The Angel of Ruin and Blade of Shadows – Part 04

Shortly before this, Hikaru had noticed two maids exiting the factory.

“Phew. I didn’t sign up for late-night shifts,” one of them griped. “Living in, three square meals, and decent pay are nice, but working at night is tough.”

“You’re telling me,” the other agreed. “And we don’t even get to sleep in. We still wake up early.”

“Yeah. By the way, what kind of factory is this? The people in white coats always look so gloomy, and they work late into the night.”

“And then we have to clean up after them. Can’t they show us some empathy?”

“I know, right?”

Muttering complaints, they strolled away.

The servants had no inkling of what was being produced here. If they did, no one would want to work in this place.

Hikaru and Lavia waited for them to pass before entering the factory.

Though many traps were installed throughout the factory, they posed little challenge to Hikaru, whose Mana Detection was maxed out. His prior experience in the Tower had also prepared him well.

The factory appeared almost deserted, except for a lone individual who seemed to be asleep.

“How do we destroy this place?” Hikaru wondered as he studied the manufacturing facility.


Burning everything down was a possibility, but it risked setting the nearby lodging on fire, potentially harming or even killing the oblivious servants.

Setting the stocks and materials ablaze was another option, but it would only temporarily halt production.

Hikaru’s gaze fell on the altar, the most suspicious thing in the facility. Just then, he sensed someone approaching and swiftly hid in the shadows.

Is that Ranna?

She looked young, but her pompous gait and sassy features indicated it was her.

Hikaru caught fragments of her mutterings, and a grin spread across his face.

“Lavia, destroy that altar.”

The altar was the key to the poison production process, and replacing it would be difficult. That was all the information he needed.


Lavia unleashed a fire spell, obliterating the altar and reducing it to ashes. The intense heat forced Hikaru and Lavia to retreat outside. An alarm sounded behind them.

“Wouldn’t it have been better to do that after she left?” Lavia asked.

“We didn’t have that luxury,” Hikaru replied.

“How so?”

“We need to make a quick escape…”

As they exited the building, Hikaru grabbed Lavia and leaped to the side.

Immediately after, a slash struck the exact spot they had occupied just before.

A slash didn’t sound apt. It resembled a gust of wind that was sharp enough to cleave through the earth with ease, sever the door in its path, and shatter the building’s wall.

The strike resembled white flames, but dissipated into the air with an electric afterglow.

A man suddenly appeared. The way he casually swept back his blond hair gave off an air of arrogance.

“Huh? I thought I got them. Also, it’s kind of hard to see. It’s not just because of the darkness of the night.”

That sword is dangerous.

The sword in question was a claymore, its blade extending just over one meter. Despite its size, it could be wielded with both hands if gripped firmly.

Unfamiliar inscriptions were engraved into the blade. A beautiful sword, with leather wrapped around the hilt.

The amount of magical energy radiating from the sword was overwhelming, as if a colossal figure stood right there.

Able to sense the mana, Hikaru was eager to eliminate the threat and make a swift exit.

“Lord Igloo, what’s happening?!”

The man giggled. “Everything’s fine. Just catching some thieves… You all can return to your beds.”

The frightened maids quickly retreated. This man had emerged from the lodge, it seemed.

Igloo? Igloo… Igloo Fullblood!

In Hikaru’s mind, memories of the Ruler’s Rumble tournament held in Einbiest came rushing back. The archer he had faced had been skilled, and the leader of their party, Rising Falls, was none other than Igloo Fullblood.

As their leader, Hikaru expected him to be even more skilled than the archer.

What complicated matters was despite Hikaru using Stealth, the man had managed to locate him and launch an attack.

A crowd began to emerge from the lodging, some of them hurrying toward the factory.

“What do we do, Hikaru?”

“We hightail it out of here.”

Hikaru’s Stealth ability was at the highest level, but with Lavia accompanying him, he had to use Group Cloaking. Igloo seemed able to handle this level of Stealth, sensing them vaguely but not pinpointing their exact location. When Hikaru and Lavia moved, Igloo’s gaze followed them, but his eyes fell on a slightly different spot.

“Hmm… You won’t get away that easily.”

Igloo firmly gripped his sword with both hands and swung it with abandon. A white light gathered on the blade, forming a slashing attack that arced toward Hikaru and Lavia.

Hikaru pushed Lavia’s head down, and they dropped to the ground. The attack swept just above them, striking the trees instead and cleaving them in half.

What an absurd weapon! What is that range?!

Hikaru shivered as he witnessed the trees crashing down.

“Oh, it’s the famed sacred sword!” said one of the onlookers.

“The sword bestowed by His Holiness upon Lord Igloo!”

“So cool!”

People were also coming from the direction Hikaru and Lavia were supposed to flee.

“The factory is up ahead! Don’t let anyone escape!”

Dozens of individuals were approaching with rhythmic footsteps. The mana signatures on their metal armor were all too familiar.

“It’s the Knights Templar.”

Numerous questions raced through Hikaru’s mind: Why were they here at this late hour? How did they anticipate their every move? However, his immediate concern was devising an escape plan.

They found themselves surrounded. What could they do?

“Ugh, just my luck. Why did they have to show up now?” Gazing at the flickering magic lamps in the woods, Igloo let out a weary sigh. “Hey, you hiding in the shadows over there. Don’t think you can slip away without me noticing. If you keep hiding, I’ll just attack where you are.”

The darkness offered no response. Igloo clicked his tongue.

“Sir Igloo Fullblood! Leave this to us, the 6th Unit of the Knights Templar.”

“Did I hear that right? Leave exactly what to you?”

“We will catch the Empire’s dogs.”

“Can you see the enemy?”

“Well… But our units are currently positioned all around this area. It’d be nigh impossible for even the most skilled infiltrator to slip past us knights.”


Igloo stroked his chin, acknowledging the captain’s valid point. He could sense the enemy’s position to some extent, though not with pinpoint accuracy. If he revealed their location, the knights would likely handle the situation.

What irked him was that the credit wouldn’t be solely his. Igloo hungered for accomplishments; otherwise, he wouldn’t have achieved Rank A status as an adventurer.

If he insisted on his approach and the intruders escaped, it would be a humiliating failure. Igloo was a pragmatic man, capable of weighing the pros and cons of his choices.

“All right. I’ll tell you where they are. Follow my sword. Behind the trees, about fifty meters ahead.”

“Thank you for your cooperation. 6th Unit, move out!”

Approximately a hundred knights sprang into action. The total darkness did not hinder their movements, and in less than a minute, they had encircled the location of their target.

“There’s no sign of movement. Why?” Igloo wondered. “They had a chance to escape before they were surrounded. Then again, I would’ve dealt with them immediately the moment they moved.” The holy sword resting on his shoulder glinted.

Hikaru and Lavia remained hidden among the trees, holding their breath.

The knights had them surrounded. While their magic lamps weren’t very effective at illuminating the night and dispersing the forest’s shadows, an increase in their numbers would eventually reveal their whereabouts.

“Hikaru, should I use magic?” Lavia asked.

Logically, using magic could offer a way out. Lavia’s most powerful fire magic, Flame Gospel, could incinerate dozens of knights. Atonement Flame was a viable option as well. This hybrid magic, blending holy attribute with fire magic, lacked lethal force against humans but was staggering. First-time opponents would likely be startled and dodge, which could be their opening to break through.

But something doesn’t feel right…

Hikaru was being cautious of Igloo. His sword was formidable, but his abilities were also a cause for concern. He had fought against Igloo’s fellow party member Ryver, who possessed extraordinary archery skills. Igloo might be equally or even more capable.

Making a move now might just be what he wants…

He wanted to examine Igloo’s Soul Board, but he couldn’t approach that closely.

We have no choice but to go with Lavia’s magic. I’m still worried… but time is running out.

Igloo seemed to rely on the Knights Templar and showed no inclination to take direct action himself.

“Lavia, begin the incantation.”

“What spell should I use?”

“Let’s go with Atonement Flame.”

“Got it.”

As Lavia commenced her incantation, her body faintly glowed, her magical power surging. Group Cloaking managed to conceal the effects.

We should be fine; my ability specializes in escape. There’s no one I can’t evade…

Nonetheless, anxiety lingered in Hikaru’s mind, like a stubborn stain on glass.

Crack, crack, crack!

“Lavia, stop!”

Just as Lavia finished her incantation, a section of the factory collapsed, accompanied by the sounds of wood splintering.

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