The Angel of Ruin and Blade of Shadows – Part 07

“First squad, fifteen wounded! Continuing the fight is difficult!”

“Second squad, no wounded, we can continue!”

“Third squad, a few wounded, we can fight!”

“No response from the fourth squad!”

“Find my sword quickly!”

Knights had gathered in front of the factory, surveying the damage. The fourth squad had taken the brunt of the casualties, being the first to enter the factory. Their commander, who had directly confronted the chimera, had suffered a fractured left arm, but was holding on thanks to basic healing magic.

Meanwhile, Igloo was making a loud fuss, demanding the retrieval of his sword swallowed by the chimera.

“First squad, tend to the wounded. Third squad, search for the fourth squad. Second squad, follow me to track down the monster!”

“Hurry up! If my sword dissolves in stomach acid, there’ll be hell to pay!”


Disregarding Igloo as much as he could, the captain led a group of over twenty knights into the woods.

The second squad had no casualties as they had evacuated the dormitory’s servants, while the first and fourth squads had confronted the chimera, resulting in significant losses.

“Captain, I can smell smoke and blood coming from up ahead.”

“Smoke and blood? Did adventurers set up camp here?”

“No, this forest is state-owned land, off-limits to adventurers.”


An elusive black figure crossed the captain’s mind. Had that individual done something? Or had they attempted to fight the chimera and lost?

“Captain!” A knight from the front called out. “Th-The monster… it’s down!”


A minute later, they saw the chimera, still alive but bleeding heavily.

Its body was riddled with wounds, pierced by small blades, spear-like objects, and something resembling a dagger, all gleaming black, drenched in the chimera’s blood.

“Shadow Blade,” the captain mumbled.

“My sword! What happened to my sword?!”

Over the next ten minutes, the Knights Templar systematically killed the chimera. Igloo’s weapon was found inside the chimera’s stomach, along with a partially dissolved knight. The handle was melted, but the blade itself remained intact.

Agiapole, a city known for its refinement and upkeep compared to other capitals, had its share of run-down districts where the common citizens resided.

The once-white walls had weathered to a dingy hue, and the aging roofs hinted at leaks. It was to this church that Luvaine had ventured. An elderly man in a habit waiting in the chapel bowed his head.

“Ah, Father. I appreciate your help today.”

“It’s no problem.”

“We’ve set up a break room for you over there. Would you like some tea?”

“No, please. It’s quite all right.”

“Is that so? Well, then…”

Luvain had donned the attire of a deacon rather than his usual archpriest’s robes to avoid drawing attention. If word got out that an archpriest offered free treatment, they’d be swamped with patients. Even posing as a deacon, the news of free treatment drew many.

He’d been assigned to this church for healing services shortly after graduating from theological school. Later, he delegated this duty to others as his status rose, but they often neglected their responsibilities. When Luvain ordered them to fulfill their duties, they did so with a poor attitude, further angering the local residents. As a result, Luvain had taken up the task himself.

There were five such churches in the holy city. Besides traveling to rural areas to use his healing magic, Luvain continued similar efforts within the city’s confines.


Entering the break room to catch his breath, he looked utterly exhausted already despite the early hour. He wondered if he could manage the influx of patients. His reputation had spread far and wide, attracting patients from all over, not just the immediate vicinity.

He clenched his fists tightly. He had no other choice.

“Are you Luvain?”


In a place where no one should have been—no one was there when he entered the room, he was sure—a voice spoke.

Whirling around, he saw a person in a cloak, wearing a silver mask that concealed their face. On a bunk nearby lay a young girl.

“That child…!”

Luvain’s eyes widened. He noticed faint black spots on her hands, a telltale sign of the Accursed Toxin. Luvain was well-acquainted with this affliction.

“I-Impossible. An infected person in Agiapole? No, more importantly, her condition can’t be healed with healing magic. There’s a special antidote in the Tower, so if you just—”

The man with the silver mask shook his head. “This can’t be cured with the antidote. It’s an improved version of the poison.”

“Improved?! What are you saying—no, who are you…?”

In that moment, Luvain realized something. The cloak, the silver mask, the ability to erase their presence—the one who had appeared at the Ruler’s Rumble tournament.

“Silver Face?”

The man’s cloak and clothing were soiled. Luvain smelled blood and the scent of animals.

“I’m honored you know my name. Now, hurry up and heal her.”

“B-But this can’t be treated with magic…”

“If you can treat it, you can save others.”

“What do you mean…?”

“Just do it. You should be able to use Spellbreak Antidote now.”

“Spellbreak Antidote…”

Luvain was familiar with the spell, but it was never used by the Church’s healing sessions. He only knew it existed.

“I-I’ve never used that magic before.”

“It’s all right. You can do it.”


“A suffering patient is right before you. Are you going to abandon them?”


Luvain had a realization. Silver Face seemed to know he was a Healer, and one who offered his services for free, a rarity among Church members in Agiapole. But did Silver Face know he was also an archpriest? His attitude appeared to be reserved for deacons and friars.

His Holiness will chew me out if I heal Silver Face’s companion.

With thoughts of self-preservation in mind…

I can’t correct His Holiness’s mistakes alone. But perhaps this man… Silver Face is already going against His Holiness’s teachings.

If he couldn’t do it himself, maybe he should entrust this man. His Holiness had already been cracking down on anyone not following his own ideas. He didn’t care about the Church’s teachings preached by past saints. His methods of disavowing the past saints and endorsing his own ideals was a departure from the Church’s original tenet, and they did not align with the principles of the archpriest who had cared for Luvain.

Luvain decided that he would feign ignorance. He used healing magic because a patient needed it, nothing more. Typically, he didn’t inquire about the identity of the people he treated.

“Very well,” Luvain said. “I will try using Spellbreak Antidote. But I can’t guarantee it will work.”

“It will.”


Intrigued by Silver Face’s unwavering confidence, Luvain reached into his bag and retrieved a prayer book containing the incantations for healing magic. He had studied it thoroughly during his early days but rarely opened it now. It reflected how accustomed he had become to the usual spells he used and how little attention he paid to the rarely used spells.

Miss Ranna said it couldn’t be cured by magic, an opinion shared by the Healers who verified it. However, none of them tried Spellbreak Antidote. This spell is very difficult to cast.

Luvain had never succeeded with it in the past, but Silver Face, with absolute certainty, insisted that he could.

“Well, then…”

Silver Face stepped aside, and Luvain stood next to the sleeping girl. Her breathing was shallow, and she seemed considerably weak. Swift treatment was crucial.

“By the covenant passed down since ancient times, wishes are granted, contracts are fulfilled. O God who art in heaven, with thine purifying light, bestow upon this soul the breath of life once more. Spellbreak Antidote!”

Luvain was skeptical, but he felt his own mana flowing out. Spiraling light moved from his fingertips into the girl’s hand.

So this is… Spellbreak Antidote… How beautiful…

The divine light began its work within the girl, and the black spots on her hand vanished. He could almost see the light breaking down the toxin.

While Luvain marveled, Silver Face already had the girl in his arms.

“Thank you,” the masked man said. “I appreciate the help.” His tone betrayed clear relief.

“Who are you exactly? Why are you interfering with the Church?”

“I’m not interfering with the Church. I just can’t tolerate wicked deeds.”

“Are you claiming to be a champion of righteousness?”

Silver Face sniffed audibly. “Ask your bosses. Does the Church teach combining animals and humans to create new life?”

Luvain gave a start. He was clearly referring to what His Holiness termed angelization.

“I’ll be on my way. Make sure to keep some mana in reserve. You might need it soon. Consider it my payment for the healing.”

“Wait, I’m not done—”

Silver Face left the room, carrying the girl. When Luvain darted outside to follow them, he had already vanished.

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