Graduation Exam and Entrance Exam

Sweat trickled down his skin. The cells that comprised his body throbbed, revitalizing him.

Once belonging to a boy named Roland N. Zaracia, this body had merged with Hikaru’s soul, gradually adapting to become his own.

Hikaru believed that he had fully assimilated into this vessel, but there were still parts of himself that hadn’t integrated completely. Through rigorous training, however, he had finally managed to make those parts usable.

“You’ve made remarkable progress in this past month.”

“Of course… if you keep at it for thirty days… you’ll definitely see… some change…”

“Now, come at me. One more strike, and we’ll call it a day.”

“That was already… ten strikes…!”

“One weak strike doesn’t count.” Unken, guildmaster of Pond’s Adventurers Guild, stifled a laugh.

The training range, situated just a five-minute walk from the guild, had been exclusively reserved for Hikaru’s and Unken’s training sessions.

The training range was nothing more than a roofed area, offering minimal protection from the rain while leaving the ground bare and exposed. Hikaru’s intense movements had eroded the ground to a rugged state.

Thirty days ago, Unken proposed this training to Hikaru. Not wanting to reveal his true abilities—though Unken was already aware of what he was capable of—Hikaru reluctantly agreed to undergo this training, hoping to uncover Unken’s true intentions.

As their training commenced, Hikaru soon realized that Unken genuinely aimed to improve his skills. Despite possessing the Soul Board, which granted him combat abilities, Hikaru was still a novice when it came to combat techniques, so Unken patiently taught him the fundamentals.

The hottest part of summer was approaching, and day after day, Hikaru tirelessly challenged himself, drenched in sweat. Thanks partly to his points in Power Burst and Balance on the Soul Board, his movements had become more refined compared to a month prior.



Metals clashed, and sparks flew. Hikaru, seemingly losing his balance, swiftly regained his posture and unleashed a dagger swing, catching Unken off guard. Reacting instinctively, Unken intercepted the strike with the dagger he held in his hand.

“Can’t believe you blocked that…”

Exhausted, Hikaru collapsed on the spot, breathing heavily. He couldn’t even move a finger.

“Well done on that last one. I’d say you’re about halfway decent. Once you’ve recovered, come to my office. I have something to discuss with you,” Unken said, turning his back to Hikaru while subtly rubbing his right hand.

Hmm… Impressive progress. It’s hard to believe he had no prior experience in combat.

As Unken left the training ground, the scorching summer sun beamed down on him, the smell of earth drifting in the air. Freya, dressed in the guild uniform, came running from the distance.

“Ah, Sir Unken! I’ve been looking everywhere for you. Are you training with Hikaru again?”

“I can’t send an untrained child into the forest,” Unken replied. “I’m not that heartless.”

“What are you talking about? You’ve never said anything like that before… Wait, huh?! Hikaru is down on the ground! Did you push him too far again?!”

Freya stormed into the training area.

It might be a bad habit of mine to get carried away when I have fun. I want to pass on all my knowledge to him… But what comes next is an assassin’s technique. It would be cruel to teach that to Hikaru… Besides, that child is hiding something.

Unken had already deduced that Hikaru was the elusive Silver Face and believed that he possessed an unknown trump card, beyond his Stealth abilities. Hikaru’s exceptional physical prowess alone wouldn’t be enough to defeat Knight Commander Lawrence D. Falcon, known as the Sword Saint.

No matter how rigorous the training, Hikaru did not once use this trump card, and under Unken’s guidance, Hikaru’s foundation had rapidly improved.

That should be enough… How you grow next is up to you.

Returning to the Adventurers’ Guild, Unken went up to his second-floor office.

“However, the training isn’t over yet, Hikaru. It’s time for some finishing touches. You can consider this your graduation exam.”

On his desk lay a map of the continent, marked with the locations of dungeons known to the Adventurers Guild.

At the center of the continent lay a vast and barren expanse, deemed unworthy by any nation’s claim. However, even in such a land, there were habitable places, occupied by a handful of minority races. These races had formed a loose alliance known as the Confederacy of Einbiest.

At its helm stood the figure known as the Leader of the Confederacy, chosen every six years through a martial arts tournament called the Ruler’s Rumble. Currently, the position was held by Gerhardt Vatex Anchor, a Beastman of towering stature, a massive body covered in thick muscles, and hair that cascaded like a lion’s mane. Gerhardt had secured three consecutive victories in the tournament, now serving his thirteenth year.

Gerhardt’s spacious room, crafted from white sandstone, basked in an abundance of summer sunlight. Standing on a woven linen carpet was a girl—she was actually older than what the word suggested—with fiery red hair tied back in a single ponytail—Jillarte Kostenlos Jäger.

She had large, bright eyes, and her skin had a healthy, sun-kissed glow. Her radiant beauty defied the previous stigma she had endured as a member of a cursed race.

Despite standing before the leader, Jillarte retained her sword. Not out of special treatment, but rather, because Gerhardt could defeat any opponent barehanded. It strongly implied that there was no need for her to disarm.

The sword dangling at Jillarte’s waist was a slightly elongated short sword, a cutlass with a blade length of approximately seventy centimeters. She carried two of them.

“Jillarte, have you learned anything about Rising Falls?”

“Yes. I have gathered most of the details regarding the subsequent investigation. However, we have yet to find solid evidence linking them to the Theocracy of Bios.”

“Those despicable scoundrels.”

As soon as the name Theocracy of Bios came up, Gerhardt’s expression soured.

The Theocracy of Bios was a state dedicated to the worship of the gods of this world. Though it functioned as a nation, it expanded its influence through the establishment of temples and churches within various countries. Moreover, the Pope, the highest authority within the nation, held a strong belief in human supremacy, harboring disdain for Beastmen, particularly those like Gerhardt. They constantly harassed and antagonized them whenever the opportunity arose.

Einbiest, serving as a refuge for minority races, including Beastmen who had been driven out from various regions, had a long-standing history of conflict with Bios.

Under such circumstances, Bios’s direct interference in the Ruler’s Rumble was a definitive move. They had dispatched the Rank A adventurer party Rising Falls, concealing their affiliation with Bios, with the intention of assassinating Jillarte. Their aim was to plunge Einbiest into further chaos by killing the daughter of the previous leader.

Hikaru, disguised as Silver Face, took action, allowing Jillarte to survive the assassination while successfully apprehending all members of Rising Falls except their leader. Subsequent investigations within Einbiest failed to provide physical evidence of their connection to the theocratic state. Nevertheless, the overwhelming faith displayed by Ryver, a member of Rising Falls, towards the Pope left little doubt that the Theocracy of Bios was behind the chaos surrounding the Ruler’s Rumble tournament.

“They’re bastards, but if I personally march for war, countless lives will be lost,” Gerhardt said.

“I agree.”

“But if we kept shrinking back, it would set a bad example to our comrades.”

Jillarte’s lips curved ever so slightly upon hearing those words. Gerhardt referred to the residents of Einbiest as comrades. The term felt more personal than the generic label of citizens.

“And so, Jillarte, now that you have assumed the role of deputy leader, you must showcase your capabilities.”

Following Gerhardt’s third victory, he appointed Jillarte as the Deputy Leader with the purpose of elevating the status of ultra-minority races, often isolated even within Einbiest.

However, since her appointment, Jillarte had been occupied with studying the management and autonomy of the Confederacy of Einbiest, leaving her official duties untouched.

“I’m prepared to undertake any task, all in the name of Einbiest.”

Gerhardt silently observed Jillarte. “Have you moved on, even a little?”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Never mind. It’s not important. It’s good to see your enthusiasm.”

Gerhardt couldn’t shake off his concern about Jillarte’s descent into depression following the disappearance of Silver Face, whom she had worked with during the Ruler’s Rumble tournament. She seemed fine now, however.

“You’ve made considerable progress in your studies, haven’t you? It’s time to put that knowledge into test,” Gerhardt said.

“I thought you’d never ask.”

“But first, I need to see if you’re really up for the job. This is important, as it will also show others what you’re made of.”


Gerhardt was being too roundabout.

“This is related to our previous conversation. Are you familiar with the archipelago located south of the Theocracy of Bios?”

“Only its geography. I don’t even know if it’s inhabited.”

“It is. And there’s a dungeon as well.”

Jillarte’s eyes widened.

Gerhardt chuckled. “Now that’s the reaction I wanted to see. You’re registered with the Adventurers Guild, correct?”

“I-I am… What about it?”

“So you can enter the dungeon without any issues.”

“Me? Enter the dungeon?”

Clearing dungeons was undoubtedly a prestigious pursuit for adventurers. However, Jillarte wasn’t sure if that fell within the responsibility of Einbiest’s deputy leader.

“In this particular dungeon, known as the Maze of Magic Locks, you can obtain highly concentrated elemental magic stones. You know how precious water is in Einbiest, right? A water elemental magic stone can sustain an entire village on its own.”

“So, you’re suggesting… I should fetch these stones. Doing so will benefit Einbiest, and I will earn the respect of others.”

“You catch on quickly. But you’re forgetting one thing.”

“What is it?”

“That place falls within Bios’ territory. Imagine Einbiest’s deputy leader entering boldly and legally snatching treasures. Isn’t that just amusing?” Gerhardt laughed. “You can consider this your entrance exam, to determine your recognition as a member of Einbiest.”

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