Sorcerer of Forbidden Arts – Part 03

As dawn broke, numerous people gathered near the main gate of the Tower. The somber toll of the bells announced the time: 6 o’clock in the morning.

Once the barricades erected by the knights were removed, the crowd proceeded in an orderly procession across the bridge toward the central gate. Knights stationed at the gate visually inspected each person as they passed by. It was the usual faces—Church personnel reporting for duty, merchants laden with wares, delivery workers bearing packages destined for the Tower.

At the same time, a steady stream of knights and soldiers who had concluded their night shifts, along with Church personnel, emerged from the main gate, passing by the incoming crowd on the partitioned bridge.

It was the usual sight. Another typical day in the Tower was about to begin.

The first to notice the anomaly was a staff from the Advanced Research Compound. Many of its employees arrived early in the morning, half-running, some nibbling on bread as they clocked in. Their distinctive attire of white coats over work clothes set them apart from the friars.


One of the staff, moving briskly with eyes fixed on the ground, observed something unusual as they passed by the storehouse. Blue powder in front of the door.

“This is powder from the alarm system.”

The alarm system, cleverly disguised as part of the roof, had an added safety measure. If you attempted to tamper with the device’s cover, it would release powder. There was a specific technique for handling it, and anyone other than specialized personnel touching it would inadvertently trigger the mechanism.

With limited nighttime lighting, it was very difficult to notice when this powder was released. The intruder must have overlooked it.

“It can’t be… Did someone access the storehouse?” The staff’s breath caught. “Hey! Someone fetch Lady Ranna! There might have been a break-in!”

The nearby staff, gearing up for their daily tasks, gave a start. A crowd gathered, and a few individuals hurried off in search of this Ranna. Their delayed response, however, benefited the intruder.

It took over thirty minutes for the Advanced Research Compound to get in touch with the knight’s quarters and the nighttime watch to be summoned. Woken up from their slumber, they recalled last night’s events. It took even more time for the news about the potential break-in to spread.

After about an hour since the main gate opened, the bustling crowd began to dwindle. Fewer people came and went, and the number of knights on guard duty had diminished.

A horse-drawn cart filled with stacks of wooden crates and covered with a straw mat departed from the Tower. The knights recognized it as a cart from one of the eateries inside.

The man walking beside the cart, leading the horse, was the usual supplier.

“Hey there.” One of the knights initiated a conversation with him.

“Ah, g-greetings, sir knight. How can I help you? Just the usual run, empty bottles and such.”

“Seems like it. Is something wrong? You’re sweating buckets.”

“I-I-It’s just the heat. Quite a scorching day today.”

“Really? Feels cooler than usual to me. Maybe you’ve caught a fever.”

“Ah, yes, perhaps. Well, then…”


The knight, wondering if the man could procure for him his favorite liquor, found himself puzzled by his odd demeanor. It occurred to him that his horse appeared more fatigued than usual, as if burdened with a heavier load.

“Fourth squad, assemble!” shouted a messenger as he spurred his horse towards them. “We have a possible intruder within the Tower! Report any suspicious individuals or anything out of the ordinary!”

The knight gave a start. The flustered supplier and his exhausted horse. What if someone had been hiding in that cart?

“Sir, I have something! There might be an intruder on the cart that just left.”

“What?! Let’s go!”

“Yes, sir!”

The horse bolted, and the knights followed on foot, moving at a considerable speed despite their metal armor. They surged through the main gate, crossed the bridge, and soon spotted the horse-drawn cart up ahead.

“You there! Halt!”

The supplier yelped as a horse blocked the cart’s path. A moment later, the knights on foot caught up and encircled the cart.

“You sell food and drinks inside the Tower, yes?”

“Y-Y-Yes, sir.” The man visibly shrank under the mounted knight’s sharp stare.

“What’s under the mat?”

“N-Nothing of value, sir knight.”

“Answer me!”

“Eek! J-Just empty bottles! They contained vinegar, oil, rare alcohol.”

“Inspect them.”

“Wh-Why?! Ah, wait!”

The man tried to shield his cargo, but the knights pushed him away and removed the straw mat.

“It’s… empty bottles.”


The wooden crates were filled with condiments and bottles of spirits.

“Just to be safe, examine every inch.”

“Yes, sir!”

The knights lifted the dirty bottles and checked beneath the cart, but found nothing unusual.

“Tch. What a waste of time. Let’s go!”

The knights returned to the Tower.

“They found nothing?” said an onlooker who had watched the commotion from a distance.

“Seems the knights made a mistake,” another added, before going on their way.

“Phew… Unbelievable.” The supplier rose to his feet and dusted off his pants. “Let’s go. Ah, good boy.” He started walking, leading the horse by its rein.

The knights had failed to notice that the horse’s gait was considerably lighter than when it passed through the gate.

“Phew, that was a close call.”

Hikaru trod cautiously through a back alley, a wooden crate in his arms, all the while maintaining his Mana Detection to keep an eye on his surroundings.

Hikaru had been hiding inside the horse-drawn cart, along with the crate of cure. The supplier had been bribed by the Empire’s spies. He was an awful actor, but managed to play his part and escape successfully.

With Stealth on, Hikaru had slipped out with the crate as they crossed the bridge and vanished into a narrow side path. Along the way, he monitored the Tower with Mana Detection, extending its usual range, and detected pursuers hot on the cart’s trail.

“Using the supplier to transport the goods was a clever idea, but I didn’t anticipate them catching on so quickly. I must have left some traces without realizing it. I can’t underestimate them.”

The trap, which combined a simple mechanism with sorcery, was designed to thwart Mana Detection users. Hikaru believed he had successfully bypassed it. After that, he staged a diversion by knocking over ladders and escaped through the side entrance.

Yet despite his vigilance, knights were sent after him.

Reflecting on his series of actions, Hikaru hastened to the rendezvous point with Unken. It was the same location as before, a lumberjack’s hut on the outskirts of the city.

As Hikaru ascended the stairs from the underground passage and entered the hut, the spies who were already there stared at him in astonishment.

“Is that… what I think it is?”

“It’s the cure. Diluted a hundredfold, it can save over ten thousand lives.”


“That’s absurd. Where’s the proof that you actually made it inside?!”

“Yeah, no way.”

Their skepticism stemmed from overconfidence in their own abilities and a mysterious man with a silver mask accomplishing what they deemed impossible.

It irked Hikaru. He had been carrying this heavy package all night.

“Enough,” Unken interjected. “We’ll know the truth once we test it. If Silver Face here is speaking the truth—if this crate can indeed save ten thousand lives—then there’s no need to reproduce it, and countless lives can be saved.”

“I guess… Unken, if these turn out to be fake, you’ll be equally guilty.”

“Guilty of what? Deception during a crisis?” Unken’s sharp gaze swept over the spies. “You idiots!” His voice seemed to make the air tingle. “What you all should be doing is getting this cure to the Empire immediately! What are you dawdling around for?!”

One of the spies darted out of the hut to prepare the horses. In no time, the wooden crate was whisked away, and the spies departed swiftly, leaving the lumberjack’s hut in profound silence.

“Sorry about that, Silver Face. And thank you. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. The Emperor will undoubtedly be indebted to you.”

“I don’t really care about that. More importantly, are you still working for the Empire?”

“I mostly work for Pond these days. Not much going on at the guild lately.”


Due to the overwhelming demand in the capital, the Adventurers Guild in the satellite town of Pond had become practically deserted.

“But well… How to put it? The past follows you around like a stubborn ghost. It’s annoying, but without it, you get lonely.”

“Is that how it is?”

“That’s just how it is.”

“I’m not sure I get it.”

“No need for you to get it, either. Humans live short lives. We Man Gnomes, on the other hand, live far too long.” Unken’s face turned grim momentarily. “Now, then. Your job is done. If you plan to return to the kingdom, I can arrange a carriage for you.”

Hikaru contemplated for a moment. “No.” He shook his head. “Based on what you’ve told me, I think I’ve figured something out.”

“Figured what out?”

“Either a Man Gnome or a significant figure from the Empire defected to Bios.”

Unken froze.

“It struck me as odd. The security at the Tower was too tight, and even spies as skilled as you struggled with the traps. The only explanation is that someone who knows you well set them up.”


“In addition, there was something strange about how all of this played out. Why did Bios suddenly resort to such a drastic measure as unleashing the Accursed Toxin? It could be due to fear of being outdone with the soul card tech, or maybe they’re feeling the pressure from their unfavorable situation in the war against Einbiest. But the abruptness of it all just doesn’t feel right. The same goes for Quinbrand. Why, after years of conflict, would they suddenly forge an alliance with Ponsonia to oppose Bios? As for the soul card tech, you’d expect some strategic timing when releasing such vital information. Putting all this together, I can only assume that there’s a severe rift between the Empire and Bios. And if the trigger was the betrayal of someone important, then a lot of things start to make sense.”


Unken remained silent for a while, then let out a long sigh. “Where in the world did you study to be this sharp?” He placed a hand on his forehead and shook his head. “Silver Face, if I share this with you, you’ll be deeply entangled in the conflict between the Man Gnomes and Bios.”

“I’m already deep into this mess.”

“I see. Then I suppose it’s okay to tell you. You deserve to know, at the very least.”

Unken briefly glanced outside, ensuring no one was eavesdropping. What he was about to disclose was information of utmost confidentiality.

“Your deduction is accurate. There’s a female Man Gnome named Ranna who was banished from our village. She earned the favor of Bios’ Pope and divulged Man Gnome secrets.”

“Man Gnome secrets?”

“I’m afraid I can’t elaborate on that. But I can tell you this much. Ranna was banished for conducting forbidden research. The Pope likely offered Ranna protection and research freedom in exchange for the Man Gnome’s secrets. Ranna created the Accursed Toxin.”

Compared to typical spies, Man Gnomes possessed advanced Stealth abilities. Ranna had devised intricate traps in anticipation of a potential intrusion into the Tower.

I see… The Emperor of Quinbrand is a Man Gnome. There must be some kind of secret hidden in their home.

Hikaru was deep in thought when he sensed someone approaching.

“Unken, are you still here?”

One of the spies had returned.

“What’s the matter?” Unken asked.

“I’ve received a detailed report about the war between Bios and Einbiest. Bios has modified their knights to give them wings.”


“I believe I told you about Einbiest’s retreat. Bios modified their knights and executed a surprise aerial attack. Bios called them angels or something like that. Both sides clashed again the next day.”

“So what happened?” Hikaru asked.

The spy turned his gaze to him. “Einbiest used archers to shoot down the winged knights, a strategy devised by the deputy leader, a human.”

Jillarte. Her image appeared in Hikaru’s mind. The last time he saw her was on Southleaf Island, waving her hand as he boarded a departing ship.

She’s doing great.

A warmth filled Hikaru’s chest.

“But Bios keeps sending more winged knights into battle, and Einbiest can’t take them all down. It’s pure chaos out there. The Tower probably knows this by now, which means it’ll get a lot tougher to move in and out of the city. Once we confirm that the cure is genuine, we will withdraw immediately.”

“Hmm, yes. Circumstances prevent us from continuing our operations here. Silver Face, I’ll get in touch later to express our gratitude. I’ll arrange for a carriage, so you should leave this place.”

“Hold on a minute.”

Hikaru racked his brains hard. Bios modifying knights to give them wings. Using sorcery to alter the body was considered taboo. The Man Gnome Ranna was likely involved in this.

Accursed Toxin and winged knights. Combining these two pieces of information led to one unsettling possibility.

“They’ll probably use the knights to throw poison at their campground.”

“That does sound highly likely,” Unken agreed.

If that happened, the damage to Einbiest would be catastrophic. Should he try to sneak back into the Tower to steal more cure? No, security had likely been tightened. It would be an exceedingly difficult endeavor.

In that case…

“Unken, can I ask you for a favor?”

Hikaru resolved to intervene in the war and minimize casualties.

“I want you to inform Einbiest’s forces about the threat of the Accursed Toxin. Show this to Jillarte and mention my name. She should trust you.”

Hikaru reached into his clothes and handed Unken a black piece of iron—a suntetsu.

“I don’t mind, but what about you?”

“Do you really need to ask?”

The odds of successfully stealing more cure were slim. He couldn’t estimate how long it would take to analyze the cure and reproduce it.

There was only one thing he could do.

“I’m gonna destroy the factory producing the toxin.”

The problem needed to be addressed at its source.

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