The Boundary Between Worlds – Part 02

After all sorts of turmoil, the holy city of Agiapole was finally regaining its peace. The number of evil monsters from the wicked mountain in the distance had significantly decreased, giving relief to the people.

The hotel prepared for the Four Eastern Stars was one of the finest in the holy city, a place where dignitaries from various countries would stay. But after the battle with the Confederacy of Einbiest and the calamity caused by the Accursed Toxin, no dignitaries were staying there.

“Ugh, being cooped up for three days makes my body stiff,” Selyse said, stretching on the bed.

“Are you kidding me? You should stay in bed for at least a month after getting hurt like that! Your body should be more than just stiff!” exclaimed Serika, her eyes wide with surprise. She was in the middle of reading a book.

“Well, in Japan, injuries only heal naturally, but I have

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