both inside and outside, arrived with loud footsteps.

Serika, closest to the door, nodded, and Selyse also nodded in response, hiding Kujastria behind her.

The door was already blocked by a toppled cupboard, making entry difficult. Serika gripped her mana-amplifying staff; she was going to hit hard the instant the door opened.

“Wait, I have something important to say,” Lavia said, drawing everyone’s gaze to her. “Why does Princess Kujastria address me with Miss but refers to Silver Face without any honorific?”

“Is this really the time for that?!” Selyse snapped.

“Hey, someone’s here!” yelled someone in the corridor.

“So they were in the storehouse after all. We’re breaking down the door!”





“Miss Selyse, you shouldn’t be too loud.”

“I can’t believe you can say that with a straight face,” Selyse said wearily. “You’re quite something, all right.”

“It’s a very important matter. It seems that Princess Kujastria has some peculiar feelings towards Silver Face. As his lover, his lover, I can’t overlook it.”

“Prying into other women’s affairs is beneath a respectable woman!” Serika argued.

“Y-You have a point…”

“Serika, Miss Star Face, I’m sorry, but could you focus on the enemy?”

The door knob was turned, kicked, and finally smashed with an axe, along with a yell. The flimsy door broke, revealing the faces of the enemies on the other side.

“I knew it! There are people here—”

“Song of an eternal journey, o’ constant traveler of the wind, lend me power. Air Wall!”


Serika instantly chanted a basic Wind magic that created a layer of air. It could block fire and serve as a cushion when jumping from high places.

Although lacking lethal power, the spell could be cast on the other side as long as there was a gap—even a narrow one—offering various practical uses with some clever thinking.

The layer of air that materialized in the corridor knocked away the mercenaries charging towards the door and pushed them back down the hallway.

This remarkable feat was made possible by Serika’s mastery of wind magic and her immense Mana Capacity.


“Wow is right!” Serika proudly exclaimed.

“Ah, the enemies are charging in!”

“Don’t worry! The layer of air won’t break easily—”

“They opened a different door to let the air through.”

“I didn’t think of that!”

A layer of air was literally just that—a layer of air. It could be redirected elsewhere.

“Song of an eternal journey—”

“Don’t let her finish chanting! Shoot!”

Even within the confines of the building, three men armed with bows launched arrows. Two were blocked by the toppled cupboard, but one managed to slip through—Selyse swiftly swung her sword.

With a swish, the arrow was cleanly severed in the middle and fell to the floor.

“On your toes, Serika.”

“Thanks! Air Wall!”

“I can use magic too if needed.” Lavia took out her short wand.

Serika swallowed, noting the aura of the wand wrapped with the mane of a Fire Drakon.

“Quite impressive!”

“I wish you showed that level of enthusiasm from the beginning,” Selyse said with a sigh.

Now the battle—the storehouse standoff—had truly begun.

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