The Boundary Between Worlds – Part 03

“Wh-Wh-Why did you do that, Selyse?” Sophie exclaimed the moment they boarded the carriage, her face mere inches from Selyse’s.

“Hold on, hold on. I’ll explain,” Selyse said, calming Sophie down. “It’s exactly what I said. I couldn’t celebrate getting a medal when so many people sacrificed their lives.”

“But your actions were truly remarkable. Oh, and of course, Serika’s magic was amazing too.”

“Sophie, do you want to become a priest?”

“What?! No, no, no. I’m perfectly content as a nun. Besides, becoming a priest would mean staying at a church somewhere, and I’d have to stop our activities as the Four Eastern Stars. Wait, don’t tell me.”

Selyse smiled. “That’s right. The Church wouldn’t leave you alone if you received that medal. We can’t afford to lose you now.”

“Selyse… You care that much about me?” Sophie looked at her with teary eyes, deeply moved.

I don’t want that kind of medal.

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