The Boundary Between Worlds – Part 01

As the royal capital’s towering walls loomed in the distance, even Hikaru couldn’t hold back tears of joy.

It had been quite the journey. From the distant 37th floor of the Great Labyrinth of Runay-aas, courtesy of Soaarunay Saak’s spell for crossing worlds, navigating through various floors for days until reaching the 7th floor, where a familiar adventurer fell from the sky.

After fighting a Golem, Hikaru left behind both the Four Eastern Stars and the Einbiest Beastmen army—what the latter were doing here he had no idea—and headed straight for the surface, where he found himself right on the doorstep of the holy city of Agiapole. He didn’t think he would end up right in the middle of the Ponsonia Kingdom, but he never expected to be in a different country altogether.

What if the spell for crossing worlds could whisk someone between countries in the blink of an eye? Hikaru

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